Power Kite Forum

Spleene Door?

Jaymz - 30-10-2010 at 09:27 PM

So here's the deal..

Too many low wind days struggling when others were up and riding Doors. I know some of the struggle is due to inexperience but was thinking a Door might help.

Me: Newbie rider 175lbs, 5'11". Our local spot is a bay cove from smooth to 1'-2' chop. Currently riding an LF Proof 151 which is fine, but figure the Door will help riding upwind and on all those low wind days. Just wish the 2010 Door wasn't BLACK, hard to find it in the chop when you get seperated.

I can't decide on the 159 or 164?

Kamikuza - 30-10-2010 at 09:53 PM

Width is more important - go for extra width of the 164 IMHO ;)
And you can dye the fins red to make them more visible ...

dylanj423 - 31-10-2010 at 10:12 AM

im 6ft and 200 lbs... i have no prob with the 159, i ride in 13 mph sometimes...

its a great board... the fins are orange and tyhe footsraps are white... i havent had much prob spotting it in the surf

go for it, its a great board

bmor - 31-10-2010 at 04:31 PM

I'm 220 lbs and ride both a 151 proof and a plywood copy of the 165 door. The door absolutely helps me get out on light wind days and goes upwind without even thinking about it. I can use it in 3-4 foot Great Lake swell if necessary. I find the Proof is not a good light wind board, as you are experiencing, but I like it for riding the swell. I switch over to the Proof as soon as I can stay upwind on it.

Size wise, that's a tough one. Based on your weight I would think the 159? The little you may gain on the low end with the 165 may be compensated for by the handling of the 159? One thing I notice with the Door is when the wind picks up I have to force myself not to go up wind so much. Sometimes I wish I had a smaller version to compare.

Kamikuza - 31-10-2010 at 05:06 PM

6 cm on the length, would you notice it ... :dunno: I had a 154x42 and it worked nicely but the XL is an easy riding Cadillac. I don't notice the difference in length ;) but dropping to my Rip+ was noticeable. Also prefer the XL for the glide in the lulls ...

Jaymz - 31-10-2010 at 08:36 PM

Thanks a bunch for the helpful responses :thumbup:

Think I'll go for the 159.

Kamikuza - 31-10-2010 at 09:38 PM

... any chance of a test-ride on either?

ripsessionkites - 1-11-2010 at 02:47 AM

How light wind are you aiming for?

Jaymz - 1-11-2010 at 05:36 AM

Rip: 12-13 mph if the lulls are not much less.

Kami: Sure, stop by anytime. Althou the Jetlag may be a B*^ch .

bluefunelement - 1-11-2010 at 09:58 AM

To play devil's advocate - I did not like any of the larger fly or spleene doors I've ridden.
-you are my weight and just slightly taller. I sold my 148x46 FLX light wind board cause it was TOO big (especially my calves)
- if you want to do anything fun I would recommend a shorter but wide board - these are amazing if you can afford it or find one used


Kamikuza - 1-11-2010 at 10:01 AM

Nah I meant for you :lol: you might click with one more than the other ...?
What blue said is true too - I loved the Nobile I used in Thailand ... 144x45 IIRC

bmor - 1-11-2010 at 11:52 AM

I have to agree with blue as well, the doors can get too big quickly, and they are not as maneuverable as you might like. I can make my 165 door carve a turn but it's a long drawn out move.

I guess it depends on what you want out of a board, get out and ride or sit on the beach. I'm tempted to buy a Liquid Force 145 WLF to see if that would work for my size in light winds.

Kamikuza - 1-11-2010 at 05:01 PM

I guess you little guys might have problems with the big Doors :lol:

ripsessionkites - 3-11-2010 at 01:55 AM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
I guess you little guys might have problems with the big Doors :lol:

LOL :smilegrin: