Power Kite Forum

12m Slingshot ranger

p8ntballsk8r - 4-10-2010 at 09:11 PM

Looking for one In good condition coming complete with lines, bar and bag.

let me know if you have one

DesertWindKiteboarding - 5-10-2010 at 09:22 AM

Sorry, I don't have one for sale but I wanted to ask if you have ever flown one? I have not but have heard pretty consistently that they are not very exciting from a performance or build standpoint. But again, I have not flown one. Just curious what you think of them?


shehatesmyhobbies - 5-10-2010 at 09:32 AM

I have one, and when the winds are steady, I love it. I performed the power line mod on mine to help with the tip tuck. It flies pretty good now. Can be very exciting to fly when the winds get to 10 mph and above! This kite has a ton of pull and will lift you if told to do so! I was using it in the buggy last fall at Wildwood in 15 mph winds and had to put it away because it was pulling me out of the buggy! For the cost of one of these kites, and an easy mod, I think they are worth it. Good luck in your search!

erratic winds - 5-10-2010 at 09:58 AM

I have a Ranger12 and I recommend it highly. Great construction for the price (I would pay up to 350 for a Ranger12 package ready to fly and that would have to be in truly mint condition, which is still a great deal on any 12 meter foil).

The "modification" we are talking about is really only extending two lines a little bit, incredibly easy to do, reduces tip tuck, that's all.(I have also altered my lines to add "ohshi-" loops for flagging the kite completely, the stock safety setup is nothing like a FULL depower safety. This was $8 in parts from the slingshot web store and velcro from homedepot.)

The Ranger12 is definitely a "backcountry"(get you there) style kite instead of a "freestyle"(tricks all day) kite. It pulls like a truck, massive grunt, not the best turning speed. You can still bust massive airs with it, if you so desire.

The bar is high quality as far as build/components, the camcleat works well enough even though it's not my preferred method, and the active stopper ball works great. Grenade chicken loop is great, never had a problem with it.

Overall, they're usually a great deal for the price.

p8ntballsk8r - 5-10-2010 at 10:21 AM

Yep I've flown one, I've currently got an Ozone Frenzy and couldn't believe how much more boost I could get on a Ranger when jumping.

If someone's looking for a trade, I'd put my Frenzy up against a Ranger Plus $200

WELDNGOD - 5-10-2010 at 03:22 PM


Feyd - 5-10-2010 at 03:27 PM

U2U sent.

Love the Ranger. Once the mods are on it turns into a hell of a great kite. Turns well for a bigger kite, TONS OF GLIDE, it's the first kite I was ever able to do a kiteloop with (amazing what you'll try when you have deep snow to play with) so I guess it turns fast enough. I got it for a light wind rig and it got me a lot of days that I probably would have missed but it also rocks in moderate/heavy winds if you weigh enough.

I have the 9m as well. Also great but the 12m is my fav.

p8ntballsk8r - 5-10-2010 at 04:57 PM

Due to the pm's I have received I must have been unclear. If you're looking to make a trade instead of sell your Ranger, I would like an additional $200 because of the difference in prices/value of the kites.

erratic winds - 5-10-2010 at 05:22 PM

Yeah....good luck with that. A used kite is a used kite. Whatever they retailed for new isn't usually very applicable when talking about used kites that are AT LEAST 5 years old.

I mean, you believe the Ranger12 is an UPGRADE for you, yet you believe your kite is worth so much more than it? Doesn't make any sense to me. If it was an upgrade, shouldn't you be the one paying?

flyboy15 - 5-10-2010 at 08:12 PM

I believe the ranger is an upgrade from an ozone, and an ozone costs double+.....

kiteNH - 6-10-2010 at 12:36 PM

What Frenzy are we talking about here. Year/size. The Frenzy is probably worth more. You could always chuck it up on eBay or here on the forum and then buy the Ranger outright.

Maven454 - 6-10-2010 at 12:49 PM

I know he has a 2005 Frenzy, I don't know what size...

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-10-2010 at 01:50 PM

It is also 12m.

p8ntballsk8r - 6-10-2010 at 03:32 PM

yup 2005 12m

p8ntballsk8r - 8-10-2010 at 02:59 PM

Still looking for a 12m ranger, post your price if you have one.

bobalooie57 - 19-10-2010 at 06:34 AM

Check today's for sale section, mdpminc has a 2007 12M Ranger for 500 cdn.

erratic winds - 19-10-2010 at 10:24 AM

500 CDN? Rangers somehow shot up in value?

Feyd - 23-10-2010 at 12:08 PM

I dunno, I think that just because BC.com got burned and dumped the Rangers on line it doesn't make them any less valuable a kite. When they were blowing them out the market value was low, as a saturated market would dictate.

But now that they've all been snapped up and people realize that it's a hell of a nice kite (after some tweaks) I would think the $ would level off to a more appropriate price. Especially if it has the long bar because most of the BC.com blowouts came with the short bar which slows the steering considerably.

If the kite is in excellent shape it should fetch a fair price. If people don't want to pay more for the kite than what BC.com was selling for then they should have bought from BC when they had the chance. I would gauge the value of the kite more by age and use instead of what a few lucky people paid. It's not everyday you basically buy a bar and have a 12m foil thrown in.

I forget what they went for from Slingshot but $500 has to be at least half off. There may be some wiggle room there but you have to set a starting point to bargain.

It really is a great kite.

scheffdogg - 2-11-2010 at 07:58 AM

Just saw one posted on ebay - 12m RTF. I do not know the seller but they have good feedback. They want someone to start the bidding at $425 or buy it now for $499 w/$35 shipping. Seems a little steep for price but maybe you could shoot them an offer. Here is the link:


p8ntballsk8r - 5-11-2010 at 12:16 AM

Thanks for the link scheff, however I've got several friends who fly them and a was told not to spend over 300.

erratic winds - 5-11-2010 at 09:59 AM

Well TBH you're going to have a fair bit of difficulty getting a ranger12 for that price....Well, not one that hasn't been repaired.

Good luck

revpaul - 5-11-2010 at 11:54 AM

when i was looking for a 12m depower foil i was very interested in a 12m SS Ranger. i couldn't find one so i got me a 12m Pulse2.
just weren't any 12m Rangers around at the time, only 9m.
i heard of the tip tuck issue/mods but i thought there was an upgraded (newer) model Ranger. Did SS not upgrade the latter Slingshots to incorporate the mods present (at the time) users were doing to their Rangers? Isn't this mod upgrade akin what Flexi did with the Saber II?

erratic winds - 5-11-2010 at 12:16 PM

Paul-there was only the ranger for one year, SS abandoned foils except for trainers after that... The "mod" is merely extending front lines a few centimeters..

Some people love them, some think they are outshined by any other newer foil, I don't know. I just know it pulls like a freaking train.

Feyd - 7-11-2010 at 11:19 AM

Don't forget the 4.5 line mod with the bridle stoppers.

A little bit of added safety equates to a huge amount of confidence as far as how high a wind I'll fly the 12m Ranger in. Kicks the hell out of the stock safety.

Call it what you will the pigtail extensions are still a modification of the original design. One that makes a kite that was in my opinion almost useless a real treat to fly.

The pigtail extensions mod is also reliant at some level on removing the other pigtails from the equation. Depending exactly on what you want the kind to do. The specific lengths of the pigtails have a drastic effect on the kite. I mixed up the pigtail extensions from my 12m with my 9m and the 9m almost killed me. TONS of power, tons of lift and very little depower or control. Also if you set it up with a little extra length in the extension you can put settings in (knots) and have a HQesq multiple setting leader and milk a little more low and high end out of the Ranger.

If I were on the hunt for a 12m Ranger and found one that was in A+ shape I would definately pay more tha $300 for it because it was what I was looking for and it's worth it. I have two 12m Rangers and one 9m and I think they really are great kites. The 12m has pretty sick low end and the glide is retarded.

Man now I want to go fly one. Damn.

erratic winds - 7-11-2010 at 12:26 PM

Feyd- If you'd explain/link those mods, I'm sure people interested in the ranger would like them/need that info...

scheffdogg - 12-11-2010 at 10:14 AM

Looks like no one bought the kite on ebay. You could try sending the guy a lowball offer since you are not willing to pay that much.

InvertedForce - 12-11-2010 at 11:11 AM

Flyjump is selling a slingshot ranger 12m in almost perfect condition. Full RTF for $350

Feyd - 27-11-2010 at 09:35 AM

Here's a shot at another
