Power Kite Forum

NAPKA club#14 Race?

bobalooie57 - 5-11-2010 at 10:18 PM

Hey all NAPKA club#14 members. I was thinking about having a race on Sunday 11/7/10 at noon at Southwick Beach, here in upstate NY, on the shore of Lake Ontario. Think anyone can make it? Seriously though, I recently joined NAPKA, and I'd like to make the best of it, but I just don't know how to go about it. I've been posting over at the NAPKA site, but it seems hardly anyone from our region goes there. I'd love to be able to get some racing established in the east, but the logistics seem a nightmare, the only time any number of us get together is at an event like Wildwood, or the FBF/Cheeseball rally, or JIBE to the south. I tried e-mailing buggymangp re this before last Wildwood, but then I wasn't able to attend. Was there any discussion about NAPKA at Wildwood? What are all your thoughts? Thanks, Bob

ripsessionkites - 6-11-2010 at 01:39 AM

the best way to go at this in my mind is that you start posting on here your dates. you can have fun races too, its not suppose to be competitive as much as the europe. it doesnt matter that you cant do an upwind turn or whatever, just have FUN. if everyone keeps practicing now, im hoping when you all get to NABX you'll want to enter in at least one race during the week. i believe we're planning to have a racing workshop on one of the days too.

Bob, keep pushing and more will join you. I suggest that first you keep the course small and simple 3 markers and you only need like 3 pilots to get going. minus the judges out for now, points are needed, just a couple of friends with the same passion driving around. in BE there is only like 6 pilots or something like that there and they have races when the wind is calling. if you manage 6 races in a season thats pretty good already.

Bob for Club #14 Rep.

share the stoke, bro!!!

shehatesmyhobbies - 6-11-2010 at 05:38 AM


Todd, Rian, and I have been discussing having some sort of race at WW like a nice down and back or something of the sort. I will send you a u2u.

bobalooie57 - 6-11-2010 at 06:07 AM

That's a start, Rich, but I would really like to get into the technical aspect of (at least) 3 point racing, where one course is upwind (somewhat). I'm not all that good yet, but I think by working at something like this can only improve my skills. My local beach (Southwick) is quite narrow, so a down and back is the only viable option, but when the wind is not directly onshore, one direction is more challenging than the other.(and on somedays, if the wind is too far out of the N or S, just getting any riding in is a challenge!) I have no idea who besides GP has any racing experience on our side of the country, but that person would certainly get my vote for our representative. BTW, would you or Rian be interested? I thought of Todd, too, but would like to nominate him as safety officer. I will soon be locked in winter's frozen grip, so Sunday might be the last time I get in the buggy until spring,(unless I can get out on the ice). Tug Hill snowkite festival is rapidly approaching, and I will be quite busy with that for the next couple of months, or I'd volunteer myself, but I feel the club would be better served by someone more centrally located. Get cheezy to join! Maybe FBF would be a good venue for races? Triangle already in place!

cheezycheese - 6-11-2010 at 07:25 AM

hey one thing i realized is we need very little reason to get out and kite.... If YOU POST IT - THEY WILL COME !!!!

bobalooie57 - 6-11-2010 at 07:57 AM

Thanks Marc, I really don't expect anyone to show up at Southwick tomorrow, but I'll be there. Wind is supposed to be W at around 10, so I might get to ride, but mostly cloudy, high temp 38 deg.F. We had a light dusting of snow here this am, but for some reason I can't get the Tug Hill Web Cam to see what they got. I'll have to drive over to get to the beach tomorrow, so I'll see it then. Will try to get some vid with the new helmet cam!