Power Kite Forum

new kite now decided

nomad - 1-12-2010 at 12:23 PM

Well its official Iv got a new kite, (read 2nd hand) Beamer III 3mt evil bay £81 now to start terriorising the locals with my up-diddly ups and defenetly my down-diddly downs, Oh and Unbelevably I am receving via very very kind donation a Pansh Flux 4.7mt brand new. Aint I a lucky boy :smilegrin: ????? would just like to thank you all for your advice and making a newbie feel very welcome cheers

Bex :wee:

Bladerunner - 1-12-2010 at 06:27 PM

That was a good deal !

Amazing to get the Flux ! It has to be new or near new.

Have fun and be safe! Too many beginers have been coming back hurt lately! Let us know how you go!

nomad - 2-12-2010 at 11:36 AM

mmm I will be using a helmet, pads and kite killers and i will not have a problem in letting go of handles if it all starts to go wrong.. "live to fight another day" thats my motto. and I dont think i will try the Pansh untill i have a few hours with the Beamer under control...Yep the Pansh is new (and cant wait to try it....)

flyjump - 2-12-2010 at 11:42 AM

Getting new kites is an awesome feeling especially when you are first starting out. I remember feeling like I had made some famous discovery when I got my first powerkite. Enjoy learning everything you can! I remember my first scuds and I new then I was hooked

cheezycheese - 2-12-2010 at 11:44 AM

i will not have a problem in letting go of handles if it all starts to go wrong..

lol... By the time that let go thing kicks in, it's usually too late... Ouch!!!:smilegrin:

nomad - 2-12-2010 at 11:55 AM

I can see a few Superman's comming on in the very near future me thinks :sniff:

flyjump - 2-12-2010 at 12:30 PM

Hahah yeah man, I did the superman thing once on my second outing. Luckily I was on soft grass and I didn't get hurt. It just made me laugh and want to fly more. I hope you have good experiences with your new toys :)

labrat - 2-12-2010 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by cheezycheese
i will not have a problem in letting go of handles if it all starts to go wrong..

lol... By the time that let go thing kicks in, it's usually too late... Ouch!!!:smilegrin:

Excerpt from an e-mail I sent to Mr. Campbell. Static flying on a high wind day with a 3M Beamer.

"I have not had to use the kite killers yet, I find my forearms gaining strength in lock step with my adrenaline level. I must say that this was my best learning day. I was glad for your advise on moving up the break lines. One knot made the kite much more manageable and well behaved. I made it out of that day without as much as a grass stain. The aerobic workout makes me wonder why people join gyms?"

kiteboyza - 2-12-2010 at 05:28 PM

Seems you cant wait for the Pansh, I'll get it in the post before the end of the week:wee:

Bladerunner - 2-12-2010 at 07:05 PM

To avoid supermaning launch from the edge of the window in strong winds. Launching from the side is actually the correct way but we all hot launch as long as it's safe.
In lessons they will tell you the only right way is from the side.