Power Kite Forum

Flysurfer Speed 2 10m - help (actually its a Pshyco 2)

kiteboyza - 20-1-2011 at 08:05 AM

picked this up second hand and it's in a mess line wise. Anybody got a link how to set it up and why are those lines so thick?


macboy - 20-1-2011 at 10:39 AM

Not sure if this'll help:

Got it from selecting the kite in the dropdown menu here:
FS Website

I know that the lengths are all published somewhere. I'll keep digging around.

tridude - 20-1-2011 at 10:55 AM

nice one Mac, perfect on the line set up. The thick lines you speak of green? If so that is the mixer spare parts lines. The risers to the kites arent thick at all. Best thing to do with a Speed/Speed 2 is lay out the lines, mixer, risers (bridals) and tug, pull, and untwist (repeating) until it all comes out. If you cant get it send it to me and Ill fix it for you, check/trim your mixer and of course a quick test flight!!:thumbup::smilegrin:

kiteboyza - 20-1-2011 at 12:57 PM

I think that might be a good plan, where about are you dude, there is what i can only describe as a rope(black down the middle. I am lost in this de power world. Had to take the lines off as the rest was so twisted. Took of two silver connectors?

Cheers for the help, I don't think i have the faith to put this mess back together again


Originally posted by tridude
nice one Mac, perfect on the line set up. The thick lines you speak of green? If so that is the mixer spare parts lines. The risers to the kites arent thick at all. Best thing to do with a Speed/Speed 2 is lay out the lines, mixer, risers (bridals) and tug, pull, and untwist (repeating) until it all comes out. If you cant get it send it to me and Ill fix it for you, check/trim your mixer and of course a quick test flight!!:thumbup::smilegrin:

tridude - 20-1-2011 at 01:49 PM

US.........South Carolina

thats a great kite and needs to be restored quickly...............

kiteboyza - 20-1-2011 at 02:01 PM

anyone in Canada?

macboy - 20-1-2011 at 05:51 PM

Check with Paul - PBKiteboarding or with Mike here in Edmonton (Flysurfer Rep). Check your U2U.

kitedelight - 20-1-2011 at 11:01 PM

:o yikes, that's not a good way to be introduced to a FS!

Sounds like this is your first FS kite. Getting someone experienced to help is probably your best bet. Depending on the cause of the mess, it could be a real hassle to fix. Plus, if you get someone to help, they'll probably be able to run a mixer test to make sure the kite flies well.

Sounds like this guy who sold you the kite left you in quite a pickle. For yourself, proper packing is a solid step towards avoiding line tangles. See this video if you haven't already.

Even with proper packing, the bridle can seem tangled. Just tug gently and shake a bit like tridude says. Usually it comes out just fine. The odd occasion finds something actually actually tangled. Usually a bridle line has kinked, and other lines have wrapped around it. The key is finding that kinked line, and pulling it through the wrapped lines. It usually doesn't take a long time to fix this as long as your patient and not forcing things.

If your kite was packed properly, then it should be one of the 2 things above (ie, either looks bad and is actually not, or it looks bad and there is a minor problem). There is the case of the bow-tied kite, but I'll U2U for that. Too much for this post.

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 07:22 AM

I took all the lines off, the bar had gone through the bridles and was a big mess. Maybe that was the reason I got it so cheap. I packed it all up and it's been shoved in a dark corner of the garage....fixed bridles are way less hassle and until someone can prove me wrong, it stays in the garage or maybe Ebay! I have no clue of all the trim adjusters, safety's, silver line connectors etc so I would rather leave it alone. Lack of knowledge kills/hurts people. Was looking forward to flying it but until that day comes, de power suck! :(

Kitedelight, you seem to be local, I could post it to you if you could find the time to set it up, trim it and makes sure everything is in good,safe order

dylanj423 - 21-1-2011 at 08:04 AM

Originally posted by kiteboyza
I took all the lines off

whoops.... thats gonna cost you... flysurfers come pretty much setup and ready to rock.... i had a speed that got tangled up pretty bad the first time i ever flew it... the bar and lines intact would have been easier to untangle, believe it or not...

it is going to take a lot of time and patience to get that stuff back in order... if its the birdsnest you make it sound like, it could take a 2 or 3 hours... those flysurfers have incredibly complex bridles...

i know the headache that they can be... awesome kites, though, for sure... i will be getting back into them soon enough

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 08:28 AM

This kite will be in the ''For Sale" section soon as I take pictures of it.....the above post just help make that decision easier :singing:

revpaul - 21-1-2011 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by kiteboyza
This kite will be in the ''For Sale" section soon as I take pictures of it.....the above post just help make that decision easier :singing:

call(send) it to Powerzone. you won't regret it. His rates are very reasonable and he'll have it together (repaired if need be) and set/tuned for you and intended purpose.

depowers aren't easier to get tangled lines than are FBs. depends on how you pack them up same as FBs.
actually i'd say it's harder to get a depower's lines all messed up because all flight lines are on one bar. sometimes the bridles do look like a heap of tangles (as do FB bridles) but a couple/few gentle tugs clears the tangle (as same with FB in my experience).

as a matter of fact i've spend heaps more time untangling FB lines than depower lines. i have my own system of packing FB away and if someone else "helps" pack a FB of mine there's a 50/50 chance i'll have a twisted mess the next time i unpack as i may not unwrapp the lines in exact opposite order of wrapping up.
depwers rock too!!!
i use(d) my Pulse2 12m a whole lot for buggying(and skiing) in all types of wind and terrain/tight quarters.
i guess stropped in with FB is OK too but depower is more carefree.

tridude - 21-1-2011 at 10:33 AM

If you decide to sell shoot me a U2U.............................send it as is Ill have it together in no time, flying like a champ.....................next time remember the tug and pull method............Ive got room for a 10m S2 in the quiv..................:spin::thumbup::spin::thumbup:

shaggs2riches - 21-1-2011 at 10:34 AM

Like the others on here, I would suggest hooking up with an experienced user in your area. Before you go and dump the kite, have someone with the skills and knowledge get it all straightened out. Getting it looked after on this side of the border would be your best bet; however, if you don't mind the wait time, powerzone really knows his stuff related to well it seems all things kitey. His prices are real reasonable and offers fast reliable service. Before you pull the plug see if you can find someone out here to help you out if not send it down south to Powerzone and you'll be able to get that thing in the air before you know it.

As with getting to know depowers, if we ever get the chance to meet up in the future, you are more than welcome to give any of my kites a go. You would be up and flying in no time at all. A different feeling than fixed bridle,but not that bad at all. If not I'm sure that there are others close by that would be more than happy to help you out.

Good Luck

edit: I'm slow at typing, it looks like revpaul and tridude beat me to it.

Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 10:35 AM

i agree, this kite is worth going the extra mile getting it set up right. Send it to powerzone, ask him to tune it up for you. If you got it as cheap as you say you did, then don't worry.

I know what you mean about the bridals, i just got a FS, first thing i did was setup, stake, and studied the bridals for about an hour.

make sure you keep that kite man, you wont regret it. :smilegrin:

tridude - 21-1-2011 at 10:37 AM

nah he's ready to sell.........................:lol::lol:

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 11:39 AM


how do I find Powerzone?

Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 11:45 AM

ill trade you a sprint 5, and some change:eureka:

ripsessionkites - 21-1-2011 at 11:47 AM

FS Canada is in your backyard


kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 11:56 AM

ok so I open the kite out to take pictures and turn the sail, it says Psycho2 on it, my bad.....I will try and upload pictures in a sec

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 12:05 PM

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 12:08 PM

link to the rest of the pictures


dylanj423 - 21-1-2011 at 12:15 PM

what do you want for it?

dylanj423 - 21-1-2011 at 12:18 PM

wait a sec.... so this is a psycho 2, right?

that would explain why you got it cheap, not the being in a mess part

you will need a different line map than the one included above

erratic winds - 21-1-2011 at 12:27 PM

line plan for 10m psycho2 from FS site...

tridude - 21-1-2011 at 12:33 PM

whole new ballgame but same result..............................your lines/mixer didnt look too bad...............

revpaul - 21-1-2011 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by ripsessionkites
FS Canada is in your backyard


i've talked to Mike about mods and stuff...his advice was "send it to Powerzone". He might be able to get the bridle straightened out though. It's worth a call.

tridude - 21-1-2011 at 12:47 PM

Ive undone worse nests on the beach...................................fix it/fly it like you stole it......................

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 01:02 PM

by the time I have payed the expensive postage, labour and return post it becomes an expensive kites. Also, this is a freestyle kite, i prefer to stay on the ground so therefore I will sell it as is, just need to figure out what its worth, maybe a swop...I could do with an Xbox for the no wind days...lol

Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 01:25 PM

you know ive been considering trading my Xbox 360, games, 2 controllers,hdmi cable, other cables for a kite. i think it still actually has a warranty.

*** just saw the photos you posted

***Let me think about it a little. I would prefer a speed.

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 01:28 PM

let me know your email Houston and I will send high res pics via email

Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 01:39 PM

yeah i just got a headache lookin at that tangle.

***let me think about it a little and i will get back to you. thanks

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 02:00 PM

got all the tangles out, might keep it and give it go myself

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 02:35 PM

almost sorted, cant figure out where the tip brake and the wac line attach and the drawings on FS website...uhm they dont help. So I got green line on the the right attache to the kite and bar and a red on the left. A thcik black on runs up the middle, so where do I connect the full brake/tip brak and the wac line?

Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 03:20 PM

good to hear you came to your senses, KEEP THAT KITE! LOL:lol:

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 03:35 PM

still cant figure out where to conect the wac and the tip brake, does it need all of that?

Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 03:45 PM

not too sure, i would make a new post if i were you called...

"help with WAC line"

kitedelight - 21-1-2011 at 05:40 PM

awesome! That is great, the lines didn't seem too badly tangled from the pics. Glad you worked out the bridle tangle.

strange things are afoot. The WAC line should have not been removed, unless you removed it and can't recall how to put it together. Also, it looks as if only your green and red flying lines are wrapped around your bar. Normally, when all the lines are wrapped around the bar, they are usually much thicker than that, and also, I simply can't see front flying lines on the bar. I see the red and green back flying lines, but not the front ones.

Regarding the WAC line, can't be of much service besides these 2 videos. I haven't adjusted mine at all. The line diagram of the psycho2 looks quite different though, hopefully you can figure it out from the video.

this video has a picture of a WAC line, and the guy removes it at the start of the video

this is more theoretical, but the WAC line is in some demos of the mixer in this video

and that black line/lines??? They are mighty thick, you're right.

Is that a pair of lines wrapped up, or just a single line?
If 2, part of me wonders if it is the front flying lines of the kite?
But, they are so thick!

If it's only one line, I wonder if it is a DIY 5th safety line, but that would be crazy thick for a safety line too.
Can you ask the guy who sold you the kite?

AD72 - 21-1-2011 at 06:03 PM

The manual for the Psycho2 is here -> link
The Psycho 2 uses a 3 line system like the Extacy. They switched back to a 4 line system in later versions.

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 06:16 PM

Yep I took it off now i cant figure how to put it on...all the other lines are sorted. Hoping all these FS people on here could help but nothing as yet.

Originally posted by kitedelight
awesome! That is great, the lines didn't seem too badly tangled from the pics. Glad you worked out the bridle tangle.

strange things are afoot. The WAC line should have not been removed, unless you removed it and can't recall how to put it together. Also, it looks as if only your green and red flying lines are wrapped around your bar. Normally, when all the lines are wrapped around the bar, they are usually much thicker than that, and also, I simply can't see front flying lines on the bar. I see the red and green back flying lines, but not the front ones.

Regarding the WAC line, can't be of much service besides these 2 videos. I haven't adjusted mine at all. The line diagram of the psycho2 looks quite different though, hopefully you can figure it out from the video.

this video has a picture of a WAC line, and the guy removes it at the start of the video

this is more theoretical, but the WAC line is in some demos of the mixer in this video

and that black line/lines??? They are mighty thick, you're right.

Is that a pair of lines wrapped up, or just a single line?
If 2, part of me wonders if it is the front flying lines of the kite?
But, they are so thick!

If it's only one line, I wonder if it is a DIY 5th safety line, but that would be crazy thick for a safety line too.
Can you ask the guy who sold you the kite?

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 06:18 PM

I have sent Flysurfer an email. Let's see how good the support is

erratic winds - 21-1-2011 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by kiteboyza
I have sent Flysurfer an email. Let's see how good the support is

My limited dealings with FS support were thru Powerzone, and I can say he is fantastic. I really hope that FS Canada has such an equally motivated person on staff there as well.

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 06:39 PM

I have looked at it again and can see how it works, the plans on FS hurt my brain. I think the best place for it is under the stairs or my mate in the UK that makes bean bags out of old kites. Powerzone is far away and will take weeks, i wanna fly the dam thing soon. Willing to post as far as Calgarry or meet in Edmonton if anybody knows how to fix this. FS Canada don't even have a webpage, not much hope there. So dies another Flysurfer......:yawn:

erratic winds - 21-1-2011 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by kiteboyza
FS Canada don't even have a webpage, not much hope there. So dies another Flysurfer......:yawn:

Wow, the source page on FS canada implies that it has been online and empty since 2006.

That's certainly not 'coming soon'.

Welp, I'm guessing the trade offer is back on the table?:roll:

furbowski - 21-1-2011 at 07:17 PM

It sounds like you're almost there. I'd say wait a couple days and use the time to try getting in touch w powerzone, via PM and his website. Also why not post on Foilzone?

Be best to finish fixing the kite eh? See if it has anything to teach you before passing it on.

yeah, I know you don't want the freestyle aspect of the kite.... That must have been a disappointment, I know I woulda been pissed to be sold a speed 2 and then find out it's a psycho2.

shaggs2riches - 21-1-2011 at 07:20 PM

Just to share....I sent my badly torn 10m synergy to powerzone, it took a week to get to him a day for him to fix it (his service really is quick) and I was out flying it a week after that. All that it cost me was $40 shipping each way and $60 for the repairs. Not sure what you put into the kite already, but would it really offset the total investment to have it put back together so you can fly it???? I'm not sure what a psycho 2 is worth though, and might be way out in left field here. If so forgive me.

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 08:04 PM

It's taught me never to buy a Flysurfer.....lol.....I think a nice big 10m bean bag is the way forward for it. I have gotten as far as I can and ready to take knife and re model the bridle

Originally posted by furbowski
It sounds like you're almost there. I'd say wait a couple days and use the time to try getting in touch w powerzone, via PM and his website. Also why not post on Foilzone?

Be best to finish fixing the kite eh? See if it has anything to teach you before passing it on.

yeah, I know you don't want the freestyle aspect of the kite.... That must have been a disappointment, I know I woulda been pissed to be sold a speed 2 and then find out it's a psycho2.

furbowski - 21-1-2011 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by kiteboyza
It's taught me never to buy a Flysurfer.....lol.....


best stick to pansh eh?

btw, I remember you from my days lurking on the old racekites in 2007, loved the jiggly avatar you sported back there (if i recall correctly)

If you just want it off your hands, I'll pay postage and have a go!

Kamikuza - 21-1-2011 at 08:15 PM

I've been chatting to Flysurfer from the .com site - good support and feedback. Go international ;)

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Kamikuza
I've been chatting to Flysurfer from the .com site - good support and feedback. Go international ;)

sent them mail this morning :singing:

furbowski - 21-1-2011 at 08:18 PM

^^^^ what kiwi kami sez...

have a few beers and and a wee chill, sleep on it, think about it again tomorrow, you've had a hella frustrating day of ups and downs by the sound of it!

edit: ah, missed that one....

Kamikuza - 21-1-2011 at 08:19 PM

Usually takes a day or two for a reply ... I've been bugging them about new lines and bits'n'pieces ...

stetson05 - 21-1-2011 at 08:56 PM

I am just going off what I have seen with my speeds. The WAC line looks like it basicly should have its own bridle that attaches A1, B1, & C1. That is how I recall mine attaches. What happens is when you go to safety the kite folds in half at that point. Using a, b, and c distributes the load across the whole kite.

I understand the frustration of the bridles.

The interesting thing is a number of us would take this off your hands for sure, problems and all. I understand you are enormously frustrated but please don't turn it into a bean bag or hack the lines. Someone will help you out or take it off your hands for a reasonable price.

@Kami, I get all my lines and bits'n'pieces from powerzone.

kiteboyza - 21-1-2011 at 09:05 PM

been bag will be cool in my lounge....lol....Kiteboyza 1 Kite zero
I have plenty more kites in the shed to see me through

Macboy reckons he will sort it and change my views on de-power...give me 4 lines and handles and a 10m fixed bridle any day:wee:

My last de-power got the knife treatment and is now my go to kite on light wind days

kitedelight - 21-1-2011 at 10:39 PM

don't put it under the knife! I'm sure someone would take it off your hands. Plus, sounds like you're almost there - go a bit more and take it for a spin once it is up and running. It would be a shame to get so far and not finish.

if you don't hear from flysurfer soon, there are probably a few guys on foilzone.com that have ridden psycho2 and could help you out. Foilzone is pretty much a flysurfer user forum.

powerzone - 23-1-2011 at 08:20 PM

wow, so i'm just now reading this thread and have to say thank you all for the kind words. Its nice to hear the hard work and attention to detail is making a difference. again i really appreciate it.

So let me get this straight.... kiteboyza bought a kite he believed to be a speed2 but its really a psycho2.... definately some mis-communication there... 2 totally different kites.... several years apart in technology too. its too bad its not a speed2 10m.. i'd probably buy it off ya.

then there was a tangle , so all the lines/bridles were removed? or just the flying lines and bar? if all the bridles were removed, then this is now a large undertaking, roughly 3 hrs.. hopefully all the pieces are there and you have enough LCL and ELC pieces to link it all together.

This has happened before, someone sends a kite in 1 box and all the lines in another box as a huge knotted mess. my advice is use the correct lineplan ( the psycho2 10m plan as posted earlier ) and take your time to go thru one side at a time. you can just measure the risers (red and green) as a short cut, to get it sorted out what goes where, then connect the white bridles accordingly. the rest of the mixer and WAC system goes together pretty easily after the bulk is connected.

If you change your mind and send it to me, I would be happy to fix the kite and i'll throw in a free test flight and tune up since you seem very frustrated.

kiteboyza - 24-1-2011 at 04:40 AM

No bridles were taken off, only flying lines. I have 90% of it back now, two steering lines and the center line. I am left with two lines running from the kite marked WAC and one marked TIP BRAKE/FULL BRAKE. They have two pulleys. These two lines have me stumped as i have no clue where to connect them and nobody has managed to help as yet. They have 4 knots so they must be attached to a larks head some where on either the steering lines or the center line.

Frustrated, I'm one step away from turning it into a nice Flysurfer 10m bean bag:thumbdown:

powerzone - 24-1-2011 at 09:51 AM

the WAC line connects to the junction of A2 risers (white), and the A3 riser (gray) . the pulley connects to Cmain which is also gray but connects to the mid section of the kite C bridles. the other end of the WAC line conects to the other pulley along with 'brint1'

the loop end of the wac line connects to the A2 risers, the knotted end connects to the brakes

Bladerunner, do you still have a Psycho2 10m? could you take a picture for this fellow?

Houston AirHead - 24-1-2011 at 10:59 AM

I only have the speed 17

kiteboyza - 24-1-2011 at 06:18 PM

It's in the post to Macboy

kitedelight - 29-1-2011 at 09:38 PM

ever get that psycho2 back together?

Bladerunner - 30-1-2011 at 10:58 AM

My 10m Psycho 2 got completely messed up. Fortunately the previous owner had re-bridled it and left me the exact drawing above but with notes.

I am pretty clueless but found between using the drawing, inflating the kite fully to work on + the ease of taking the bridle off at the canopy with the lb rated break away tabs , I managed ! :wow:

My 10m P2 experience goes like this. I got it as I was just learning depower . I wanted it for land and water. On water I found it more poweful and slower turning than the C kite I had learned on. I crashed it a lot and would eventually lose to the wet material and water log. On land I found I was intimidated by it. It didn't seem to have a lot of depower and was not the kite for my lack of experience. I was always nervous under it. The last straw was when the 1st time I truly needed my 5th line upgrade , it failed causing the tangle descrbed above as it flew over a parking lot over a beach and stopped just before the river. I was however impressed with everything from the build to the ideas such as jet flaps. I was sold on FS quality but the P2 just wasn't for me. For people with good kite skills this kite served up well. My X instuctor that I bought it from enjoyed it very much.

Fortunately by the time I was sure the Pulse was selling second hand and I bought my 7m Pulse. STILL have it and maybe always will!
Flysurfer has improved in it's fly quality + reduced all that extra bridle and should not be judged by how the 10m Psycho II flies ! IMHO

macboy - 30-1-2011 at 11:20 AM

I'm hoping to unroll it finally today and see what sense I can make of things. If not today, tomorrow for sure. Saw Mike's car last weekend but not Mike himself. If need be I'll get in touch with him.

kitedelight - 30-1-2011 at 06:22 PM

Of all things, I got to see the 3 line system in person the other week. Someone was flying a flysurfer extacy. I only checked out the bridle for about 2 minutes, as I didn't want to intrude. Definitely is quite a bit different than the 4 line system I am used to.

shaggs2riches - 30-1-2011 at 06:58 PM

I'm confident you guys will get that kite up and flying before long. Probably looks like a mess, but in the end it will be one huge learning experience.:thumbup:

kiteboyza - 31-1-2011 at 07:02 AM

Originally posted by shaggs2riches
I'm confident you guys will get that kite up and flying before long. Probably looks like a mess, but in the end it will be one huge learning experience.:thumbup:

Or a cheap kite for Macboy.....:wee:

DihongShao2000 - 7-2-2011 at 12:28 AM

I live in Seattle near where PowerZone is located. I worked with John at PowerZone on my fixed bridle kite. I managed to put a depower system on my fixed bridle kite under his guidence. It is not that hard at all. I would like to buy your kite if you are willing to part it away with a reasonable cost. I would like to get it fixed and enjoy flying it.