Power Kite Forum

Neo 2 and LEI: Kiteboarding

Mostly Harmless - 5-11-2010 at 08:32 AM

First time posting....So a big hello to everyone

Going to get a chance to fly a Neo 2 8m as soon as I get the wind. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to fly a Neo 2 in regards to kiteboading. I am trying to figure out what I should expect (I fly an Ozone Catalyst). I have searched the internet and any good information on the Neo 2 has to deal with either snow or land.

Thanks for any input.

stetson05 - 5-11-2010 at 09:04 PM

welcome, I flew a 8m Neo 1 and kiteboarded with it. I am not very good and I could still get going just fine on it. winds were in the low 20's though.

chris - 6-11-2010 at 06:58 AM

Welcome to PKF!

Any specific questions?

Kamikuza - 6-11-2010 at 06:12 PM


bobalooie57 - 6-11-2010 at 07:14 PM

Welcome MH! @chris, I tried to watch that this morning and it wouldn't play for me, I'm glad I came back and tried again, because that looked really smooth! Does it come in green?:thumbup:

acampbell - 7-11-2010 at 08:24 AM

11m comes in Green (or blue/ white camo)

Mostly Harmless - 8-11-2010 at 05:28 AM

Originally posted by chris
Welcome to PKF!

Any specific questions?

Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

I have seen that video, which makes the kite look very smooth on the water. I guess my question is pretty broad, how does the NEO 2 fly compared to a typical LEI kite?

What's the differences between the NEO1 and the NEO2?

acampbell - 8-11-2010 at 06:27 AM

Neo's launch and land like any foil kite. Very familiar to most power kiters. They self inflate (no pumps!!)

The safety on the Neo 1 stalls the kite nicely for landing but leaves the sail up and exposed to the wind. In 15-18 mph+ it really still pulls and can drag you on landing if you don't have a helper.
The Neo 2 has an improved bar setup and 5th line safety to a center bridle that (almost) tacos the kite backwards and pretty much de-powers the kite. The weight and drag of the 5th line robs it of about 2 kts on the low end of the envelope. The Neo 2 turns a bit faster.

My Neo 2 1/2 (modified Neo 1) offers the best of both. I added the 5th line safety and get the best of both. My 5th line safety is removable to preserve light wind performance (can drive the buggy smartly in 6-8 mph ) and in light winds the original safety is entirely adequate (and so easily re-launchable). In higher winds, my 5th line safety completely tacos the kite for less ambiguous de-power and safety. Makes for a much more versatile kite than either 1 or 2.

Mostly Harmless - 8-11-2010 at 07:08 AM

So did you take a Neo 1 and hooked up the newer bar? How is hang time with the Neo? I would be using the Neo 8m only in higher winds since I have my Ozone 12m for 15-25mph of wind. Is the bar pressure light? I haven't flown a foil kite yet, which is why I have so many questions, thanks for the help!

acampbell - 8-11-2010 at 07:51 AM

I rigged the 5th line to the Neo 1 with the original bar. I ride in a buggy on land, so I never evaluate Hang time- not on purpose anyways :D
I adjust the trim on the kite such that as the bar pressure gets to be more than a couple of fingers worth is when the back wheels break loose, but this is a different dynamic than any water riding so sorry I can't offer much more. I don't ride on water- not on purpose anyway.

Lets see if we can scare up Wexler Muse here on the Forum - he has been riding the 8m Neo on the water lately...

BeamerBob - 8-11-2010 at 08:01 AM

Wexler put in 2 days with Neo IIs at OBX. It is the kite he wants now. He shifted between the 6m and 8m depending on winds. He could work upwind and never had a tangle or kite issue. It went in the water twice while we rode but this was over the course of probably 9 hours and it was Wexler's maiden voyage onto the water. The first day he was riding and I was the nervous father watching from the shore, a half dozen people approached me with questions about the kite, how long Wexler had been riding and how old he was. Their jaws would always drop when I would say this is his first try and he's 15. And yes it will relaunch off the water was the other topic. After his success, I'd like to give an 11m a try on the water myself.


Mostly Harmless - 8-11-2010 at 04:16 PM

What are the biggest differences between the Neo1 and Neo2? I was wrong on my first post in that the kite I am going to get a chance to fly is an 8m Neo. If the winds stay then Wednesday I may be able to get out on it in 25+ winds.

acampbell - 8-11-2010 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Mostly Harmless
What are the biggest differences between the Neo1 and Neo2?

Safety system, Bar and turning rate, as listed above. ;)

Mostly Harmless - 8-11-2010 at 04:40 PM

Ha! Long day! :wee:

I am going to give it a shot, very interested in seeing how it flies against an LEI. Exciting days ahead!

stetson05 - 8-11-2010 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Mostly Harmless
So did you take a Neo 1 and hooked up the newer bar? How is hang time with the Neo? I would be using the Neo 8m only in higher winds since I have my Ozone 12m for 15-25mph of wind. Is the bar pressure light? I haven't flown a foil kite yet, which is why I have so many questions, thanks for the help!

Neo 1 with the older bar. I mentioned it because I figured there would be similarities. Hang time is fine I think, I don't kiteloop yet. Bar pressure on the neo's is light.

stetson05 - 8-11-2010 at 09:47 PM

Me flying on the first day I tried the 8m.


Mostly Harmless - 9-11-2010 at 05:33 AM

Originally posted by stetson05
Me flying on the first day I tried the 8m.


good video, looks like it relaunched easily, how much wind were you riding in?