Power Kite Forum

Who buggies with a depower?

rtz - 29-12-2010 at 04:28 PM

What kind, what size, and what winds are you in with it?

Anyone tried one and didn't like it?

geokite - 29-12-2010 at 06:15 PM

People don't?

pokitetrash - 29-12-2010 at 06:25 PM

I buggy with a Phantom 15 meter any day the winds are steady 9-14mph. Its an awesome buggy engine once you've gained confidence in flying such a big kite after flying a 5 meter fixed bridle in the same winds. I bought a 12 Phantom I havent used yet but you'll see lots of buggy topics where the depowers rule. I still use Fixed bridles on days I dont feel like setting up the Phantom, I'm just really lazy, so sometimes I just shake out a FB and go. But, my best rides have been on the Phantom by far. I had an Ozone Frenzy 7m also before I got better at buggying but the inland winds were a pain in the ass causing tip curls and overfly collapsing when the wind slowed. Might have been pilot error back then but I sold it an bought more FB, then got my first Phantom. Its really nice to have a throttle--Def depower!

Frathouse - 29-12-2010 at 06:30 PM

I do and so does my friend Ragden. Depower can be a bit cumbersome in a buggy but it works fine especially in wide open area's like Wildwood. If the riding area is small I prefer handle kites they turn a bit faster and are usually smaller and more powerfull depending on make/style. I like both but I mainly fly depower because I cross over to kitesurfing, snowkiteing, and kitebugging depending on the time of year. If you have no intention of ever riding on water and are totally in to buggies four line handle kites are the way to go. If your thinking about snowkiting but not kitesurfing open cell depower works great. If you are planning to go on the water you got three choices LEI, a peter lynn arc kite "Charger" , or Flysurfer "psycho4's and Speed3's which is what I prefer. Size you buy well that depends on your body weight and windspeeds you plan on riding in.

John Holgate - 29-12-2010 at 07:04 PM

I buggy with an Apex II 5 & 7.5m 80% of the time. 4m Access XT another 15% and 5% fixed bridles. And when I use fixed bridles, 90% of the time they're on a turbo bar. Most of my cruising is on the beach and the wind conditions can change - particularly on a long run or a squall hits. I have been able to keep kiting with my depowers while fixed bridles have had to be changed to smaller ones.

I will occasionally have a blast around the paddock on a hornet or century II on handles but even in a small area I still have a lot of fun with the depowers. On the whole, they are slower turning, placid and dependable - not overly exciting (compared to higher aspect fixed bridles) hmmmm.....although having said that, I'm picturing Chasta flying through the air on a Manta......

The best thing you can do is fly as many different types of kites as you can and decide what floats your boat :smilegrin:

WELDNGOD - 29-12-2010 at 07:37 PM

Mike aka Ragden is a Bada$$ buggy pilot . And if ya ask him ,he'll blame it on me. And I'm not sorry for turnin him on to it either. And I don't think he flies foils anymore. correct me if I'm wrong Mike.

AD72 - 29-12-2010 at 09:42 PM

I only buggy with a depower.

rtz - 29-12-2010 at 09:49 PM

Here's the wind for the next two days. I'll be in it from 12-4pm.

It just seems too much for the 7m Frenzy? Or not?

wind.jpg - 159kB

WELDNGOD - 29-12-2010 at 10:11 PM

seems sketchy to me (but I don't fly em) and if you are not comfy w/ it ,maybe it's that the little voice you need to start listenin to. Could save you a surgical procedure or two! I didn't listen to my little voice. :puzzled:

ragden - 30-12-2010 at 05:45 AM

I primarily buggy with depower kites, as noted by both WeldonGod and FratHouse. I started with fixed-bridle kites, then moved up to depower. I do have one LEI, but almost never fly it. I'm sure it would be a fine buggy engine, but I just dont care much for it.

My buggy engines are in my sig. I love flying the Outlaws in the buggy, they are really fun. I've been lofted by both at different times, but always came out alright. The Speed3 15m Deluxe can get me rolling in the buggy sub 10mph winds. I think the lowest I've ridden that kite in is around 5mph. Might go lower, I'm not positive. I'll hold that down until about 15mph, then I move up to either the 12m Outlaw, or the 8m depending on how brave I'm feeling that day. I can, and have, hold down the 8m until about 30mph winds. That gets a bit sketchy at the top end though. I'm probably going to pick up something smaller for winds that strong.

My favorite kite to fly in winds over 30mph is the 1.8m Flexifoil Rage. I dont have one yet, but I borrow one every time I can when winds are that high. I've also flown the 2m flow in those winds and had a blast. I also flew a 6m Psycho3 in winds that strong. That was also a load of fun. Personally, I feel a bit safer with a fixed-bridle over 30mph.

It is a matter of personal preference. You really just have to get out there and fly stuff and see what feels comfortable for you. Sorry for the long post.

edit: Looked at the wind graph you posted (didnt fully examine it before i posted... bleh)... I'm not sure what winds the 7m really works for. I would fly my 8m Outlaw in those winds. Might be a bit sketchy though. I'd make sure the safety and everything is ready to rock. The bgiggest concern is going to be the big wind spike and the shift in direction. That spike could really rock your world if you arent prepared for it. Just keep the kite low, and one hand on the safety, and you'll be fine. Also bear in mind that when the wind shifts direction you are probably going to run out of power, and would be in for a long walk back if you are way down wind from your start location (or upwind)...

BigMikesKites - 30-12-2010 at 05:59 AM

Unless I am using a strop or something like a turbo bar, I get wiped out physically pretty fast on some of the fixed bridles.

At the DeadBirdBuggyBash, only a few riders were using fixed bridles and I think there were only 2 of us that weren't using a strop. All the rest were DePower.

The others were cruising while we were huffing and puffing. Great workout though!

pbc - 30-12-2010 at 03:07 PM

I fly depower. I have two Scorpions, a 10m and 16m. I need a smaller Twinskin for the higher winds, but otherwise I am quite happy with the pair. I have buggied in winds as low as 6mph with the 16m and as high as 17mph with the 10m. I find I need about 7-8mph of wind to comfortably launch a Scorpion. As to the high end, the 10m was still quite easy to deal with in 17mph of wind. I think by 20mph I'd switch it out for a smaller kite. For reference I weigh 170lbs.

The depower gives them a very wide wind range. I really enjoy being able to power up when starting or when I hit soft stuff and then being able to depower when the load gets too high. You can use this wider wind range to either increase your safety margins or extend your buggy sessions as the wind changes. I do a bit of both.

Don't be fooled by the statements kite surfers and land boarders make about sizes need for certain winds. As a buggier you have the lowest rolling resistance and can get by on smaller kites.
