Power Kite Forum

Charger15m review...team rider perspective

flyjump - 15-12-2010 at 07:59 PM

I finally got to use my new charger today, so I thought a review was due.

Out of the bag-
Kite looks great....set up didn't take long, had to remember to attach the kook proof connectors. I made sure to add the line extensions. of course its crispy blah blah blah...lets get down to the real stuff

I got three freakin bowties right in a row!!!! I realized that I had static cling on the socks on the intake valve. After I pinched them apart I was finally able to launch. One of the socks was still stuck, so I had to land it one more time and pinch it open. Finally, got the kite in the air. I didn't like the feel of the new bar. The foam feels cheaper than the foam grips on the zero7. The bar also is shorter than what i'm used to. I used to use a 65cm bar for my 16m scorpion. This kite turns so fast even on a 55cm bar. I felt like i was flying a 13m kite! the wind was about 15mphish.

The turning was very fast so I had to be careful. I almost looped it on the redirect after a jump. I was getting 6-8 jumps in 15mph wind! I cant wait to try it in 20-22mph winds. Yes i'm used to flying my 16 scorpion in that range. I love to fly overpowered and boost big.

This kite is so tuneable, i need more sessions on it to dial it in perfect.

I absolutely hate clam cleat systems! but.......this was so much easier than an older clam cleat i used in the past. It's definatly changing my mind about this sheeting system. :) i was impressed.

Bar pressure is so light compared to my scorpions and venoms. I didn't feel like i was actually gonna be able to ride. Kite has lots of grunt at lift. This kite flies fast like a C-kite, so I definatly understand those who prefer the park and ride style arcs like the phantom. I'm really gonna get into the charger because I can send it so fast across the window, so I will be able to boost bigger.

overall it felt good to me. still feels a little strange since i'm used to the scorpion turning slower on a bigger bar. I have a feeling I won't want to ride anything else. Let me know if you have any questions of anything I havn't covered or forgot to add, i'm trying to eat dinner and type this at the same time.

Oh yeah, I hit a few wind shadows and I think the v-split lines helped the kite keep its shape and not invert. i'm ready for a few solid sessions, so hopefully there will be more to add!

WELDNGOD - 15-12-2010 at 08:26 PM

Great review , bro'! I'm sure you'll have it dialed in soon.

flyjump - 15-12-2010 at 08:35 PM

thanks man! it is a little frustrating trying to learn a new kite when you are so used to your old one. At first I could only jump about 4 feet. I was getting a little mad at first, but once I got it trimmed up just right it was working out for me. I tweaked my knee a little bit after one of the jumps. I think the charger can take me higher in lower winds which is good, but I have to figure out the timing on the redirect still. the bar pressure is so light to what i'm used to. I have to sort out the power build up in the bar so I can get the timing just right. its nice because the kite is so grunty and easy to ride even when the feedback through the bar doesn't feel that way. Its awesome how easy it is to work this kite. Now i see why you guys like the less whippy synergy, but I think this will work to my advantage for jumping.


flyjump - 15-12-2010 at 08:38 PM

this is what my room looks like. all sorts of empty boxes, kites, gear, and team clothing. with the past few weekends of traveling I havn't had a chance to clean. but man, what a good mess to have!

photo.jpg - 154kB

Kamikuza - 15-12-2010 at 09:02 PM

Oh wow multiply your room mess by 4 and include 2/3's RC cars, books and other non-kite stuff and that looks like my room :lol:

I hear you on the bar grip ... although it feels like the white trays meat comes on from the supermarket, it's actually damn nice in the water - but I still prefer the Zero7 grip :(
The cam cleat is the business when you get used to it - although watch your fingers when you trim out to full power :o

erratic winds - 15-12-2010 at 09:19 PM

The mention of white foam trays at the deli makes me nostalgic! Haven't seen that in the states in a long time. All black foam now, apparently people didn't like the blood on the white.

Divide kite stuff in half, add lots of house plants and it's a fair approximation of my room....

Glad to hear your charger is here and you got some time on it! Can't wait for some photos!

flyjump - 15-12-2010 at 09:28 PM

Kami, I think I'm going to prefer the clam cleat after a few more sessions on it. I was pleasantly suprised with it. It's strange riding a big kite that feels like a small one as it flies through the air. I was also suprised by the ease of setting up lines before launching. I think it is quicker due to the vSplit. This kite also rolls up nicer with the spars still inside better than my scorpion

Kamikuza - 15-12-2010 at 10:06 PM

After the Speed2 19m and the Crossbow 16m, even the 19m Synergy just seems to be non-existent in the sky :lol:
I find it harder to launch cleanly with the V-split cos I used to pull and jiggle the downwind power line to bring the tip over the kite ... overall though I have to say I like the bar, especially the rotorhead thing and the adjustable stopper :thumbup:

BeamerBob - 15-12-2010 at 10:21 PM

Thanks for the report ER. It helps to hear of your trials and your successes. Keep your own "Daily Grind" going for us.

lunchbox - 15-12-2010 at 11:24 PM

Nice review flyjump! My Charger 19m should be arriving tomorrow...can't wait! Just curious what you had your internal straps set at, at the tips and center?

Also wonder how I'm going to like the clam cleat because I am also not a fan. Also would have liked to have had one of the power lines available during launch but I'll have to see how I feel about it when I fly her. Praying for wind this weekend!

Be interested in hearing more from you as you get her dialed in..

carltb - 16-12-2010 at 04:39 AM

oooooooooohh. this brings back memories!!!

i had virtually the same feelings when i got my Chargers. you will come to love the clam cleat especially if you fly unhooked.
just one thing, AKB, on launch the ch. likes alot of backline tension until it has come up to pressure. this will stop it collapsing and going into bowtie mode!!!!!

Todd - 16-12-2010 at 05:12 AM

Great review Adam; I enjoyed the phone conversation about the Charger and can't wait to pull one of mine into the air.

flyjump - 16-12-2010 at 05:45 AM

thanks guys, and thanks for the tip carl! Lunchbox, I usually have the straps pulled tight all of the way. during flight in the beginning i had a wrinkle or crease going down the center of the entire kite. you know how it looks when its not completely inflated or loses air while its overhead? I don't know if i had it trimmed wrong or if the fabric is still really stiff or if the intake vent was still sticking, so I landed it and let the middle strap out 50% This immediatly fixed the wrinkle/crease and the kite was accelerating forward and pulling like crazy. i'm not sure exactly what fixed that problem. I also pinched open the intake vent again when I adjusted the strap, so that couldve been the problem as well. If it was because the fabric was stiff i'm sure after a session that lasts more than an hour would fix that problem

acampbell - 16-12-2010 at 06:22 AM

yeah letting the center strap out of course is like adding rear line tension, as Carl suggested. I was so used to launching arcs with the center strap pretty tight, but with a not-yet-fully-inflated Charger you can get tip clap from that. Sheeting out some immediately settled mine down while it inflated.

PHREERIDER - 16-12-2010 at 06:51 AM

glad your on a CHARGER now! the crease concerned me from the start.
i never had a bowtie with CHARGERS. definitely back line tension til pressures is up on the launch. thankful for the lighter bar pressure and yes it requires a balance point adjustment more through the hips and legs rather than shoulders in riding style and it so much better in the long run

you'll get the timing down and will want to loop it! i remember the first go on a charger, on the water, 12M in 25-30 knots. QUICK was what was on my mind!

on the straps i preferred loose to about 1/3 to 1/2 in , never really change it that much.

the bar, it has its merits ,the stopper ball LOVE IT. THE SAFETY LINE SHOULD GO THROUGH THE STOPPER BALL (somehow), the clam thing is fine ,really depowered for unhooked gets kinda floppy. the foam tatters quickly, and some cosmetic issues but solid for sure.

very nice FLYJUMP

flyjump - 16-12-2010 at 07:39 AM

phreerider, did you get the crease as well? Or did you just mean that it concerned you that it happend to me?

PHREERIDER - 16-12-2010 at 08:29 AM

yeah, on the belly center 4-6cells wide in front of the leech strap and deepens with bar pressure. some center strap tension can decrease it but seemed always present to some degree.

low AR and drag, hence the "big kite feels like a smaller"

from the pilot position quite apparent. not sure of any effect on any thing. i would like to be a spectator one of this days to see it from a different perspective for a while (other than vid).