Power Kite Forum

Cabo kitesurfing trip

borntofli - 10-1-2011 at 07:48 PM

Just got back from 2 weeks kiting in Cabo and Los Barriles, Mexico... What a great place.... Been there 3 times this year, first time kiting there.....

You won't find a nicer, friendlier place......

Enjoy the poor quality video....


tridude - 10-1-2011 at 07:59 PM

nice vid BTF..............welcome home

PHREERIDER - 10-1-2011 at 08:17 PM

very nice video ! thanks for sharing

shaggs2riches - 10-1-2011 at 08:44 PM

nice skills!!!:thumbup:

AD72 - 10-1-2011 at 09:02 PM

I am in one small town North of Las Barriles right now as I type and will be there tomorrow to kite. I just missed you! Sunday and today there was no wind which is very rare for this time of year here. Tomorrow and Wed are supposed to be good. I leave Thursday.

nfleech - 11-1-2011 at 10:01 AM

Nice vid, digging everyone riding surfboards

AD72 - 14-1-2011 at 08:52 PM

I kitesurfed Tuesday and Wednesday. It was great!
There is a competition that started on Thursday that they are broadcasting at 10am Mountain time.
Lord of the Wind
BTF - did you bring your own board or rent there? I borrowed a neighbor's North Cesar. it felt short at 135cm. I can see why a majority were on surf boards with all the chop. I buried the nose a few times and crashed in the surf. Goodtimes! I brought my 10M Pulse.