shortlineflyer - 20-12-2010 at 04:27 PM
I have a blast 2-4 and i was wondering if anyone out there new what line lengths i should have for the following flying styles
-light wind 0-8 mph
-static flying(in different wind conditions)
-buggying (in different wind conditions)
right now i have two 100' quad line sets
thank you,
action jackson - 20-12-2010 at 04:50 PM
I would go for 70- 30.......aj
awindofchange - 20-12-2010 at 10:03 PM
Depends on where you are flying and what space you have. I fly mine on 75' or 100' lines and it works great.
shortlineflyer - 23-12-2010 at 07:32 AM
i usually fly at a soccer field that is surrounded by trees so the wind is turbulent.
is it possible to fly this kite indoors?
awindofchange - 23-12-2010 at 01:42 PM
Turbulent winds will be challenging with the Rev. It powers up so quickly and is so fast that gusty winds makes it hard to get a steady pull and good
control out of. On the edge of the window it will luff if the gust is strong enough but luffing in the middle of the window is usually not an issue
at all and the kite will just float back until it regains power again.
With turbulent winds, I would think that longer lines would be preferred as it will help slow the kite down a little more and keep it in the power
longer. Gusts won't dart the thing around as easily as it would on shorter lines.
Give yourself some good amounts of time to get use to the kite. It is very different from a normal foil type kite but can be a riot to fly once you
get it figured out.