Power Kite Forum

hurricane Rita

bugymangp - 19-9-2005 at 09:47 AM

hey gang
the lastest models show RITA heading for texas.
i hope not. everybody down there be careful.
keep one eye on the weather and get out of the way if its headed your way.

mecdave - 19-9-2005 at 10:34 AM

Yeah, they're now showing a direct hit on Galveston as a Category 3 storm this coming weekend. I hope they're wrong!

action jackson - 19-9-2005 at 08:38 PM

Planning for the worst here at work, evacution (air)starts tommarrow at noon for katrina refugees to arkasas(4000) then waiting to see which base is next.Cleaned out the beach house today and kissed it good bye.This is a big deal!!!!!. N.O./miss/ala/ had .5 million people we have 4.5 million so it going to be a cluster to get them out but we are moving on it as you sleep.I will be locked in the emergency operation center from thursday to?.Please pray that we don,t see it but that chance looks slim right now.God Bless and hope to see yall on the beach in 2 months...........aj

bugymangp - 20-9-2005 at 05:00 AM

hey aj
i don`t know if your going to get to read this before the hurricane hits. be careful buddy. i`ll be praying for you.
now you got me worried about you.
i`ll be watching the weather channel with you in mind.
i guess mother nature is going to show us how nasty she can get.
again be careful buddy.

mecdave - 20-9-2005 at 07:52 AM

Here is the latest from AJ before he went home to get some sleep:

"Well as of 5am things are improving but stll not great.The forward speed of the storm is 15mph which will bring it in south of freeport.This is the dirty side for us.We need for rita to p/u speed to 18-22 mph(rare) to bring it in far south of us.pray for speed...............aj"

This puts Pat's, McDuffy's, and one of Terry's homes closer to a direct hit. Galveston and Houston, being on the "dirty side" means they will get the brunt of the rainfall and outer bands including tornados, just not the eye, hopefully. The beach will likely end up wide and hardpacked but full of debris.

PS Everyone needs to stock up on gas now. It's about to go through the roof!

God bless all.

mecdave - 20-9-2005 at 08:55 AM

Here's a great tracking map. There's more links at the bottom of the page...


bugymangp - 20-9-2005 at 09:35 AM

hey dave
thanks for the tip on gas. yea. before the last cane hit N.O
i filled up both my cars and stocked 20gals in cans.
my thoughts and prays goes out to all of my buggy family who might get hit with this thing.

mecdave - 20-9-2005 at 09:54 AM

Rick and Sarah are in Houston too and are threatening to head to Elmers for a little vacation. I told them to give me a call and I'll meet them out there, though Primm has cheaper hotels. ;)

krocdoc - 20-9-2005 at 11:07 AM

The local news on the radio was just talking about possible storm surges pushing all the way up to loop 610 south. That with the combined rain will be flooding for sure. Sure picked a good year to move from Pearland!

krocdoc (with bags packed!)

mecdave - 20-9-2005 at 11:27 AM

Jeeze that's what, 35 miles inland? That means Terry's main house (near the 15 mile exit off I-45) is in danger too!

Charles, get out sooner than later. The refugees from Katrina filled up the hotels all the way to Austin. They've thinned out now but there will be 10 times more people leaving the Houston area if it comes to that.

AJ is recommending folks head to the Hill Country (or farther) where I am (65 miles NW of Austin). I have a standing offer to all my buggy buds down there to come stay with me. I'm stocked up with supplies, just bring your own bedding as I'm short in that department. You have my cell phone number.

Take care,

krocdoc - 20-9-2005 at 05:21 PM

stood in line for 20 minutes to get gas this evening. This place is a madhouse and it looks like it will only get worse as the press continues their 'largest storm ever' reporting. We will certainly be looking at getting out of here no later than Thursday morning and possibly tomorrow evening. I've got all the insurance I can possibly have so it's grab the animals, clothes, and the hard drive! Dave, thanks for the offer, and we may just show up on your doorstep.


action jackson - 20-9-2005 at 06:28 PM

any body want to trade jobs for a few weeks?, meals included and plenty of overtime!:ticking:

kitemaker4 - 20-9-2005 at 07:03 PM

Hey all. If you are going to evacuate I would think about leaving in the middle of the night. Some friends left New Orleans at 3:00 in the morning and traffic was not bad then. I know when we left for Lily 3 years ago we left at midnight and there was no traffic. Stay safe and good luck.


mecdave - 20-9-2005 at 07:22 PM

Good idea Susan. Here is one of my experiences driving home one weekend from the beach:

For those of you thinking about waiting until Thursday morning to leave let me give you a little perspective on what to expect traffic wise.

Last Cinco de Mayo as I left Galveston for home there was a strong line of thunderstorms that came out of the hill country and was in Houston the same time I was traveling through. Traffic was moderate and still moving about 30mph.

By the time I made it past Katy traffic had picked up considerably though still moving well. The rain had ended by then. Shortly before getting to Sealy traffic came to a standstill and I quickly shunted off onto the service road and followed a parallel highway until getting back on the freeway on the otherside of Sealy. Never did see what was causing the slowdown.

Then before reaching Columbus traffic came to a standstill again and this time I got stuck in it as there was no exit nearby. For 15 miles we moved at a snails pace. Finally we got to the cause of the slowdown. A wrecker was picking up a car that had slid off into the mud. Traffic was also backed up the other direction for another 15 miles just because of looky loos.

After that, traffic was bumper to bumper and moving about 60 mph all the way to Austin and beyond. The stores and gas stations were packed all the way. It took me 7 hours to make the 4 hour trip.

All this just because of some rain and it being a minor holiday. Think about what it's going to be like starting Wednesday morning, assuming it hasn't started already. Get out sooner than later!

God bless and take care all,

jonesing4wind - 20-9-2005 at 11:15 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with my TX buggy family. Be safe, all of you!!


TexasBuggyRider - 21-9-2005 at 08:04 AM

Gayle Woodul is putting together a list of kiters contacts that have room for kiters that have to evacuate the hurricane. Contact Gayle Woodul for the list at: region8@aka.kite.org . Gayle has said this morning (Sep 21) that she has room for a few at her house in Marble Falls, TX. I have room for a couple here in Wichita Falls, TX.

Ya'll in South Texas be safe and stay out of harms way!

action jackson - 21-9-2005 at 10:11 PM

still here folks and i am locked in at this point.Sounding worse momet by second 25 ft surge with 15 ft waves on top. that take it to downtown, tring to get the people out. the roads are gridlock accross 200 mile area. i am in a building built for 200mph winds so i pray a f4 or f5 does not drop on us.take care family and i will see ya on the playa in future one way or another.this is a link to my building http://www.houstontranstar.org .......aj

mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 04:49 AM

I just talked to Kroc. He tried to leave at 2am this morning and had to turn around and go home. He couldn't get out of Houston. He's burned up a quarter tank of gas and all the stations are closed and/or out of gas. The latest path shows it coming real close to his house, maybe just to the east of it. He's leaning towards digging in but as a last resort he may head due west. The storm surge is predicted to come very close to his home in Humble but he has a strong two story house. He's dead tired already so I told him to get some sleep and reevaluate the situation later.

Rick and Sarah had the same plan to leave at 2am this morning but they didn't return my call from noon yesterday so they may had left already . I understand they have Chris from Galveston with them. They have no cell phones so will have to wait to hear from them.

McDuffy lives near Freeport and headed west at 4am this morning. He should be in good shape. I haven't been able to get ahold of Terry or Pat.

As the projected storm path veers further east we have to become concerned about Susan. She lives near Lafayette, La and will be on the dirty side of the storm. It's Susan's birthday today but I doubt she feels much like celebrating.

Say a big prayer for all our buddies. They really need it now more than ever. My stomach has been in knots the last two days. I can only imagine how they feel. God bless them all.

bugymangp - 22-9-2005 at 05:10 AM

hey texasans
my thoughts are with you guys. i wish there was something i can do to help you guys. i`ll be praying and thinking of you.

mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 06:26 AM

I just got a phone call from AJ, he's having a hard time getting online right now due to internet traffic on their servers.

Even though the press is now showing the projected path to go east of Houston/Galveston, daytime heating will actually cause the storm to speed up and will likely go straight up the ship channel, just as Katrina went up the Mississippi.

Rick and Sarah have been on the road since 11:30 last night and have only made it as far as Rosenberg, about 80 miles southwest of Houston.

Kroc, if you're reading this, AJ suggested you leave within the next 12 hours. There is less congestion on I-10 EAST to Beaumont, then North on 69 to Nacdoches. Even though this will put you on the dirty side of the storm you *must* get away from the coast. That may be tough to do in time if you try to head West. Gasoline being a factor too. I suggest you take your car since it has a full tank and gets better mileage.

Susan, AJ said you are probably in one of the safer areas where you're at, but Northern LA is always better.

Austin can expect 100mph winds.

I took the day off work. More updates as I get them.

mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 07:08 AM

I just got off the phone with Terry Crumpler. He's on Hwy 69 near Lufkin. It's been smooth sailing, hardly any traffic and plenty of gas. Pass this on to any friends trying to get out of the Houston - Beaumont area.


mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 08:33 AM

Susan, AJ just called and said you need to head Northeast. It's turning more toward you and you need to go now to avoid the rush. Better safe than sorry.

(unable to contact Susan or Kroc by phone - circuits too busy)

jonesing4wind - 22-9-2005 at 08:58 AM

Dave, Many thanks for being point-man for all of our concerned buggy family. I hope and pray that all are safe and sound when this thing passes. God bless!


bugymangp - 22-9-2005 at 09:31 AM

this thing is BIG. VERY BIG.
i`ll be watching the weather channel for clips of galveston and texas city.
i can`t keep my mind on my work. thinking of my buggy family and what they must be going thur right now. i know this sounds crazy. but i wish i was there right with you guys. helping any way i can. i tried to help out in
N.O. after thier storm. but the red tape held me back. i can take a leave from work for a month or two and help out after the storm if anybody needs my help. i want to do something more than write a check.
again stay safe.

kitemaker4 - 22-9-2005 at 09:59 AM

Thanks Dave. Will get the noon time update for this area. It is almost noon here. Whating for one of my brothers to arrive. Will try to get him on his cell. We are starting to pack up to leave and go north east somewhere. Not sure where yet but will try to keep you informed. Talk to you later. Tell AJ thanks for the update.

Cell # 337-344-9766 (right now I do not have it on but later this may be the only way to cantact me)

mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 10:19 AM

Good deal Susan. I'm getting conflicting reports. At the Governor's press converence a few minutes ago they said that the high pressure dome that's pulling the storm more eastward is expected to dissipate allowing the storm to continue westward. So it's anybodys guess right now.

Some good news. For those stuck in traffic on the interstates and running out of gas, the state has contracted with Texdot to provide gas trucks to fill those running low or out. And all lanes on I-10 will soon be converted to outbound. I-45 lanes already are I believe.

kitemaker4 - 22-9-2005 at 10:45 AM

At noon the report for here in Lafayette. Winds 40 to 60 gusting higher. I think now our main concern will be flodding. The weather channel said something about the storm stalling out when in comes inland. If we stay and it starts to flood we can get on I-10 and go east and then north east towards Mississippi. I have the cell phone on now. 337-344-9766 Will keep you informed.

Susan (nice birthday present)

almost 1:00pm and the storm has droped down to a cat 4 yeah

kitemaker4 - 22-9-2005 at 10:46 AM

Almost forgot. I got your check today Glenn. Putting it in a safe place till the storm passes.


bugymangp - 22-9-2005 at 12:23 PM

ok susan
if i was you . i wouldn`t worry about the check to much.
just take care of yourself and your family.
i`m right there with you guys in sprit.
yea the models are showing it stalling out well inland over monday night and tuesday.

action jackson - 22-9-2005 at 01:33 PM

thinking about braking out the proto 9m phantom tommarrow for a roof session here at transtar, can you think about the press coverage!!!:singing:.......aj

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mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 02:22 PM

I finally got ahold of Kroc. They're still at home, but they and a group of 4 other families are getting ready to head out I-10 now that it's opened up. They'll be going to a lake house on Canyon Lake. It will be a long hard drive, but they should be fine.

Terry called from El Dorado, Arkansas earlier and is fine. He hasn't heard from Pat either but knows he's no dummy when it comes to these storms.

Take care all. I'm headed up to the ranch for this evening but will be back tomorrow.

mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 07:43 PM

Susan, I don't like how this storm is shaping up for you. Please consider AJ's earlier recommendation to head NE. His information has been very accurate for the past few days.

Take care and God bless,

mecdave - 22-9-2005 at 07:58 PM

Originally posted by action jackson
thinking about braking out the proto 9m phantom tommarrow for a roof session here at transtar, can you think about the press coverage!!!:singing:.......aj

Well lets see. You've buggied under low bridges and on hotel rooftops. On top of the only occupied building in Houston would make for a good photo op. :lol:

TexasBuggyRider - 22-9-2005 at 08:28 PM

Keith "Tinker" Anderson phoned me late this evening and said that he is staying at home in Pearland (SE Houston area) and will try and ride out the hurricane. I tried to convince him to leave, but he's hard headed! I made him promise me that he would contact me by noon Saturday if at all possible to let me know how he is doing. His wife "Lou" is at her mom's house in Katy.

Aussieflyer - 23-9-2005 at 04:02 AM

Hi guys, sitting back here in Oz watching with keen interest what's happening. We've already had to reschedule one city because of Katrina. Praying with you that things will work out and what people are preparing for will not eventuate. But most of all that lives are spared and people are safe.

bugymangp - 23-9-2005 at 09:36 AM

get ready for the storm of your life.
this is it. hopefully everybody down there is
out of harms way.
i watched the weather channel last night.
lots of clips of galveston. it looked errie. nobody around. i`m sure the island is about to be changed.
after this thing passes by everybody please try and post here and let the rest of the buggy world know you guys are alright. i`m really worried about you guys.

nigelpaul - 23-9-2005 at 11:28 AM

hope you guys dont get it to bad over there

mecdave - 23-9-2005 at 12:32 PM

Kroc left a voicemail message this morning. They and the rest of the families on their block decided to stay. I don't know if they tried to get out again or were just too tired to keep trying. The good news is the storm has weakend to 125mph winds and is expected to go east of Kroc's home.

McDuffy just called and is fine in Kenedy.

Still no word from Pat. He may be locked in at work.

No word from Rick and Sarah since Thursday morning, as far as I know.

Terry may have to start worrying about fooding in Arkansas since they are predicting the storm to stall and dump 2 feet of rain in that area.

For those helping people still on the road, I just got off Hwy 281 between Burnet and Lampasas and the traffic was suprisingly light. Same with Hwy 183 in Lampasas. I understand Austin is pretty packed though.

mecdave - 23-9-2005 at 06:11 PM

Here's the latest from Charles Huckabee:

Hey everyone. We are here riding out what looks to be a long evening. I set the windmeter out back tiewrapped to the play fort and we’ve had a max of 62mph go by so far. We had one large band with wind and rain go over and just now it’s cleared up and the sky is a fantastic color of red/blue. Just as fast as the band came through it has gone away. Can’t wait for the next one! We have the big windows boarded, plenty of food and water, and lot’s of company at the house. Our neighbors and us made the decision this morning to bunker in after the dire tv reports of continued traffic snarls, no gas, and improving forecasts. The storm is expected to hit us hard around midnight so this will probably be my only post until we get back online. Thanks to all who are praying for Houston and Louisiana.


Take care Charles. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers.

centex_buggier - 23-9-2005 at 06:59 PM

Kroc, Susan, Rick and Sarah, Terry, Pat and everyone who might be in Rita's path...

I sure hope you are all going to be ok. Wish the evacuation went a little smoother so that everyone could get out.

We will pray for you guys.


mecdave - 23-9-2005 at 07:07 PM

Terry just called and said Pat is fine and in San Marcos. Terry's daughter is in Austin.

Still no word from Rick and Sarah... anybody?

Susan is probably hunkered down, but I trust their judgement.

Hang in there AJ. Sorry you won't be able to launch the Phantom in the eye of the storm. :evil:

action jackson - 23-9-2005 at 10:08 PM

i talked to rick and sarah about 2230hrs they are in kerrville at the ranch, looks like houston and galveston have been spared the worst. i doubt if anything is wrong with the house in g-town. just got to get 3.5 million back home then i can go to sleep.the beaches are going to be great for dbbb this yr!!!.....aj:)

krocdoc - 24-9-2005 at 05:43 AM

What a night! Power went out around 11 last night and has been coming on and off since about 7am. This is my third attempt to post! Wind is still gusty but very little rain. It looks like the worst has past. We have one tree that snapped about 5 feet off the ground and flew into the fence but that's all I can see right now. The windmeter is still working and shows a max of 82 mph. Houston and Galveston have weathered the storm well. Let's hope our friends to the east are ok.

I can't tell you how ecstatic I am right now!


bugymangp - 24-9-2005 at 08:41 AM

hey charles
thats good news.
i watched the weather channel until about 2am EST.
the waves and water looked liked like it never got over the sea wall.

mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 09:07 AM

That's great news people! The only one still unaccounted for is Susan but as long as they didn't get hit by a tornado they should be ok.

What's the opposite of Exodus? Well whatever it is it's already started. The highways leading out of Austin back towards Houston are bumper to bumper and moving at a snails pace.

Here's the corrected link to AJ's jobsite: http://www.houstontranstar.org

mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 09:58 AM

Galveston won't be allowing residents to return until Sunday. People that left their shelters this morning in Bastrop (east of Austin) are turning around and going back to the shelter. There's just too much traffic.

mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 12:10 PM

OMG! A chopper just flew down the beach on the west end of Galveston and the beach was beautiful! I've never seen it so pristine. I didn't actually see SLP but it should be just as nice. There was water standing around and under many of the older homes (like the beach house we occasionally stay in) but I didn't see any debris!

action jackson - 24-9-2005 at 01:39 PM

ya they will not let you on, but i got one of these special red ic bages and stack of bussiness cards, got i wish my leg worked, i be on the beach for sunset tonight, thinking about heading down there now........aj:yes:
Originally posted by mecdave
Galveston won't be allowing residents to return until Sunday. People that left their shelters this morning in Bastrop (east of Austin) are turning around and going back to the shelter. There's just too much traffic.

centex_buggier - 24-9-2005 at 02:55 PM

I did get out to Old Settlers for a bit today. I couldn't resist with these winds. As it turned out it was too gusty for my 3m but not enough for my 1.5.

The family that stayed with us contacted their neighbors and decided to go home early this morning. They made it in about 5 hrs. I'm not sure which route they took, but traffic was not unbearable.

Wishing everyone a fast recovery and clean-up. Anyone hear from Susan?


mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by TexasBuggyRider
Keith "Tinker" Anderson phoned me late this evening and said that he is staying at home in Pearland (SE Houston area) and will try and ride out the hurricane. I tried to convince him to leave, but he's hard headed! I made him promise me that he would contact me by noon Saturday if at all possible to let me know how he is doing. His wife "Lou" is at her mom's house in Katy.

Any word from Tinker yet?

Susan's been found!

mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 06:33 PM

She's alive and well and is in North Central Mississippi.

JoJo1 - 24-9-2005 at 06:59 PM

Glad to hear that everyone is alive and well . I hope all of your houses are in the same shape to. Everyone have a safe trip home.
Big John

mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 07:37 PM

Thanks John. AJ was about to send an Army helicopter to check on Susan. We had to find her. She has all the dbbb money. :singing:

PS Thanks for buying one of the turkeys. What flavor do you prefer?

bugymangp - 24-9-2005 at 07:54 PM

hey gang
that great news. everybody alive and well.
lets hope this was the last hurricane for the season
i had enought of this s@%t already worrying about my texas
buggy family.
looking forward to seeing my buggy family and galveston soon.

action jackson - 24-9-2005 at 08:04 PM

leaving for the beach at 7am sunday, looking forward to get this 20 hr day over......aj

mecdave - 24-9-2005 at 08:54 PM

I'm sure you don't realise it AJ but you were sleep working when you called about 6pm. Great job guy. You can sleep well knowing you made a big difference in this crisis. ;)

JoJo1 - 24-9-2005 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by mecdave
Thanks John. AJ was about to send an Army helicopter to check on Susan. We had to find her. She has all the dbbb money. :singing:

PS Thanks for buying one of the turkeys. What flavor do you prefer?

No problem, Dave it's the least I can do to support such a good event. I would have to say whatever flavor does not get picked by someone else. They are all good or you can pick. I to hope this is the last scare for any of the coastal cities. I think the US has seen enough destruction this year. Again everyone have safe travels home and see everyone for the best DBBB ever real soon.
Big John;)

action jackson - 25-9-2005 at 04:30 AM

yes i know i only took care of 3 tankers of gas that need police escote and trying to get help to susan during my 45 min sleep cycle.last night i had to figure out how to keep krocs bubble boy neibor inflated and cool. then a freaking barge hits the bridge in shepard and closes 59 both ways, bet ya it was a drunk redneck fishing for stripers that floated away..aj.........aj
Originally posted by mecdave
I'm sure you don't realise it AJ but you were sleep working when you called about 6pm. Great job guy. You can sleep well knowing you made a big difference in this crisis. ;)

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TexasBuggyRider - 25-9-2005 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by mecdave
Originally posted by TexasBuggyRider
Keith "Tinker" Anderson phoned me late this evening and said that he is staying at home in Pearland (SE Houston area) and will try and ride out the hurricane. I tried to convince him to leave, but he's hard headed! I made him promise me that he would contact me by noon Saturday if at all possible to let me know how he is doing. His wife "Lou" is at her mom's house in Katy.

Any word from Tinker yet?

I spoke with Keith Anderson Saturday at noon and he was safe at home. Late Friday night he went next door to check on his neighbor, and he and his neighbor ended up having a small hurricane party, drinking themselves to sleep. Keith said that the damage around his house only amounted to a few tree limbs down, like you would normaly get during a strong storm.

Just to let ya'll know, one kiteflier that many of you don't know because she isn't a buggier, lost her home in New Orleans. She then was evacuated to Houston, then to far east Louisiana, then she and her kids had to evacuate from there before Rita. We haven't heard from her since Rita hit.

kitemaker4 - 26-9-2005 at 10:01 PM

Made it back home safe tonignt. The Texas and Louisiana people were the talk of the town in Water Valley Mississippi. See everyone in a few months.


TexasBuggyRider - 27-9-2005 at 02:33 AM

I'm glad you're back home safe! Any damage to your place?

kitemaker4 - 27-9-2005 at 07:00 AM

The wind just blew off some of the ridge vent on the house and lots of branches in the yard. No big deal. I have two brothers that live in Texas. There houses were not damaged and they have been told there will be no power for several months. One of them is going to bring his family to Houston to be with her family and the kids will be able to go to school over there until they get power. My other brother does not have kids just 6 cats and 2 dogs which are at my house right now. Yall take care and see ya on the beach real soon.


TexasBuggyRider - 27-9-2005 at 07:29 AM

That's good news about your house Susan, but not good about your brothers family. I don't think a lot of people really understand what a shock it is for the hurricane victims to be displaced from their homes, jobs, and customary way of life, until something forces them into homelessness. And if people don't have a financial means of paying for suitable accomodations and travel expenses, then they're at the mercy of relying on friends, family, or strangers to help them. I can only imagine what that would be like!

our story

windthing2 - 27-9-2005 at 08:12 AM

On wendsdaywe decided that it was past time to leave and I had chosen to work most of the day closing the mill t5hat i work in.This was a decision that I feel was wrong.All day I had a feeling of very high anxiaty that was way beyond what you would call stress.
I had gone to galveston on tuesday and picked up Cris Lang ,knowing he had no way to leaveSarah and I adopted him for the durationalong with pets and my daughter.
Its very hard to look at your life and say I need this and not this,Grab what you can and walk away.Our inventorywas,Grill.2ice chests,tools ,tents and shade.non essintials were 1 kite and a skateboard,camera.
We thought that backroads would be best so we got on Main street(old 90)and went west in 2 trucks ,set up to be one way if need be(no destination but west)We got to the extremities of Houston before we saw what I already knew,we left 24hours to late and the traffic was already at a standstill.For the next 13 hours we inched along the road felling the tension build around us but realizing every mile we were better off.
Finnaly we get to Columbus at 1:30 pm andIts a total zoo,no gas angry tired people everywhere and roads gridlocked .We had a meeting and decided to go back 5 miles(outof gas)and take a country road away from the masses.This was our only reasonable decision and the police were tring to keep all on the highway.the road we took had an outlet near la Grange and luckily there was gas but I didnt know that and my truck was out.We stopped under a the shade of a few pine trees and watched mo kitty have a heat stoke(not really but it was not pretty)while we reason our next move.
Sarah sugguested that we go knock on a door and ask for Gas.I was aprehensive but that was the only thing left to do.
The namless resident of this beautiful counrty home was so happy and eager to help us that it made us cry,we got the gas we needed to get to La Grange and make it to my employers(and friend)ranch.
Honey Creek Ranch is on the upper Guadalupe river near Keerville.Right below the Carter ranch(houston Arms dealer)Family ranch.My boss and a majority of his employees were on the way and we had an open invite to hole up there.About 40 peops ended up there ,lots of kids and things to do to clear your head of the events past.The entire group played well and provided for one another and the mode turned fesive as we ate,drank,and be merryed.
we knew there was an old fish pond all concrete and smooth,so I showed the kids that they could skate and bike in it ,so Honey Creek now has a skatepark....Movies to come.
It was a very hard decision to come home ,with the gas shortage and all.Looking at the downside of a terrible drive is hard on your nerves.Honey Creek has no t.v.'s so all news is hard to trully grasp.But my fear was unwarrented and the drive was good.All the clan has been taken home and kittys are home and happy.when we got there the damage was non existent
Our lesson to be shared is
1,Listen to your heart
2,Be resonable and gether thoughts from your peers
3,NEVER spell ck:wink2:
4,Count your blessings and thank God for them always
5,Dont rely entirlly on your car.Take a bike for each person
Not at all in order but you get the jest of it all.
Thank you all for the offers and kindness.
see ya on the beach,
Rick Mcgaffey

action jackson - 27-9-2005 at 09:19 AM

I hear your story and 1000's of other that are simular to the evacuation.Things have been learned from this experience that will help you think things through the rest of your lifes.Over all dont panick and look at the big picture.We now have a way to troubleshot forthe next time.At work we have spent the last 2 days listing and

TexasBuggyRider - 27-9-2005 at 09:34 AM

Rick and Sarah,
I'm so glad ya'll exscaped without injury and are now safe in your own home! Thank God for kind strangers like the ones that gave you gasoline!

I've never been stuck in a hurricane, but in the summer of 1977, I was working up in Alaska on Salmon boats. We were out at the mouth of the Kuskakwim river just SE of the Bering Straight that seperates Alaska from Russia, and were loaded up with King Salmon. Our boat was a smaller 35 ft fishing vessle and was riding fairly low in the water because of the load of salmn and ice we had on board.

Within a short time a storm blew in and swells were getting huge, when all of the sudden the hull of the boat cracked and water started gushing in, much faster than the pump could pump out. the 5 of us decided that we wouldn't stay a float much longer, so we aimed the boat toward shore which was about mile away. By the time we got 1/4 mile from shore, we went down with all of our salmon. The outside temps were upper 50's and the water was high 30's. We had our life jackets on and grabbed what we could. We all floated and swam to shore, but where we realized that we hadn't grabbed but two gallons of fresh water and one box of sailor crackers.

Our land location consisted o tundra, which is very bare with no trees and bushes, and the ground is covered with mossy type vegitation. Although we managed to bring some water proof matches, we had nothing to burn to start a fire. However, a couple of our large plastic containers that we use to pack the salmon in floated ashore and we used them to stayout of the rain and wind. We huddled together inside these containers to stay warmer. After the first day stranded, we all began slight hypothermia, dehydration, and slight starvation. Like I said before, we had only 2 gallons of fresh water, and one box of crackers to last us, and were laying around in wet cloths.

After 3 days of being stranded, a barge passing by spotted us and came to our rescue. The only way we survived the ordeal, was because the fishing company's owner's grandson was on board with us, and had had a small stash of cocaine. Taking the cocaine kept us alert and awake, so we didn't die of hypothermia. We also rashioned our box of crackers and water. Not much for three days and 5 guys. But that was back in the days when I was in great physical shape, so I was more resilant than I would be now if I were to endure the same situation.

One of the first things we were given on the fishing barge to drink after being rescued, was seal oil. At that point, we didn't care, we were happy to be rescued and given something to drink. Evidentally, sela oil is suppose to be very good for fighting off dehydration.

Several hours later we were back safe in Bethel, Alaska where our home fishery was located. We all were brought to a small hospital to be checked out and where fluids could be put back in our bodies. We stayed in the hospital for 24 hours and then were released.

bugymangp - 27-9-2005 at 09:35 AM

glad to hear all is well.
it could of been worst.
i was on pins and needles
the hole time watching the weather channel.
worrying about you guys.

bugymangp - 27-9-2005 at 09:39 AM

hey troy
remind of the time i got lost in the woods for a day and half
when i was nine.:lol:

TexasBuggyRider - 27-9-2005 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by bugymangp
hey troy
remind of the time i got lost in the woods for a day and half
when i was nine.:lol:

I imagine that was a tramatic experience for you at 9 years old!

bugymangp - 27-9-2005 at 09:53 AM

hey troy
i really wasn`t that worried until the sun went down.
i just sat under a tree and cried my self to sleep. they found me the next morning still sleeping.
what really scared me was when my father got hold of me.
i couldn`t sit down for week. if you know what i mean.:rolleyes:

TexasBuggyRider - 27-9-2005 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by bugymangp
hey troy
i really wasn`t that worried until the sun went down.
i just sat under a tree and cried my self to sleep. they found me the next morning still sleeping.
what really scared me was when my father got hold of me.
i couldn`t sit down for week. if you know what i mean.:rolleyes:

I've had my butt blistered many times myself for doing stupid things!

One of the worst things I ever did, was when I was mad at my friend that lived next door. We were playing in his tree house and we had a argument over who would play with the toy cap gun first. I climbed down the tree, grabbed a gas can that was sitting close by, and poured gas on the tree trunk. I found some matches on his back porch and lit the tree on fire, with my friend still in the tree house!

Fortunately for my friend, his mom peeked out the window of the house and saw the fire, and then she came out quickly, grabbed the water hose and put out the fire!

I got my butt whipped by his mom with a ping pong paddle, and by my mom with the infamous spanking belt that me and my brother's always feared, and I was grounded for a week! I was 7 years old at that time. LOL

bugymangp - 27-9-2005 at 11:44 AM

or how about the time i tried to make a parachute out of
a bed sheet and my mother found me on the roof of our house about to jump off. :D
boy, the dumb stuff i did as a kid could fill a book.
now i think we`re getting off topic.:D

action jackson - 27-9-2005 at 08:07 PM

I remember a time in my younger days that i hauled a buggy up on the roof of a motel and buggied in 43mph wind as my friends looked on..........oh wait that was just 2 yrs ago.........aj:D

Monty - 27-9-2005 at 09:57 PM

Hey guys

This is all new to me. little scared though. Thought all I need is a kite and a buggy not a ping pong paddle !!!.
Pleasure meeting you all

JoJo1 - 28-9-2005 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Monty
Hey guys

This is all new to me. little scared though. Thought all I need is a kite and a buggy not a ping pong paddle !!!.
Pleasure meeting you all

:thumbup: Hey Monty welcome to the site and to the event it is one of the best. Ping pong paddle's are optional, but spud guns are mandatory LMAO. Just kidding kite's and buggies are all that you need and of course a big smile on your face from all of the fun. Not to much longer and we will all be together again can't wait.
Big John

Wickedrevs56 - 5-10-2005 at 06:55 AM

Just glad we all made it through RITA without real damage-- our new shop was in the midst of getting moved in when the warnings started-- we were told to evacuate Wed nite-- by Thurs AM it was "Mnadatory"-- we lit out fo rthe RIO GRANDE near Laredo-I did talk to Rick and Sarah adn Terry on Wed nite--
ALl my "com" gear was in boxes, fially put together the "spaghetti"-- and had to run some new wiring inthe building so it has been several days wihout "communication"

It was interesting to read the thread last nite-- My daughter was in traffic trying to leave Houston as well --7 hours to go 13 miles!!!

One of our club members did manage to get in some buggy time-- in fact he invented a new twist on the sport-- not bad for a hurricane evacuee!!! see the photo here --long URL-- you can see it by going to yahoo groups search for skypirates in our photo album "Last Fun Fly"

Looking forward to a great DBBB again this year--- our beaches are cleaned of all the sea grass-- now the temps are getting bearable I think we can get insome quality buggy time prior to the "gathering"
