Power Kite Forum

Garmin GPS watch - upload your rides/speed and share

Terrablader - 19-9-2005 at 07:59 AM

Garmin has come out with Forerunner 301 what is really cool is to upload your rides, runs, etc on it to motionbased.com.

After that you can see your complete route over a satalite photo. Including your speed throughout the ride, descent rate ascent ect ect. Would love to see some logs of kitebladers. I allways wanted to know how fast did i really go skiing or whatnot now there will be no exaggeration!

I plan on posting some to motionbased.com when i get some worthy of posting.

I got it mainly to test out my Terrablades but it has lots of uses. Its cool to look at surfing logs. Some of these guys get about 30 rides in one session quite impressive! Some of the logs posted to www.motionbased.com are quite worthy and some are people walking thier dogs or worse..



doomwheels - 19-9-2005 at 01:15 PM

kiteskaters, not kitebladers. Blading is to skating as Coke is to soda.

Terrablader - 24-9-2005 at 10:09 PM

what is the diff?

doomwheels - 25-9-2005 at 02:22 PM

The term "Blading" is coined from a registered trademark of the Rollerblade corp. Referring to kiteskating as kiteblading is branding. Besides, it's not what folks decided to name the sport some 14 years ago when it began. Use of the term kiteblading has only appeared in recent years once all the kiteskating web domains were taken leaving people to become creative. This sport has been named and referred to as kiteskating since the beginning. No reason to change that now.