Power Kite Forum

How low can you go?

Kamikuza - 19-10-2010 at 11:05 PM


It's the anti-gravity thrusters in the board :yes: I know cos I got the same one :yes:

lunchbox - 20-10-2010 at 06:36 AM


stetson05 - 20-10-2010 at 07:06 AM

:dunno: not that low yet but maybe someday!

macboy - 20-10-2010 at 12:34 PM

Hey! That's MY lake! That's the same place we go snowkite. Actual published average depth of that lake is 17 inches. The wind can be nuking and you'll be lucky to see a ripple. Part of that is because the water gets uber thick with algae of course.....he said he did some color correction to the video to lighten the color of the water spray. He has a vid from last year or the year before where you can see huge black chunks bigger than your footpad flying out in the water spray.

The flyer is the local FS rep - Mike Dowie. Great guy. He's out there ALL the time despite the stink and muck. I'll fly out there (on the water) sometime soon but not until my skills are such that I won't have to drink any of it or dunk my kite into it. I can hardly stand when the dog goes in and has to ride home wet. It STINKS THAT bad. So sad really.

Winter time though? It's on! Can't wait.

ripsessionkites - 20-10-2010 at 01:25 PM

Originally posted by macboy
Hey! That's MY lake! That's the same place we go snowkite. Actual published average depth of that lake is 17 inches. The wind can be nuking and you'll be lucky to see a ripple. Part of that is because the water gets uber thick with algae of course.....he said he did some color correction to the video to lighten the color of the water spray. He has a vid from last year or the year before where you can see huge black chunks bigger than your footpad flying out in the water spray.

The flyer is the local FS rep - Mike Dowie. Great guy. He's out there ALL the time despite the stink and muck. I'll fly out there (on the water) sometime soon but not until my skills are such that I won't have to drink any of it or dunk my kite into it. I can hardly stand when the dog goes in and has to ride home wet. It STINKS THAT bad. So sad really.

Winter time though? It's on! Can't wait.

thats nice butter smooth ... reminds of years back at the gorge when kiting inside "the ring". i love shallow water riding, just waiting for our park to flood.

off topic:
macboy, can you sleep at your place on feb 12 to 16 / 2010?

indigo_wolf - 20-10-2010 at 01:43 PM


Originally posted by ripsessionkites
off topic:
macboy, can you sleep at your place on feb 12 to 16 / 2010?

There are restrictions on the dates that he can sleep at his own place? :wow: That's rough!!!

And your new goggles come with a time machine?!?! Awesome!!!

Duuuuuuuuuude, I think you go a bum case of Red Bull :lol:


macboy - 20-10-2010 at 02:09 PM

Door's ALWAYS open to PKFers! You might have to suffer inland sushi though ; )

</off topic>

ripsessionkites - 20-10-2010 at 06:14 PM

Originally posted by indigo_wolf

Originally posted by ripsessionkites
off topic:
macboy, can you sleep at your place on feb 12 to 16 / 2010?

There are restrictions on the dates that he can sleep at his own place? :wow: That's rough!!!

And your new goggles come with a time machine?!?! Awesome!!!

Duuuuuuuuuude, I think you go a bum case of Red Bull :lol:


thx for the catch, ME / I

im a little off at the moment ... i have some many projects on the go, i cant figure out where to begin. its all fun work but there is so much of it.

actually since I've come back from World Cup I havent had one RedBull. This is half my problem, since I forgot to phone the RB Rep when I got back and just figured that out today when he called me.

inland sushi sounds fine, i think ... probably more exotic fishes.

(sorry for the off topic)

revpaul - 21-10-2010 at 12:50 PM

hey right on!!!
that's Mikey alrighty!!!
he makes that lake look a pretty cool place to be.