Power Kite Forum

Pansh Flux 4.0M

bobalooie57 - 19-12-2010 at 06:19 AM

I got my first go at the Pansh Flux 4M being passed by WELDNGOD, yesterday on the snow in Honeyville. Wind was varying but mostly SW from 8-12mph, enough to feel the power in the kite, but not enough, with my poor board skills, to get me going on the snow. I'm pretty confident that buggying with it would have been fun. I had no trouble putting the kite where I wanted, and only had a couple of tip wraps where the bridle wrapped around the kite in a lull. This I felt was more due to the shifting wind, and my unfamiliarity with the kite, than the kite itself. I had the helmet cam in photo mode, so I'll see if I can attach some pics, only 500 or so to sift through!


12-18-10 Honeyville 083.JPG - 71kB

bobalooie57 - 19-12-2010 at 06:22 AM

In flight! I wish the green was on the inside, too!

12-18-10 Honeyville 010.JPG - 69kB

bobalooie57 - 19-12-2010 at 06:26 AM

I'm hoping to get it out in more, and steadier wind, but it doesn't look like today has any wind for us. :no:

12-18-10 Honeyville 130.JPG - 70kB

Scudley - 19-12-2010 at 05:46 PM

What is the interval on the stills? String them into a slide show at 1/2 second intervals. It could be interesting.

4m Flux

Blake - 20-12-2010 at 08:11 AM

Hi Guys

I have a 4m Flux as well, and it's a great kite for people just starting out in the sport. Gentle handling, no surprises in gusts, etc,
It's the perfect kite for an experienced kiter to keep in the car to show newbie’s what it's all about.
When I first flew it, it reminded me of my old Ozone Little Devils, same characteristics and handling properties. The build quality of the Flux is right up there as well, big advances coming from Pansh lately, a really well made kite!


bobalooie57 - 20-12-2010 at 09:03 AM

I hope since there isn't a long line wating for this kite that I can hold it for a while, to try in better wind.

WELDNGOD - 20-12-2010 at 09:06 AM

go ahead bob ,try it out.

bobalooie57 - 28-12-2010 at 07:27 AM

I got another go with the Flux 4M over the weekend, this time with the buggy on the ice of Chaumont Bay. The snow on the ice was that granular, crystal-like stuff we call sugar snow, so it was kind of like riding in the soft sand at the beach, except slipperyer(?). When you hit the clear ice, it was instant Wheee!!! The kite pulled like a truck, at times coming close to unseating me, mainly due to the resistance of the snow, but I found the kite to be quite manageable, and quite a work-out in those conditions. If I were in the market for a 4M FB kite, I would definitely consider the Flux. Where does it go next? Anyone want to try this beautiful Green and Red kite? I posted video of riding with the Flux on the bay, in the locations and conditions forum under the N E ice conditions thread.

WELDNGOD - 28-12-2010 at 07:52 AM