Power Kite Forum

Peter Lynn Pepper

Mouse - 14-10-2005 at 08:06 PM

I was wondering if anyone has had one of these Peter Lynn Peppers out? http://kitesnowboarder.com/ Looks like one helluva good deal for someone starting off and this seems like a lot of bang for the buck if it is a decent kite. Any input would be much appreciated thanks!

Good Times!
Amos K.

Redbullwings - 16-10-2005 at 02:45 PM

Yep i got a 2.5 Pepper. Its my first real power kite (I am 15 and weigh 85 lbs) and its great!! It has plenty of pull. I took it out today in 15mph+ winds and put in some nice 10-15 yard scuds (both standing and on my belly) and even got in a few nice jumps. Its a blast to fly in the faster winds when it really pulls. I anicapate bringing it out this winter on a snowboard. I definatly reccomend it. I give it :thumbup::thumbup:!!

Hope this helps.:spin:

Mouse - 17-10-2005 at 09:49 AM

Thanks for the input redbull. Belly scudding is such a blast eh hehe. :tumble: I might have to pick one of those buggers up!

Good Times!
Amos K.