Power Kite Forum

Need advice/tips for getting HQ Hydra 350 to inflate

jeffbartol - 1-1-2011 at 11:08 PM

So I have taken out my new Hydra 350 3x times now.

1st time 8-10 mph winds - kite would not inflate, got off the ground momentarily a couple times.

2nd time 10-15 mph winds - kite would not inflate, got it off the ground several times, for very short periods of time.

3rd time 20+ mph winds with 30+mph gusts - kite would not inflate, got it off the ground many times but it never inflates.

So here is what seems off to me...

- It doesn't inflate, yes the zipper in back is closed.

- Even when flying it stays very low, usually no more than 5-10' off the ground, almost impossible to get it up to a 45 deg angle. The other 2 kites I have flown would go straight overhead unless you actively steer them. This one just doesn't do that.

- When in the air it doesn't really take on a "C" shape (when viewed from the side) but more of a sort of "W" like the bridle is pulling in the middle of the kite to much.

- It doesn't seem to pull as much as I think it should. 2 years ago I used a similar sized kite and it pulled me around a snow covered lake on a snowboard. This one wasn't pulling me straight downwind on a glare ice covered lake with 20 mph wind. I weight 170lbs.

- It seems to pull harder with the kite upside down pulling on the brake line than it does right side up holding the bar.

Anyone have any ideas on what I might be doing wrong or what could potentially be wrong with the kite. So far it has been extremely un-fun.


Kamikuza - 1-1-2011 at 11:56 PM

I know nothing about them but :lol: in general ...

Check for tangles in the bridle or that bits of it have looped around itself ...
Make sure that the intakes aren't being held closed by static electricity - no really :lol:
Is the brake/relaunch line thingy too short? Try taking it off ...

pigryder - 2-1-2011 at 06:23 AM

Jeff thats kinda odd, I have never had much trouble getting mine to inflate, sometimes the socks wanna stick closed after playing in the water but I would reach in threw the back door (zipper :bisou:) and make sure they are open with my hand before totally setting up the kite

frostbite - 2-1-2011 at 09:32 AM

It takes a little bit to get the hydra inflated properly. Usually 20-30 second of working it and getting it to the zenith.

I have pretty similar experience with my early on and especially when there isn't a lot of wind. The kite would be flat and difficult to control when it first get off the ground.

For me the key is to keep the kite moving and try to get it to the zenith, in lighter wind I would shake the kite to get it to open up by rapidly pulling on the line and walking backward. Once the kite reach zenith, it usually will fully inflate without any problem and start to pull.

In lighter wind (5-10mph) I will usually have the kite sit up on the ground, completely open and the upper 2/3 perpendicular to the ground, so it preinflate a bit on the ground.

When the kite is deflated it does pull a bit more upside down with you pulling in the brake line. Pulling in the brake line works right side up also but usually I find it more helpful to concentrate on steering the kite so it inflate.

I am also 170 and the kite has no problem pulling me on my ATM when its more than 20mph.

flash - 2-1-2011 at 09:40 AM

make sure the brake line knot is all the way out. If it keeps pulling into a W you have that brake set way to hard and that is why it wont go more then a few feet in the air. If you have problems with it properly inflating after you check the brake line, then make sure you pull the socks open a few times (grab from the outside and shake open). That might help.

Where did you get this kite?

jeffbartol - 2-1-2011 at 01:22 PM

Thanks everyone

@Kamikuza - I don't think there are any tangles but it is Minnesota and winter so the air is dry and static electricity could certainly be playing a role

@pigryder - Next time I will try reaching in through the zipper and shaking it around a bit. I suppose by our 4th date our relationship will have reached a point where that won't seem to inappropriate.

@frostbite - Sounds like you had similar experiences to what I'm having. I haven't been able to get it anywhere near the Zenith though, even after flying for 2.5 hours yesterday in 20+mph winds

@flash - When the kites flying there seems to be slack in the brake line. Anything else I should be looking at? I got the kite from Costal Wind Sports, it seemed all wrapped up and brand new, I saw no signs that anyone had messed with it or used it previously.