Power Kite Forum

Synergy suggestion, sizing

kitedelight - 12-11-2010 at 01:56 PM

Hey all,

Need a suggestion from someone that knows wind ranges in both Peter Lynn and Flysurfer kites.

I am looking at possibly picking up another kite. I haven't decided which way to build my quiver, but this regards smaller sizes of kites. I currently own a flysurfer psycho4 12.

For smaller guys, I am keeping my eye out for a pulse2 8, psycho3/4 8, but I thought I would venture to figure out what size of Peter Lynn kite would be a good fit as well, since they are well known for their stability (higher winds around my area tend to be gusty). I was thinking Synergy or Charger, although my bank account is recommending a used Synergy. ;)

What Synergy or Charger size would be equivalent to the FS pulse2 8 or psycho 3/4 8?


ripsessionkites - 12-11-2010 at 03:22 PM

12m syn / ch = psy 4 8m

also there is the factor of board size

kitedelight - 12-11-2010 at 05:24 PM

wow, I would have guessed a 10m Synergy/ch = pyscho4 8, wasn't think it was going to be 2 more meters.

Good to know for sure.

Has anybody flown both to give me a rundown of how they would handle differently?

Bladerunner - 12-11-2010 at 06:30 PM

I have the 7m Pulse and 10m Charger. They are very different animals.

The Charger is much faster and faster turning. More depower? Needs more wind for it's sweet spot. It sort of overlaps the 7m but I think a 12m and 8m is a better match?
If you like the way the Flysurfers fly you may want to stick with them rather than changing up styles all the time ?

kitedelight - 12-11-2010 at 10:31 PM

Interesting, I wonder if the speed difference would apply to the synergy/ch 12 as well?

So Bladerunner, the pulse 7 and the Charger 10 are not quite a match, but how would you compare their gust handling ability?

I know the pulse and psycho already do quite well regarding gust handling (as far as reviews go online), but I know Peter Lynn is well known for that particular characteristic. I would primarily be using the kite for landboarding, and for me, gusts handling is quite important cause I seem to notice them more on the landboard than on the snow. If the synergy/charger and pulse are comparable for gust handling, I'll most likely just go Flysurfer to avoid learning how to fly a new brand; but, if the Synergy has an noticeable advantage in the gust handling department, I might just try it out.

ripsessionkites - 12-11-2010 at 11:28 PM

i would say jump on the Pass the Charger 12m but thats like the slowest going pass in the world. LOL.

any PL twinksin model will require more wind than the FS. the bonus of the FS is less inflate / flatter surface / extra design bells.

the ARC have a their unique ability too like flying extremely outside the windrange, auto-zenith, gust munching

if you have P4, get a 8m instead.

AD72 - 12-11-2010 at 11:59 PM

It is not odd mixing brands. Whatever kite works for the weather situation. I like my 9m phantom Arc. It can turn a crappy high wind gusty day into a good time. I trust it with the gusts. The 10m Pulse is great for more stable wind and water relaunch. It does handle gusts but the Arc absorbs them. Two totally different kites with different characteristics and wind ranges. I have used both in the buggy. I also tried out BeamerBob's 10M synergy in the buggy and had a blast. It definitely has more bar pressure than a Flysurfer. I have not done landboarding.

Bladerunner - 13-11-2010 at 11:59 AM

I am not saying that there is no way you should mix it up. I do ! Just that a little adjustment in thinking is required. Not a big deal if you get the pay off.

My Pulse and Charger react to a gust very different. With the pulse it will hit like a whip . You let the bar out almost after it is over ? The twin skin shape shifts reducing it's projected area at the same time it is absorbing the initial hit. Much nicer and reduced when in motion.

If gust munching is part of your needs then you DO want to demo a 12m ( + 10 ) twin skin. Don't judge it on a static fly. You need to get in motion.

kitedelight - 13-11-2010 at 09:44 PM

lol, ya, even if I decided for a synergy/charger, there is the practical problem of problem of actually getting a hold of one. ;)

On the other hand, since a pulse2 upgrade is in the near future, the pulse2 should be very easy to get a hold of soon....decisions decisions decisions.

ya, gust handling really is a priority in a higher wind kite. The arcs really have got me intrigued by all these descriptions of how they handle gusts. I would love to try one, but they are about as rare a kite species as FS around my area - and that's pretty rare!

BeamerBob - 13-11-2010 at 09:59 PM

In most areas, if you are flying a FS or Arc, you will probably be the only one either way. I've never been flying around either one that I wasn't already friends with the guy flying it.