chudalicious - 8-1-2011 at 09:13 PM
So, we took out the new 9m Frenzy today so we could set it up and ready ourselves for Tug Hill next week. All I can say is we were very impressed. It
seems like everything Ozone put in from last year's Frenzy make this new model that much better - from the blow outs to the closed mesh to the new
x-line connector to cut down on bridle tangle, it sure is a nice kite. Almost makes me want to sell my 7m for a new one
We headed out to the shore today to find winds ranging from 4-8mph so we just figured take it out, unroll the lines and set it up for Tug Hill. What
we did not expect was that we were able to fly. Anderson, who weighs ~220lbs found himself hopping a foot or two off the ground without much effort at
all (and no knowledge of how to jump). When I had my turn, I could see it was a quick kite - perhaps equal in speed to my 7m - even in the crap wind
we were flying it in. It was really smooth power too - no tugging like I had sometimes experienced with some other depowers. Had a really nice amount
of depower too. At times, we had to work it to keep it up but with a few mph more (really, anything over 6), it flew pretty well and stayed inflated
nicely. The x-line really stopped the bow ties and it seemed really stable and when he let go of the bar, it just went to zenith and waited for input.
(I'm sure its no arc, but still.) If this is any predictor of how it will handle more wind, we are going to be very, very happy.
I'll post a video soon (as we also used today to test our two GoPros and mounts) but considering our kiting skills pale in comparison to other PKFers,
I'm sure it won't be too interesting. Especially considering before today, we had not flown since late Oct!
Yes, we are beginners but I don't think other newbies should shy away from the Frenzy just because it is Ozone's mid-aspect depower. I am really
looking forward to expanding my knowledge and skills with the Frenzy. It's got great speed, built really well, seems very stable, and you can still
jump with it (ahhh... someday!)
A great all-around foil that one can really grow into and never really outgrow.
John Holgate - 9-1-2011 at 07:03 PM
Sounds like an excellent session. I've only flown last year's 9m Frenzy and was pretty impressed with it. heaps of depower (which was lucky for me
as by the time I got out to the end of the beach the wind had picked up considerably). Should be a kite that you can use for years and years.
Spartan flies Frenzys most of the time on his kite skates and swears by them.
There's some pic's of Spartan and Jolli at Elwood from a recent session here: Spartan & Jolli Elwood session
These guys know what they're doing!
chudalicious - 19-1-2011 at 07:34 AM
Last night I finally created and uploaded the Frenzy test flight video, which can be viewed at
Have to mention, though that due to our lack of flying skills, the video is anything but excting. However, I did have fun playing around with iMovie
and seeing just what our new GoPros could do.
Can't wait to get them out on the slopes on a bluebird day (which is what we really got them for!)
flyjump - 19-1-2011 at 07:44 AM
nice video chuddy, i love the colors of that kite. I wish I had a spot like that near a beach
flyguy0101 - 19-1-2011 at 07:44 AM
create job on the editing and video- you were right not the most exciting but the videography was great enjoyed it
indigo_wolf - 19-1-2011 at 10:14 AM
Nice shift of perspective at @2:12
djinnzfree - 26-1-2011 at 03:02 AM
Nice video Chudalicious... cool for me to see the Frenzy that way... i got exactly the same green as you! I'ved fly for about 3h½ at this time in two
session... i don't meet good wind... and got a bad knee on skis.
thank to share!