Power Kite Forum

Need Default Pigtail Lengths for Venom II

flyguy0101 - 11-11-2010 at 10:25 AM

I recently picked up a Venom II as well as a Vortex and am trying to find some info before i take these kites out. These are first entrance into Arcs and am looking forward to using them in my gusty winds. Mainly am looking for the Default or recommended Lengths of the pigtails attached to the trailing edge as well as leading edge.
Kites are
Venom II 16m using a zero 4 or 7 bar not sure which
Vortex 12m using the same bar

BeamerBob - 11-11-2010 at 10:40 AM


Everything you ever wanted to know about an arc and more.

acampbell - 11-11-2010 at 11:18 AM

your Zero 4 bar will have front line safety and the top-hat safety will split the chicken loop open to dump the kite.

The Zero 7/ Twinskin bar will be stock configured for rear line safety and the top-hat safety will separate the center line above the chicken loop , leaving the loop intact.