Seanny - 13-1-2011 at 03:48 PM
My new kite came in the mail today. It's a crispy clean modded PL V1 13m, red and silver. Beautiful kite! It has a top skin and trailing edge tuck,
and a shortened front strap, so I suppose it's more of a VII than a VI at this point. I am so happy! Thanks Kitesurfer! I took it outside right away
and inflated it with a vacuum. The canister kind, so it blows air out the opposite end. Took less than a minute. I couldn't resist. It came KO, though, so now all I need is a new bar... bleh... short on cash. I don't
know how long it will be before I can fly it, but I will be patient. At least I have the kite.
indigo_wolf - 13-1-2011 at 03:55 PM
Until you score a bar..... you could always do battle against local crime.
flyjump - 13-1-2011 at 03:57 PM
Woooooooo hoooooo! Somebody donate a bar and line set to this kid, he's te future of kiteboarding! Seanny if I had more than just one bar I would
totally hook you up. Seriously, can anybody throw him a spare? Even if it's just lines and maybe someone can get him a used bar until he can buy his
John Holgate - 13-1-2011 at 03:59 PM
LOL! Kite Man + revolving doors = BIG trouble!!
Seanny - 13-1-2011 at 04:28 PM
Can't say I've never done that before... or at least tried...:embarrased: Hehehehe
You're the best man! Thanks so much for the support. Thanks to EVERYONE for the support! I look forward to nothing more than coming home and flying. I
really want to get this thing in the sky, even if it takes every last penny to do so...
EDIT: Local crime... I suppose I could fight the battle against a couple of
bored kids smoking herbs and trucks lifted an inch or two above the limit... :P
kitesurfer - 14-1-2011 at 04:30 AM
glad you like the kite. any bar and line set will work. a longer bar will work better than a shorter bar--30" or so. a 500' roll of q power line is
$100 and those lines will last forever. my first bar--and i used it for 7 years--was an old kayak paddle shaft. i made my leaders and tied them to
the end of the bar. i tied a ring to the center of the bar to run my center line through. i bought a cheap dakine center line adjust strap. it wall
works great. but now, you can pick up bar and line sets cheap on ebay--old long bar sets are the best.
XdisasterXdrewX - 14-1-2011 at 04:48 AM
I just noticed that under your WANTS it says "Kids to stop being too cool for kites"
and I know EXACTLY what you mean.
Everyone thinks that its dumb until i give them my Ace on A 20mph+ day, lets just say they change their minds very quickly after they get dragged
200ft across a field or lofted into the air.
PHREERIDER - 14-1-2011 at 07:44 AM
cool, let see pics of this TST .
i actually have a pic of KS cut down oar bar with ring on another cpu, DEF hard core DIY!
..and if you make your own junk, the key element is the "PL trim strap" if you get this the rest is easy.
Seanny - 14-1-2011 at 08:12 AM
I swear I'm the only kiter for 30 miles. And I need another like... $50 for a bar & lines...
I'll post pics of the kite when I get home. I'm in school at the moment.
bobalooie57 - 14-1-2011 at 10:10 AM
I have this article , which appears to be a trim strap of some sort. Phree, if you think it could be adapted to his use, I will send it to him.
Here's a pic, click to enlarge.
Seanny - 14-1-2011 at 11:25 AM
I'm no kite constructing genius... :o I don't know what would take longer, making a few extra bucks and buying a completed bar or making one from
bobalooie57 - 14-1-2011 at 11:28 AM
I know what you mean, that's why this strap is gathering dust, IDK what to do with it? Maybe Phree can use it.
PHREERIDER - 14-1-2011 at 12:06 PM
then why buy KO?
BBlo57 is handing you a peice of gold! and you don't even know it.
you need to learn(teach yourself) or find a buddy.
oh discovery!
BBlo57by all means, send it! much gratitude for any and all gifts.
bobalooie57 - 14-1-2011 at 12:47 PM
@Phree, this is the only way I could figure out how to show a pic of the Bars I have. Both have hole for C/L, machined from aluminum. The black
might be home made from sched. 40 pvc? Maybe John from PZ will chime in, as I got them from him.
Seanny - 14-1-2011 at 03:21 PM
The kite is cherry. I desperately needed a new one, and at the price I bought it for, it would definitely not have been around for very long. I just
didn't want someone else to buy it. At least now that I have the kite, I can go for a bar. This is not my first depower kite I've owned. I also made
sure that this is exactly what I want before I bought it. Also, I'd be glad to teach myself, if I'd had some background knowledge on ARC bar setups,
and bar setup assembly in general. I've never made one from scratch before. I don't really care about the learning experience right now, I just want
to fly.
BeamerBob - 14-1-2011 at 05:24 PM
I think the first bar I built up helped me understand how the bar worked and made me a better flier. I understand you wanting to fly fast, but you
can build a bar up in a few hours if you have the parts. If not for your first flight, don't be afraid to get in there and put one together at some
point in your arcification.
Seanny - 14-1-2011 at 05:29 PM
I definitely intend to make some of my own gear. It sounds like a lot of fun, actually. I just don't have the parts... And I don't really know what
I'm doing. I know there are videos and guides and this forum, but for the first time, I think I'd do much better if I constructed it with someone
that's done this before. And I do just want to get out and fly, ASAP
PHREERIDER - 14-1-2011 at 07:22 PM
BBlo57 i remember when they went up . the gold one is nice i think its AL tube with solid AL center. be glad to relieve their dust burden.
@seanny you have an Access depower obviously you learned something already. the 13m will have quite a bit more power than the 8m access. you FLY
with that one right? and Twisters very techinal units for air. arcs are nicely simple. the tiscali site is excellent! leader guide lines and
kite behavior are very helpful. read it.
Seanny - 14-1-2011 at 07:41 PM
Yeah, I've read that. I have it bookmarked. Found it a while back. 2006 Airush bars are really cheap, I might pick one up.
kitesurfer - 15-1-2011 at 03:13 AM
if you have a west marine store near you, they have most everything you need. a leader line for each side of the bar. same line for pigtails. two
small stainless steel rings for your sliding ring leash on front line setup. free trim strap alredy offered up. 2 foot of chicken line from west
marine. chicken loop...but yea, pick up one from ebay for $50 and modify it for yfour use. make sure before you launch it that you have a leash that
works 100% of the time.
Mattgenius - 15-1-2011 at 06:12 AM
I fly my kites with a 2006 Airush bar, their safety system is great, where did you found one ?
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 09:03 AM
I live in a tiny town in the middle of Texas, we're barely even on the map... I could search around for a marine store, maybe I'll have some luck in
Austin. We have plenty of hardware stores with nifty things, it'd be worth a try to look there also.
@Mattgenius has them on sale for $55, but lines are an extra $79. Still quite inexpensive.
flyjump - 15-1-2011 at 01:37 PM
are you gonna post a pic of that new kite
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 01:41 PM
Here's some pics. They're the ones kitesurfer sent me. It's been pouring all week, so I haven't had the chance to get it outside yet. Give me a sec...
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 01:47 PM
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 01:48 PM
Argh, nevermind. Delete this post ^^^^ The pictures are too big.
AD72 - 15-1-2011 at 02:01 PM
Use photobucket and insert the img code
The most important part is getting a good chicken loop you can trust.
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 02:14 PM
Uploaded to Photobucket.
flyjump - 15-1-2011 at 02:20 PM
thats a good looking wing there'll treat you well i think
Seanny - 15-1-2011 at 02:23 PM
It's still crispy :D I practically stole it.
macboy - 15-1-2011 at 11:37 PM
I've been meaning to dig out all the kite junk I have around here and get it to good homes. I KNOW I have what you need. Snag that trim strap from
Bobalooie - it's the same as the one I started off with (now passed on to another kiter). I have lines and an Airush bar around here. The only thing
you'll need to find are the rings for the safety system and a chickenloop. The rings are easy - go buy a small choker chain from your local pet place,
grind the chain off and keep the two end rings. I might have a CL here but can't say for sure.
U2U me if you wanna frankenstein something here. Shipping from Canada may be a bit more $$ and will take 2 weeks but if your alternative is nothing
and it's not too much for shipping I'm happy to get another Arc airborne.
flexiblade - 16-1-2011 at 01:05 AM
u2u me address and I'll send you all the parts (a bar and a depower strap - minus leaders) with a 20m set of lines if you don't mind pansh. All you
need then is either some paracord or thin climbing rope for the leaders. I'll send you a diagram on how to set it up along with some pictures of the
bar and strap. I used to have a vI 13m unmodded - my first arc - it's a really nice kite to learn with. 11mph and it will get off the ground and
15mph will get you moving.
cheezycheese - 16-1-2011 at 01:07 AM
i have a chicken loop to donate... if you still need it :Ange09:
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 02:33 AM
Wow, gosh guys This is awesome! I really appreciate everything! I still have
that 55cm peter lynn bar for fixed bridles, it's definitely salvageable... I do have quite a few questions though... First of all, how would I go
about drilling a hole through it? What about a "free bar"? I also have some questions about the depower line and trim strap. How exactly does the trim
strap go on? I think some diagrams would be of enormous help. Thanks so much for everything... I'll send/reply to U2Us in the morning. It's 3:30 a.m.
and I can't sleep.
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 03:29 AM
Okay, the time is now 4:15 a.m. and I still can't sleep. :Ange09:
Lets get this a bit sorted out...
@macboy, flexiblade
Does "bar" refer to just the bar without anything else, or bar complete (or at least with some guts in it)? Also, I have a set of 20m lines already
Flexi, so you can hang onto those. Unless you really want to get rid of them.
I have a feeling I'll be needing that trim strap.
Sure! Of course I need a CL! What make is it? Does it come with depower line?
If I don't ship the parts to you, I'm sure I could get someone on the phone to help me out a little.
Okay, so collectively, we have... 1 chicken loop (depower line?), 2 bars, 2 trim straps, leader lines.
What else do I need? Uhhh... stopper ball. I can buy one of those cheaply. If not, they aren't hard to make. Same with depower ring. Anything else?
And honestly... I still have my doubts; I've never done this before, and I'd be much more content with finding a good price on a bar that's already
assembled and is proven to work, and that would get me out and flying much sooner... but, I'm willing to give this a try if I have help from someone
who knows what they're doing.
kitesurfer - 16-1-2011 at 04:02 AM
1. you don't need a stopper ball.
2. you don't need the cl line to go th rough the bar. i used a FREE BAR for 3 years until I tied a center ring onto my bar and ran my cl through
3. The bar that you have should work great. take everything off of it. attach leaders (36 inch) on each end with knots on the end. LARKSHEAD the
steering lines to the knots.
someone will send pics when they wake up i'm sure. if not, i'll try to take some today.
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 04:34 AM
I like having the stopper ball, just because it's convenient. Hmmm. So I guess all I really need is a CL w/ depower line, flying lines, and the trim
strap. Well, and some metal rings. About those rings... so one front line leader is attached to a ring, and then the flying line is passed through
that ring and larksheaded onto a different ring where the leash attaches, correct?
cheezycheese - 16-1-2011 at 05:05 AM
CL has the de-power line attached. i actually have two donors, not sure of the make. when i get home from work i will look at them and you can have
the better one. No problem.
Seanny, don't be so quick to spend your money. you have a golden oppurtunity here young padawan. you are on your way to being a Jedi...
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 05:11 AM
I've already decided to go for this I don't think it will be all that difficult.
Drill hole -> insert CL -> attach trim strap. I will however
have to buy new Q lines, unless anyone has some 27m lines they don't need
However I am still but a grashoppa.
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 11:31 AM
My rear line leaders are 2" short... now what...
action jackson - 16-1-2011 at 11:53 AM
2 inch Pig tails should solve that..............................aj
tridude - 16-1-2011 at 12:08 PM
If your bar is composite you will need to mask off the area you intend to drill prior to prevent could creative
structural integrity issues as well by drilling....................without metal inserts your bar hole will eat away/chaffe your depower
line....................I would recommend a proper bar............AJ is correct........................listen to him, he's been on ARCs a very long
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 03:54 PM
I welded segments of parachute chord to the ends and made sure they were secure. The rear line leaders hold much more than my body weight. Tri, I have
metal tubing that should work.
Mattgenius - 16-1-2011 at 04:27 PM
If you already have 20m lines, why not just buy this airush bar and some 7 m extension, that's what I have, and when the wind blows hard, I remove the
extension and fly my kite on 20m lines. You will have something you will have confidence in it and will last many years,
AD72 - 16-1-2011 at 04:33 PM
I agree with Tri. Rather than drilling take one of the bars offered and sell the fixed bridal bar you have.
Feyd - 16-1-2011 at 05:06 PM
Most bars are assembled with internal reinforcment to support load and allow for line pass thru. And structural integrity could depend greatly on the
lay up process (assuming it's carbon) and whether it's altered.
If you remove too much material (alloy or carbon) from a bar you will probably regret it later.
I think everyone would agree that in this arena everyone puts safety as the foremost concern when kiting. Drilling holes in equipment and introducing
that element of risk to save a few chips is counter to what we as kiters should strive for.
If things go bad you may not get hurt but you may injure someone else or destroy someone's property. We are all representatives of the sport.
Okay of my soap box.:wee:
The Airush bar is cheap money for a bar that works very well with an Arc. Tons of adjustablity and good safety. A lot of bar for the money. They're
not the lightest thing going but that's the kite's problem.
Other wise accept one of the correct bars offered. Although a new bar is always nice with a new kite.
If need be I may have a bare new Slingshot bar that I could let go cheap and maybe an old stripped Surefire bar that I can let go even cheaper.
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 05:29 PM
Getting mixed messages here. :puzzled: My original plan was to just buy a complete bar. But then people told me it'd be better to take the bar I have
and make it into a depower bar with parts they'll donate. So I pretty much did everything I could to the FB bar to make it depower. All it needs is a
CL and depower line. I adjusted the bridles, drilled it (it's hollow alloy), etc. Now I'm being told this is a bad idea. Is it really that unsafe? I
honestly don't think it lost any structural integrity... kitesurfer made his first bar from a kayak paddle? Which one is it??
Seanny - 16-1-2011 at 08:19 PM
I'm just going to finish making this. The bar did not lose any structural integrity, I can almost 100% assure anyone of that. I took off the front
line leaders (salvaged them), took apart the rear line leaders, and made them exactly 36" long and confirmed that they hold more than my weight. I
drilled a hole 3/8 inch across (plenty of room for 3/16 or 1/4 inch amsteel spectra) through the center of the bar and welded in a segment of copper
tubing to provide a clean path free of burrs for the depower line. I've got some metal rings for the safety system, so now all I need is a stopper
ball, the CL/depower line, trim strap, and some 7m extensions. As far as I know, I have the CL and trim strap on the way...