Power Kite Forum

Lessons - Miami/Key West?

macboy - 6-11-2010 at 12:17 AM

I think I may have asked before but still don't have an answer so maybe not (there's ALWAYS an answer from PKF ; )

So, we're heading to Florida for the "before Anna turns two free plane ticket" (Can't believe she'll be two already......) and I'm digging trying to find lessons. Anyone have any personal experience / recommendations?

I figure it's gonna be private lessons (with gear - can't bring any along).

Bladerunner - 6-11-2010 at 03:53 PM

A girl from Van her had here break through set of lessons off Key West. Wherever it was you take a boat and then it is waist deep forever?

DesertWindKiteboarding - 6-11-2010 at 04:22 PM

Hi, Glad to hear your seeking out lessons. They make all the difference! I am a PASA instructor and have always found other PASA instructors to be friendly and knowledgeable. This page list most (but not all) PASA instructors. I noticed there are some in Florida.

PASA Instructors

My advice is to find someone with at least a year of teaching experience. Even if you go to a well established school that has many instructors on staff, insist on one with lots of experience. There seems to be a fine line of real quality with instructors somewhere between experienced and burned out.

There is nothing like instruction for a number of reasons:
--You will learn to kiteboard WAY faster than on your own. Some people take a year or more to become competent upwind and with basic tricks. Now, I tell my students I can get them going upwind in less than 5 days. Some people pick it up in 2-3 no problem.
--Safety is huge in kiteboarding. While not a dangerous sport if done safely, if done unsafely it can be very dangerous to you and to others. Some PASA instructors are fond of saying that learning to kiteboard is more like learning to be a pilot than a boarder. While this is an obvious exaggeration for dramatic effect, the idea is very true.
--If you find a good instructor you will likely have a lifelong resource to ask questions, find gear, etc.
--By getting lessons you will suddenly know so much more about the gear. So many people inexplicably want to buy gear BEFORE taking lessons which is totally backward. Get some lessons, pick your instructors brain about the brands, styles of kites, what style of riding you might be interested in, what will help you learn but allow you to progress etc. when you are done with 1-10 days of lessons, you should know what kind of kite you need and what sizes. Sam goes for boards. Additionally, your instructor will likely be able to offer you 10-15% off new gear.

Basic lessons with all the gear should be $75-100/hr. You can often get seals if you book 8-12 hours all at once to be completed over a week or so. Sometimes I will do 12 hours of lessons for $799. There is not reason the instructor shouldn't have you in a helmet, booties and impact vest, but make sure you get those things.

Have a blast!


macboy - 6-11-2010 at 05:12 PM

Thanks DWK - I've seen the list but was looking for (hoping for) a PKF vote of confidence - like "I got lessons with him or them and I'm a rock star now" kinda thing. There's a few on the list but one of them I'd sent a message to about a month ago and never did get a reply.

BR - It seems like all of Florida is knee to waist deep! I can't even imagine how perfect it will be. I don't know if we'll get as far as Key West or just to Islamorada but either way I'm riding for sure! (Sadly, we're finding that a compromise might need to be struck with me & the wifery. I might have to trade in 2-3 days at NABX for 5-7 days on the water.....tough brother, real tough decisions to make here....)

powerzone - 6-11-2010 at 09:11 PM

dean at paradisewindsports.com key west florida lessons .

he is a very good friend of mine so i have his cell number and email via U2U

bobalooie57 - 6-11-2010 at 09:32 PM

mac, I think to keep the peace, you must make the extreme sacrifice and give up the 3 days in the desert for the 5-7 in the tropics! Oh the pain!:D

DesertWindKiteboarding - 7-11-2010 at 10:52 AM

Unfortunately I can't recommend someone since I have not kited there and dont seem to know anyone there. I would go with Powerzone's recommendation and give them a call and talk to the instructor. Good leed.

Again, I have not kited in FL before but from within PASA circles I have heard about lots of access issues in Florida. Some beaches require a PASA or IKO card certifying you are a level 3 kiteboarder. I guess this is because there are so many beach users there––both kiter and non-kiter and many beaches are not conducive for learning with the crowds. It seems like this is taken pretty seriously in some areas so chatting up locals about any laws may be might be a good idea. But, what do I know, I've never been there!

Have a ball! I think I can speak for most PKF users in saying that I deeply resent this totally awesome trip of yours.

Have a ball man!


Key West, FL - The Kitehouse

ride_wv - 9-11-2010 at 08:07 AM

For what it's worth...my first experience with any kite whatsoever was in Key West, FL. I took three days of lessons with Nick at The Kitehouse http://www.thekitehouse.com/ and was riding on day two and three.
Cabrinah kites and it may be the location that Bladerunner is describing...way out in the ocean via boat to a sandbar. Great time, I would recommend.

sendit - 11-11-2010 at 03:42 PM

Don't know if Ty Luckett is still going to FL in the winters, but I know a few people who went out with him and they said he really goes out of his way to make it the best experience possible. Plus, no wind, no problem; take the tower out and pick up board skills.


Home page:


P.S. I surveyed that whole area for the nautical charts 2 years ago and it is gorgeous if you can get out there.