Power Kite Forum

Learning to Fly - The Movie!

Kamikuza - 6-12-2010 at 06:33 PM

Added a Vimeo ... cos I should really upload something there :lol: Quality seems a tad better ...?


mdntdncr - 6-12-2010 at 08:02 PM

Fun to watch!!!

Jaymz - 6-12-2010 at 08:12 PM

Thanks alot Kev. Really enjoyed that!

Great riding, great camera angle, great song!

I'm really jealous of the shorts and warm waters. Too cold here to even think about water kiting. Brrrrrr.

kteguru - 6-12-2010 at 08:23 PM

You rock KK!:thumbup::thumbup:

Kamikuza - 6-12-2010 at 08:24 PM

Warm waters :lol: it was 12 degrees C that day ... when I got off the water, the bunch of locals standing around burst into laughter. Me in my shorts, them in full length wetsuits :lol:

AD72 - 7-12-2010 at 12:40 AM

Great video! Man I want get back on the water but the season is over here in Norcal. I need to go on a trip.
How deep is the water? There were a few times you got separated from the board by a distance with the cannon ball.
Body-dragging fun?

ripsessionkites - 7-12-2010 at 01:44 AM

nice vid... damn you're getting skinner.

im so glad the door and you are getting along, that board was made for you.

love the spray off the board when you're airborne. LOVE IT.

Asians need to be in wet-suits all year due to body mass, we have no fat content to keep warm.

cheezycheese - 7-12-2010 at 02:46 AM

You go boy!!! Awesome video dude... Haven't heard that tune in a while either :cool2:

Kamikuza - 7-12-2010 at 04:50 AM

The lake there stays shallow for a long way out - if the wind (and so the waves) is not up, I can walk out about 300m from shore and still touch the bottom comfortably ... I was sort of bobbing off the bottom that day. I don't like to rely on it though ... and I'm the body dragging master :D The worst I had to do was when I inverted the Crossbow and by the time I got it sorted out, I couldn't see my board. Back and forth I went for what felt like 20 minutes but I found it in the end! The day of the video, the first few dips got a shocked "OOH!" out of me but after that, it was just cool and refreshing ;) it's hard work out there! :D

The spray of the board is awesome :) but then, so is the board! Can't thank you enough dude! :thumbup:

A local guy who's the Asian champ IIRC was also out in t-shirt and shorts but he's a feckless teenager :D my personal opinion is they just like moaning about the weather here and are so used to air-conditioned comfort that they can't differentiate between being slightly uncomfortable and actually being cold.

thanson2001ok - 7-12-2010 at 05:40 AM

Nice vid. I like the way the image is always level. And the fancy board work, of course.

tridude - 7-12-2010 at 05:59 AM

nicely done Sir, you are there:thumbup:..................so a 6'1-6'3 fish or thruster shape for next season?:yes:

PHREERIDER - 7-12-2010 at 06:14 AM

very nice KK, got couple back rolls, 720 and a loop ! your doing it!

the viewing correction is super nice.

hey i'm the last in skins too!

BeamerBob - 7-12-2010 at 09:03 AM

KK I love how you keep in the out takes and make fun of yourself in the process. I'm sure I'm not the only one rooting for you to make that next jump when you just did a cannonball on your last try. You are def getting it. A word of warning though, if you keep doing that, you might lose your Japanese title of fattest kiteboarder. :smilegrin:

Kamikuza - 7-12-2010 at 06:06 PM

Fancy board work ... wha-? :lol: Phree you lost me too :D I thought you had to keep the board on your feet for the 720's to count :lol:

The view correction is time consuming and a huge pain in the bum. Next time, I gotta get more organized and use the fin mount or a helmet mount to save myself editing time :o

Y'know, I might only be the heaviest kiteboarder in Japan - I've seen a few guys who literally look like cannonballs ... I only look like I ate a couple. Cannonballs, not guys.

Hard to see, but there's always a big ol' smile on my face :D

stetson05 - 7-12-2010 at 08:01 PM

I really like the perspective the camera mount you used provides. It is easy to see when you jump where others are too far away. The helmet mounts provide point of view but don't give a good feel for jumps or other things. My votes are for fin and your kite mount. I would love to see a Phree movie shot with either or both and edited by Todd. :dunno:

PHREERIDER - 8-12-2010 at 09:22 AM

you're doing fine, just knocking you. that was a delayed board off w/ body drag, 720. which collectively demos alot more skill. of course keeping the board on and landing it is the idea.

"view correction" after trying this i settled for transition and new direction only the little stuff was too tedious.. for a short go yeah you can work thru it quick but couple minutes forget it.

you did great job on the edit ...i can barely remember the camera much less spend editing what i have. keep at it!

g-force junkie - 8-12-2010 at 08:58 PM

Nice, and I'm sure PMU is watching and proud

Kamikuza - 8-12-2010 at 10:13 PM

LOL just wait till my Psycho3 arrives :P

Thanks phree :) gotcha now :D
I'm sure if I was smoother with the kite I'd have a lot less to do - or perhaps if I was just a lot less pedantic :lol:

PHREERIDER - 9-12-2010 at 06:17 AM

@stetson ...ME TOO! when the conditions are good its about gettin' on. my habits are wrought and the camera, the editing is really outside my usual flow. it would be nice!

@ KK the flow of details and reflexes with kiteboarding is an exquisite system. mastery and control are well on there way. just do your time and things will change exactly where you will it, promise.