Woodland - 18-1-2011 at 06:45 PM
So, my feet get really cold when the wind is blowing and I'm looking for some wind socks...
But really, I've looked a few places for Peter Lynn windsocks and I've only come across the ones with the 14" hoop that are 64" long. Ozone makes one
that is about 27 1/2" long. I'm trying to do a little Peter Lynn representin' so I'm hoping someone out there knows if there is a smaller Peter Lynn
Our local snowkite area has a webcam pointing at a street light where there is traditionally the Ozone windsock. The guy that normally supplies them
had a kid and because he doesn't get out as often, isn't able to put them up any more. He said all the windsocks eventually blow away, but the smaller
ones last longer.
Todd - 18-1-2011 at 06:54 PM
If you would like to try a Peter Lynn wind sock to see how long it last I'll send you one, free of charge :D
macboy - 18-1-2011 at 11:56 PM
Todd - I bet I could get permission to slide one of those to the top of the mast at the Sailing club. Not much summer exposure but good winter
exposure. You extend the offer to Canada if I get the head nod from the club? I won't tell them it's a "logoed" sock, just a free new one to replace
the tattered one that's there now.
That'd be funny given that it's Flysurfer country ; )
Todd - 19-1-2011 at 05:09 AM
Will do and can do! Let me know Just take a picture and post it up! Joey, we'll
need a link to that webcam as well!
acampbell - 19-1-2011 at 06:17 AM
To answer the original question, yeah, the 64" PL windsock is the only size they offer.
macboy - 19-1-2011 at 05:49 PM
Just sent a query to the Club. I'll let you know.
Woodland - 12-2-2011 at 09:02 PM
So, the snowkiting season it seems is unfortunately winding down here in Idaho. Unless we get some more snow it looks like the windsock might have to
wait until next year before it gets mounted permanently. Until then though I snagged a ten foot piece of conduit and now have a mobile sock pole to
represent the Peter Lynn brand. I even snapped a picture of it too. The sock is a monster compared to the ones that have typically been mounted.
For those of you interested, here's the link to the camera anyway.
and here are the coordinates for it as well. Nice how the satellite images are when there is snow.
So, I'm kinda retarded and an unable to figure out this BBCode. Oh well, someday.