Originally posted by awindofchange
My results have been very different to yours Bladerunner. One of the riders in our group uses Flexi Blades exclusively and the Yakuza's outperform
his Blades in every size, including his 9m (for speed comparisons in the buggy). The 10m Yakuza GT produces much better speed and power than his 9m
Blade and goes up easier in the lightest of winds, it also has much better upwind performance, the larger sizes are even more so. Granted it is a 10m
compared to a 9m, but I can outrun him with his 9m blade with my 8.3 - its not even close and I weigh a bit more than he does. I can buggy with my
12m Yakuza GT in 1-2 mph winds and it goes up very easily, if there is any breeze at all the kite is very easy to inflate and fly.
When flying the 14m Yakuza, it obviously will produce much more power than the 9m Blade and yes, you would need to downsize earlier than you would on
the 9m. The 9m would obviously handle higher winds better than the 14 meter will - same as the 17m compared to the 14....the 14m will handle higher
winds than the 17m will - but these giant monsters are not really designed for high wind flying. If the winds are somewhat clean, I can buggy with my
12m Yakuza starting about 1-2 mph winds up to around 8-9mph. After that I usually switch down to my 8.3m.
That being said, I can handle more wind with my 10m Yakuza than my friend can handle with his 9m Blade. The Blade has so much brute downwind force
that when the winds pick up, it starts to drag you sideways and you can't get forward speed out of it. The Yakuza flies so much better out on the
edge that you can park it out there and get much better speed and handle more wind. To prove this, my friend and I swapped kites and the exact
opposite happened. He outran me with my 10m Yakuza while I was flying his 9m Blade. The results were the same. I couldn't get near the forward bite
and speed out of the Blade as he could get with the Yakuza - although the Blade was trying to rip my arms out of my sockets, it couldn't keep up.
The Blade is an excellent kite and I don't want to come off sounding like I am bashing it in any way. It just doesn't produce the speed that the
Yakuza's do. In the same breath, the Yakuza's don't produce near the lift that the Blades do.
Anyways, these are my findings. Having flown nearly every race kite on the market, I find the Yakuza's are still the best for my flying style and
conditions. The closest second would be the Vapors. Both of these kites are absolutely awesome and it really comes down to personal preference as to
which one is better. For me the Yakuza's top my list.
This opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it. |