Well, the warm temps and rain made all the snow go away, so I headed off to Southwick Beach today, for my first buggy session of 2011. There was a
recent thread comparing raw vid with original sound vs. music background. I usually put music on my vids so you won't have to hear me moaning and
groaning, or squealing like a little girl. The music is usually from my collection, and something I've always liked. So if you don't like the
Outlaws, mute away! rocfighter - 2-1-2011 at 08:10 PM
Good music Bob. But I think hearing you squeal like a girl may be disturbing but funy all at the same time!!snowspider - 3-1-2011 at 07:35 AM
I'm thinking a york rake behind that buggy would be a good thing this spring.