Euromir - 12-1-2011 at 12:14 AM
I was looking for a "introduce yourself" topic but haven't spotted it, so this shall be my first post then, looks like a great forum and very glad to
be here.
I just got into kiting past few weeks, i live near a very busy kite-surfing beach in New Zealand (Raglan) and after several weekends watching the guys
whizzing around on there kites i kind of thought.. "well, i have no desire to get on the water or even any boards, BUT hell flying those kites looks
fun!" so i figured i would become a static flyer.. (although the 3 wheel buggies look a lot of fun, so maybe.........)
So, i went to the kite surf shop and got the cheapest thing they had! haha, a 2line DP Kites Trainer on a bar. I over the past few weekends have
gotten 7-8hrs of flying time on that little kite and loved every minute of it. So much so, i already though "need a bigger kite, and a 4 line one".
Bought a 2nd hand Peter Lynn Rebble (3.5m) today online and just awaiting its arrival. I figured $100 on a 2nd hand kite would be a better idea than
blowing $700 on a new Hornet etc right now.. Was that wise?
Anyway, the guy said the Rebble is 100% good condition and has Ozone handles and lines. But i do know it hasn't any kind of safety lines of wrist
straps etc? So i looking at getting something, 3.5m for a noob seems like it would be a good idea to get some kind of safety straps etc? But i had a
look at sites and there seems to be so many types, leashes / kite killers / chicken loops ?
So what do i need? Can i even retrofit and add some safeties to this kites? Or will i need to buy all new handles and controls first? Having not seen
it yet i not totally sure on handles type yet.
Thanks all, and its great to be here, expect 100s of noob questions soon!
PS: Do many people just fly kites for fun? (ie in a park, or beach). most threads seem to imply most people on some kind of board or surf?
stetson05 - 12-1-2011 at 12:32 AM
welcome. What you need are kite killers. Some will debate their effectiveness but starting out it is probably the best idea. You should realize
that if you let go with the kite fully powered in the middle of the wind window one will probably break. Better one break than hang on though and
break a wrist. What brand you are probably asking? I don't think it matters. I personally like to buy from one of the shops on here but you might
try to find something in New Zealand.
Many of us fly static for a while before we start rolling on something. Do what you enjoy, be safe (wear a helmet), and respect that kite. If you
are interested in buggies you might see if there is someone around who will let you try one first.
Good luck!
kiteetik - 12-1-2011 at 01:27 AM
welcome!!you can have fun flying static,but eventually you will want to travel in some form....... buggies are a good bet after you have some decent
flying time--there are mountainboards,snowboards,skis, and the water thing, which usually comes farther down the line..... enjoy your kite and be safe
out there.......
Todd - 12-1-2011 at 04:47 AM
Welcome. I static flew for a couple of years before setting foot into a buggy, since then there was no turning back!
ragden - 12-1-2011 at 06:12 AM
+1 for kite-killers...
You'll hear a lot of different stories about how people got into whatever type of riding they are doing. However, you will hear one common thread.
Nearly 90% of the time, once you start riding, most people dont go back to just static flying...
Kamikuza - 12-1-2011 at 06:16 AM
I got a 5m Rebble ... was my first power kite and has the most hours of all my kites by far. Stretched out power lines are a problem kite killers
and fly with your finger tips so you don't develop a death grip and can't let go!
Raglan eh? I give you 6 minutes after your first scud till you want to be on the water
Euromir - 12-1-2011 at 09:00 PM
Thanks all, i see what killers i can find in local suppliers then..
Nope wont get me on water, i just not a water kinda guy sorry.... Something on land sure, buggies may.... but not water ta
Euromir - 15-1-2011 at 05:23 PM
Hmmm funny you mention "soon want a bigger kite"..
Friend of a friend is emigrating and just offered me a 9m, 14m and a kite-board for just a couple of hundred bucks! Hell of a bargain, seems silly not
to snap it up, but not sure i ever gunna need a 14m. probably wont need the 9m for 4-5 mths learning on my 3.5m...
BeamerBob - 15-1-2011 at 05:50 PM
Run it by us exactly what he wants to sell you. It might be a bad idea at any price.
All the advice you've gotten here so far is spot on. I was happy flying static for my first year then borrowed a buggy and the hook was set. I can
still have fun static flying because I love to see a kite in the sky and feel the pull. But there is an extra thrill when you roll away under the
power of the kite. Keep in touch with us so we can watch you progress.
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 05:58 PM
Kite killers are a must. Basically, all they do is wrench on the brake lines when you let go in an emergency while keeping the kite attatched to you.
I suggest Peter Lynn KKs, but any brand should work.
Uhhhh... 9m and 14m? Depower is a COMPLETELY different ball game, I hardly want to get into it right now... but could you give me some more details
about the kites? They may be useful... That's an entire quiver... Do you know what brand they are? Model? Year? Foil/Twinskin/inflatable?
Bladerunner - 15-1-2011 at 05:59 PM
I expect the kites this friend is offering are PRE-2006 inflatable C kites ?
Depower kites in general made big leaps in most aspects around that point. Earlier kites are cheaper because the newer ones are just that much better.
Don't rush in to purchases when it comes to kite gear. Too easy to make a mistake and so easy to ask folks on here first !
Euromir - 15-1-2011 at 06:52 PM
Dont worry guys, i really value and appreciate your advice, and i not about to do anything silly. Certainly not in terms of using them anyway.
I have no idea on models etc yet, that was my first thought as well, i have emailed him to ask already. And i told him i don't expect to EVER have a
need for a 14m, and not the 9m for months and not before i knew what i was doing.
But believe me in NZ's expensive way-of-life, $200 for that lot is way cheap, even 2nd hand 5m kites on ebay would set you back $400-500, and anything
new would be $900+ and same with boards. So the chance for 2 kites and a board for $200 even if only for me to resell (cough) them for a profit (oops
cheeky) seemed a good one.
I am a life coward tbh, lol so please rest assured i aint about to jump on a beach with a 9m or 14m kite and kill myself i swear, i would not have the
balls to even use them without proper lessons etc (local kite schools only 30km away). Just looking at the chance of dirt dirt cheap kites now for
maybe use etc in a years time. They be fine in the attic..
EDIT: ah and yeah wont be making any decisions until i know what kites they are and do some research, and ask you guys..
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 07:03 PM
Saftey first!!
Never say never! 12-14m is really pretty standard for inflatable kites. 14m could actually be perfect for you, depending on the kite model and your
weight. Although the kites may be cheap, you will still need a depower control bar to fly them, and that will definitely set you back a few hundred
bucks... not to mention a harness...
Euromir - 16-1-2011 at 02:32 AM
Not so sure myself now, they seem to be water-based kites and i have no intention of getting wet...haha
Kites are:
-Ocean Rodeo Rise 14m
-Takoon Skoop 9m
Bearing in mind i only plan on static flying and some skudding etc, are they any use in the future for me you think? Price is still amazingly tempting
but i just thinking there not right type kite for static ?
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 02:48 AM
The Rise may be okay, the Scoop... not so much. Trust me though when I say, you WILL get addicted, and you WON'T want to only static fly
Euromir - 16-1-2011 at 02:58 AM
Thanks Seanny, Yeah thinking i skip the bargain cant see there be much use to me, and certainly not for some time.. Save the dollars for later.
My 2nd Hand Rebble should be here in a few days, first 4line kite :-)
And yeah i know your right, but i am 100% certain i wont move from static to water! Quietly interested in the 3 wheel buggies though
Euromir - 19-1-2011 at 01:57 AM
I found these new PL Killers on auction site, these will fit any kite wont they?
Hope there easy to fit.... :wink2:
erratic winds - 19-1-2011 at 02:43 AM
Yes, any kitekiller works on any fixed bridle kite...