Power Kite Forum

peter lynn twister and harness

boonsy - 5-10-2010 at 05:30 AM

hey peeps,

im thinking of buying a 5.6m peter lynn twister and was wondering how you would hook that up to a harness to take the stress away from my arms. i noticed peter lynn sell a quick release strap. does anyone know if these are designed to hold 80kg. is there any other options of connecting the kite to a harness

acampbell - 5-10-2010 at 09:06 AM

Is this your first kite? A twister 5.6 is more than a handful if so and not a good idea without an experienced flier to help you out. The quick release strap that I THINK you are thinking of is meant to hook a control bar to a harness.


To hook handles to a harness, you use a strop.
That link is to Flexifoil strops which are meant only for Prolink handles but it gets the idea across. Peter Lynn makes strops for any handles but I do not have pics yet.

In any event hooking in to a harness is not a good idea unless you really know what you are doing. You can't un-hook when you need to the most, so the only safe way is to avoid the situation in the first place and mother nature does not always cooperate there.

WELDNGOD - 5-10-2010 at 03:19 PM

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