Power Kite Forum

Injury Yeild Retarded Idea.. but it seems to work... opinions??

DHKITE - 4-11-2010 at 04:54 PM

So as some of you know Ive recentlly suffered a broken ankle, which leaves me with plenty of time to think and invent.

Already made a Walking crutch that I can attach to Busted leg so I can walk and Carry stuff and Ditch the "cripple sticks"

But Also Modded my Hydra into something kinda like a depower... though not a depower, I realize .

What I did is I extended the brake line with Dyneema line about 2.5-3 feet.

I then Used a work belt With leg loops ( basically a harness with Poackets ) and attached a pully to the Front and ran the brake line through this and attached the other free end ( the one you would usually wear on your wrist ) to the Middle of the bar using a larks head ( had to detach one of the flying lines to get it properly onto the bar )

I can Now push the bar out ( makes the brake line Shorter ) to Depower Completely and the kite floats back to earth in its Plastic bag kinda way, and Pull the bar in to Fully power ( brake lines extended ) the kite. and In between I get various amounts of power.. I could ( though I prolly will never ) clip into the bar and I would then Be fully powered and still able to steer ( obviously I will not attempt this In my Injured state, if ever ) I AM looking into Proper Depower kites for after I recover But Felt it Pertient to mention that This was an Easy mod that Seems to work Perfectlly... My only Complaint is that I cant fly with my arms extended and have to keep Them bent at elbows to Keep the kite powered which is VERY tireing, especially when the kite wants to Pull ( though I'm not Scudding on my ass with the cast I am Still Flying :) ) and I can still let go of the bar and the kite completelly Depowers...

Ideas? thoughts ??


rudeboysaude - 4-11-2010 at 05:00 PM

Trying to picture it in my head, but if you let go of the bar, does the kite fall out of the sky like it would with just a wrist leash? Sounds like you might be hooked to it through your pully line with no way out if trouble happened.

Bladerunner - 4-11-2010 at 05:08 PM

If you want to fly your Hydra as close as possible to depower you really want to put it on handles.

ONLY with handles do you have complete control of all 4 lines all the time. With handles you can immitate the brake turns that are how a depower turns. You can also add brake to both sides slowing the kite or dropping it back as would happen pulling in the bar. If you use a harness you can feel the power and speed that running off the strop gives you. Like pushing out the bar on depower.

shaggs2riches - 4-11-2010 at 05:28 PM

If you are after Depower I think John at Powerzone can do a Depower mod to a Hydra you would lose power in the kite though due to the nature of depower foil to fixed bridle, but might be worth a look into if you can't buy another kite just yet.

DHKITE - 4-11-2010 at 07:01 PM

have Checked, Prices to mod hydra are too much IMO.. I would rather spend the money on a proper Depower, looking into a neo for spring, but just trying out new Ideas with what I have...

BladeRunner: Do you Think I would need to Mod the braker Bridles since they are all On only 1 line now ? I figure I'd have to have then To form a left and a right Set.....

I am thinking Mostly For messing around with The Snowboard on a Huge frozen lake here where I know others Ride with this Hydra, In which case I would favor the Bar controll Cause I Could, Theoretically, hook in regardless, Though I suppose I could also Do this With handles and A Spreader bar and Climbing Strop .

RudeBoy: If I let go I would Still activete the Safety compleetely, It works Essentilly the same Only I;ve used a pully to change the Direction of the force applyied. Draw it out and You'll see it easy .

I could also Cut Free.