Power Kite Forum

East Coast Kite Sports t-shirts & hoodies

rdavis - 10-11-2010 at 07:46 AM

While at the Wildwood Buggy Bash, several people had commented on the t-shirts and hoodies that the ECKS team was wearing. I'm going to be putting together another batch of these soon and wanted to put this out there... If you're interested in a t-shirt and or hoodie, please let me know what and how many you would like as well as your size. The hoodies will be black with white ink and the t-shirts will probably be the same. If you would like to see a different color t-shirt or ink, let me know that too and I'll see if I can get it done if possible. I don't have any pricing yet, as I need to get an idea of how much to order first, so chime in and let me know if you're interested.

S-XL = $25 + shipping
XXL = $27 + shipping

S-XL = $8 + shipping
XXL = $10 + shipping


cheezycheese - 10-11-2010 at 08:08 AM

XXL + Med hoodie for me please!! I will glady pay you Tuesday... Will u2u info

rdavis - 10-11-2010 at 02:41 PM

I got you on the list Mark. Don't worry about payment just yet. I'm just trying to get a list going so I can figure out quantities/sizes and get a quote done. I'll give this through the weekend and then send off for the quote with what I have and then let you know. Thanks!

WELDNGOD - 10-11-2010 at 05:00 PM

Does a team rider even gotta put in a request?

frankiter - 10-11-2010 at 06:20 PM

XL t-shirt for me!

rdavis - 10-11-2010 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Does a team rider even gotta put in a request?

Nope, you're covered Donnie! ;) But I do need yours and Kelly's shirt sizes.

gemini6kl - 11-11-2010 at 12:00 AM


rocfighter - 11-11-2010 at 06:21 AM

Hey man two XL hoodies and 2 L T-shirts for The Kidd and myself please.

rdavis - 12-11-2010 at 07:32 AM

Originally posted by gemini6kl

Did you want a t-shirt or hoodie?

rocfighter - 17-11-2010 at 06:09 PM

Rian any word on these yet?

rdavis - 17-11-2010 at 06:45 PM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Rian any word on these yet?

Hey Dave, I was actually going to post up an update tonight. The woman I go through for the shirts has been on vacation, but I got her on the phone today and emailed her the info to work up a quote, so hopefully i'll have some sort of pricing idea by the end of the week. :thumbup:

rocfighter - 17-11-2010 at 06:59 PM

Cool, Thanks for the fast response. Is this going to be from the same company that did the WBB stuff? They are real nice.

rdavis - 17-11-2010 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Cool, Thanks for the fast response. Is this going to be from the same company that did the WBB stuff? They are real nice.

No problem Dave. These are through a different company, someone local to me in Delaware.

rdavis - 22-11-2010 at 01:14 PM

Got the pricing info that is interested. Please let me know if you are still interested. Should take 1-2 weeks after I submit the order.

S-XL = $25 + shipping
XXL = $27 + shipping

S-XL = $8 + shipping
XXL = $10 + shipping

rocfighter - 23-11-2010 at 08:56 AM

Hey Rian,
We would like to order two large t-shirts and two large hoodies, is this going to be through pay pal or do you want a credit card #?
Oh yeah shipping will be to 06424
Looking forward to them.
Thanks, Dave

rdavis - 23-11-2010 at 11:15 AM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Hey Rian,
We would like to order two large t-shirts and two large hoodies, is this going to be through pay pal or do you want a credit card #?
Oh yeah shipping will be to 06424
Looking forward to them.
Thanks, Dave

It'll be through PayPal. I wouldn't worry about payment until I get the shirts in. I'm waiting for a reply to a couple questions I put in with the company before I place the order. Once everything comes in i'll get with you and everyone else that's interested and get shipping addresses and costs firmed up. Thanks for the interest Dave!

gilligan - 23-11-2010 at 06:51 PM

Put me in for one of each... XL


rdavis - 24-11-2010 at 10:28 AM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Hey man two XL hoodies and 2 L T-shirts for The Kidd and myself please.

Originally posted by rocfighter
We would like to order two large t-shirts and two large hoodies,

Hey Dave, I just want to verify the size you want for the hoodies.

rdavis - 24-11-2010 at 10:31 AM

Just an update on this, the company is making a sample for me to check out and it should be done late today. But, since it's going to be a holiday weekend, i'm just going to get together with the rep on Monday and try to get everything finalized. In the meantime, if anyone is still interested, please chime in so I can make sure i'll have your size.

rocfighter - 24-11-2010 at 05:56 PM

Hey Rian nice catch. The XL is the right size for the hoodies, and large for the shirts.

rdavis - 30-11-2010 at 12:37 PM

Ok, here's the latest update.... I got to look at the sample late yesterday and everything looked good. I just sent off the final quantities and sizes for the order and I should be getting them in about 10 business days. After they come in I will contact anyone who requested a shirt and/or hoodie and get payment and shipping info from them. I did want to let everyone know, instead of them being black with white ink, they are now going to be black with YELLOW ink. Most of the ECKS team requested the yellow ink and rather than trying to split the order between two ink colors, I just ordered them all this way.

rocfighter - 1-12-2010 at 07:20 PM

Yellow and black realy stands out. Just like us!!:bigok:

rdavis - 10-12-2010 at 04:09 PM

Ok everyone, the t-shirts and hoodies came in today! For anyone that requested some I will send you a U2U with payment info (PayPal) and to get mailing adressess. If payment is made over the weekend, I will ship out on Monday via USPS Priority.

rdavis - 10-12-2010 at 05:08 PM

Here's a picture of one of the hoodies...

Todd - 10-12-2010 at 05:12 PM

YES! Thats the stuffin in the Egg McMuffin :smilegrin:

shehatesmyhobbies - 10-12-2010 at 05:47 PM

They look so sweet in the Black and Yellow! Pick mine up tomorrow!


Todd - 10-12-2010 at 05:53 PM

Pick mine up too and come on down for a visit :evil:

shehatesmyhobbies - 10-12-2010 at 06:17 PM

Just informed the wife I need to take a ride next Saturday! don't know about this weekend yet, If I can I will!

Lee - 10-12-2010 at 06:25 PM

Yeah what Todd said!

WELDNGOD - 10-12-2010 at 06:31 PM

I gotta get some yellow tires for my TRAMPA!
Rian, I have some room on my TRAMPA for some small ECKS logos!;)

Chad - 10-12-2010 at 06:46 PM

They turned out great! way to go Rian that's a home run...
Were you able to get the special orders in?
They will be a great Christmas present for the wife if so..

rocfighter - 10-12-2010 at 06:59 PM

Man I wish I was close enouph to stop by and pick them up. You lucky doggs!! I guess I need to do the pay pal way.

rdavis - 13-12-2010 at 08:13 AM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
I gotta get some yellow tires for my TRAMPA!
Rian, I have some room on my TRAMPA for some small ECKS logos!;)

I probably won't be able to send them with your shirts, but I will get some to send your way for the TRAMPA. Did you want them in yellow? What would be a good size?

flyguy0101 - 13-12-2010 at 10:34 AM

I have been sleeping at the wheel- what is the chance you have an xxl hoodie- if so i will take it

rdavis - 13-12-2010 at 10:57 AM

Originally posted by flyguy0101
I have been sleeping at the wheel- what is the chance you have an xxl hoodie- if so i will take it

Hey Scott, afraid I don't have any extra 2XL hoodies. I've only got extras in large and xl sizes

WELDNGOD - 15-12-2010 at 12:39 PM

got my pkg. today. They look great! I'm wearing the hoodie right now. Thanks Rian, now I'm really a "team rider".:bigok:

Todd - 15-12-2010 at 01:02 PM

Hey Rian, go ahead and ship my 2xl to Scott please. I'll wait for the next one and it's not like I won't have enough long sleeves to wear.

shehatesmyhobbies - 15-12-2010 at 01:46 PM

Donnie glad you got your gear!

rdavis - 15-12-2010 at 02:59 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
got my pkg. today. They look great! I'm wearing the hoodie right now. Thanks Rian, now I'm really a "team rider".:bigok:

Glad to hear it Donnie! Enjoy!

gilligan - 15-12-2010 at 03:09 PM

Got mine today as well. Pretty!

Thanks Rian!


rdavis - 15-12-2010 at 04:21 PM

Originally posted by gilligan
Got mine today as well. Pretty!

Thanks Rian!


You're quite welcome Bob!

rocfighter - 20-12-2010 at 05:22 AM

Saturday was an exciting day here in the woods. First a big FedEx truck backed up the driveway and in discust the driver got out and walked to the house with a square package. WOO HOO I love packages! When he got to the door I was waiting. We're mean our door is on the side of the house! He said "nice driveway Dave" I gave him a cookie and said thanks! Ok so this was the calanders.
THEN we were heading to town and what a surprise. A big package hanging on the mail box too double WOO HOO! to packages in one day. Sandy and the kids gave me funny looks with my excitement! And if you hadn't guessed this was the hoodies and tshirts. What could make this day better.
So Rian all this is leading up to a big thank you from me and The Kidd. He will be excited on Christmas morning I'm sure.

rdavis - 20-12-2010 at 06:44 AM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Saturday was an exciting day here in the woods. First a big FedEx truck backed up the driveway and in discust the driver got out and walked to the house with a square package. WOO HOO I love packages! When he got to the door I was waiting. We're mean our door is on the side of the house! He said "nice driveway Dave" I gave him a cookie and said thanks! Ok so this was the calanders.
THEN we were heading to town and what a surprise. A big package hanging on the mail box too double WOO HOO! to packages in one day. Sandy and the kids gave me funny looks with my excitement! And if you hadn't guessed this was the hoodies and tshirts. What could make this day better.
So Rian all this is leading up to a big thank you from me and The Kidd. He will be excited on Christmas morning I'm sure.

Awesome Dave! You are quite welcome and I hope The Kidd loves his Christmas present!

Todd - 20-12-2010 at 07:04 AM

They turned out GREAT Rian, thanks! I'm all geared up and ready to rock, you should have seen the crew down here during the photo shoot. I would have brought a tear to Rich's eye :smilegrin:

rdavis - 20-12-2010 at 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Todd
They turned out GREAT Rian, thanks! I'm all geared up and ready to rock, you should have seen the crew down here during the photo shoot. I would have brought a tear to Rich's eye :smilegrin:

Welcome Todd! Glad you and everyone else likes them!

rocfighter - 25-12-2010 at 08:00 PM

The Kidd was very excited about his sweat shirt and Tshirt this morning. Thanks again.

shehatesmyhobbies - 25-12-2010 at 09:28 PM

Glad he liked his new ECKS gear! Can't wait to see it when you guys come to WW in the spring!

rocfighter - 26-12-2010 at 07:11 AM

We both wore them yesterday to a family gathering. Lots of good coments on how good they look. And now more of our family knows what it is we are doing. The graffics are great.

zracek - 6-1-2011 at 06:19 PM

I missed the deadline. Can I still order The Hoodie (Large)


shehatesmyhobbies - 6-1-2011 at 07:46 PM

I think we still have a large hoodie, I will check and get back to you tomorrow!

cheezycheese - 6-1-2011 at 11:10 PM

Hey guys, these are sweet !!! Thanks !!!

ripsessionkites - 6-1-2011 at 11:30 PM

can i get one?

WELDNGOD - 7-1-2011 at 01:58 AM

Let me know when ya reorder, I'm gonna grab some more shirts and a couple more hoodies.

rdavis - 7-1-2011 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by zracek
I missed the deadline. Can I still order The Hoodie (Large)


I have one hoodie left, and i'm fairly certain it is a large. If that's the case, it's all yours Ziggy.

Originally posted by ripsessionkites
can i get one?

Were you looking for a t-shirt or hoodie Ricardo? I've only got one hoodie left and Ziggy has already requested it. I do have a handful of t-shirts left though, mostly large and some extra large. Let me know.

I wasn't planning on reordering so soon, but since there seems to be quite a few people that missed out and some who are requesting more shirts, I can look into getting another order put in. Since it will most likely be a smaller order than before though, it MAY affect the price. It shouldn't and hopefully it won't, but I just wanted to put that out there. Everybody chime in with what you want specifically...(hoodie and/or t-shirt, quantities and sizes) so I can submit that to the screen printer and get a quote.

flyguy0101 - 7-1-2011 at 10:46 AM

got a tee from rich at ww last week- thanks again. if you do a reorder though put me down for

1 small hoodie
1 2xl hoodie


zracek - 7-1-2011 at 06:21 PM


I would like the large hoodie and if you still have some large t-shirts left, I'll take one of them too. Would you be able to send me a message with the total price including shipping to Canadian postal code N3H 5L2? I can send you the money right away. What kind of payment method do you accept?



rdavis - 10-1-2011 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by zracek

I would like the large hoodie and if you still have some large t-shirts left, I'll take one of them too. Would you be able to send me a message with the total price including shipping to Canadian postal code N3H 5L2? I can send you the money right away. What kind of payment method do you accept?



U2U sent, sorry for the delay Ziggy!

zracek - 10-1-2011 at 06:25 PM

Hi Rian. I just send you money thru paypal.



rdavis - 11-1-2011 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by zracek
Hi Rian. I just send you money thru paypal.



Thank you Ziggy! I just dropped everything off at the Post Office. I've never shipped to Canada before and there was no estimate on the shipping time. Hopefully they won't take too long to get to you. Let me know when they arrive if you can. Thanks again!

zracek - 21-1-2011 at 03:54 PM

Hi Rian.

I received the hoodie and the t-shirt - Thanks!


P.S. I'm in the NABX mood now - flight is booked! :Ange09:

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-1-2011 at 06:02 PM

Hope you enjoy the shirts Ziggy.

P.S. Jealous can't make it out there!

Have a great trip!

cheezycheese - 21-1-2011 at 06:05 PM

Rich/Rian- why don't you have your web address on the hoodies...?

shehatesmyhobbies - 21-1-2011 at 06:10 PM

More or less they were done in a hurry for WW. We are working on new designs and more details for future shirts. The web address will be on some. Thanks Marc.

rdavis - 22-1-2011 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by zracek
Hi Rian.

I received the hoodie and the t-shirt - Thanks!


P.S. I'm in the NABX mood now - flight is booked! :Ange09:

Quite welcome Ziggy! Enjoy and have a great time at NABX!