Power Kite Forum

UK Riders - HELP!

Craig Sparkes - 25-12-2010 at 11:22 AM

Hi Guys,

Hope your all having a good xmas!

Now that Xmas is now on its way out, its time to plan NABX.

We are looking to come out a few days before the Pre-Event to relax and maybe have a little session on the Playa.

Last year we booked into hotels but a few locals said that we should have asked them. So here we are, a floor, sofa anything would be amazing!

If you are able to help then we will be most grateful!

just looking into all costs & plans now so we can start booking.

Looking to arrive eve of the 22nd as thats cheapest flights!



Bladerunner - 25-12-2010 at 12:06 PM

If you want to ride at Ivanpah before the NABX event I am pretty sure you should have a permitt .

We are covered during NABX but require individual permitts the rest of the year. This is just for Ivanpah. Most of the others are free access. Elmer's has a day fee.

C'ya there!

deanaoxo - 26-12-2010 at 01:21 PM

I'm heading towards either Harpers or Elmers on the 23rd!

Gonna camp, you in?

Originally posted by Craig Sparkes

Looking to arrive eve of the 22nd as thats cheapest flights!


coreykite - 28-12-2010 at 12:28 PM

Hey Sailors,
How many are you?
Specifics on days and needs?

I might be able to help.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama mayor of buggytown

Morrie Williams - 30-12-2010 at 06:34 PM

If you go to Harper, is there a specific location?

Craig Sparkes - 3-1-2011 at 12:50 PM

Well likely to be Me, Will & Dave.

Arrive 22nd/23rd time through to 4th April.

All gear is at NABX store so would need to get to that, but thats about it!

deanaoxo - 6-1-2011 at 02:34 PM

Currently that's the plan for the base.

Fast Freddie might know where we are going as they found an easier way onto the lake bed, so someone else will have to chime in and of course we will have a specific PRe-Event post thread as we get closer to the event as well as a general email mail out.

Originally posted by Morrie Williams
If you go to Harper, is there a specific location?

Craig Sparkes - 7-1-2011 at 01:18 AM

Guys an Update - We are not needing help now!

We need to say a massive thanks firstly to those who offered to help!

BUT Flexifoil have just been fantastic to us and helped us out hugely! We now have transport for the event!!!!! So while we have transport we still want to thank you that were going to help!!! It is apprechiated!

We land afternoon on 22nd, think going to go Primm for 1 night then yeah up for road trip deano!

nocando - 23-1-2011 at 03:22 AM

Hi guys can you point me in the right direction for info

on bringing a buggy into the US,

I presume no muck any where.

Craig Sparkes - 23-1-2011 at 05:59 AM

Hi dude,

Not the case like Oz!

We shipped buggies last year and left in storage all year.

We are taking 3 demo buggies there, SO if you fail to get buggy there we still will be able to help!

When we have taken buggies they pack down into a kite surf board bag weighing about 23kg. Check with airline on "sports equipment" some give an extra 23/32kg bag for FREE or a smaller charge. Then other bag has kites & clothes! Not too much hassle tbh!

Who would you be flying with?



nocando - 23-1-2011 at 12:19 PM

Cheers for that

Am flying with Delta