Power Kite Forum

Great dbbb Raffle

mecdave - 1-11-2005 at 05:30 AM

What? Raffle to help retire Mike Dooley's legal bills.

Quad lines and Handles from Ozone Windzup
New 4.5m Little Devil from Blokart Texas
Like new 4m JOJO RM from Glenn Pedro (click for photo)

How much? $5 a ticket. Only 200 tickets will be sold.

Where and when? The drawing will be held at the dbbb event in Galveston sometime during the last weekend, probably Saturday afternoon. There will be tickets drawn for each of the 5 items offered.

Who? Claxton will be selling the tickets at the event until he has to go visit his Mom. Susan will be selling them after that.

For those not attending there is still time to send a check to Claxton in a self addressed stamped envelope to:

Care of: Claxton Thompson
1916 Castle Bay Ct.
Oldsmar, FL 34677

You can also make a Paypal payment directly to the NABX registration fund at: registration@nabx.net . Make sure to mark the payment with "MDLDF".

Email claxton@nabx.net if you need more info.

Why? Because we love Mikey. He did a great thing by sticking up for our right to buggy the beaches. The least we can do is help take the sting out of paying his legal bills.

Thanks, and see you on the beach!

bugymangp - 1-11-2005 at 10:33 AM

hey dave
you say 5 items. i only see 3 posted.
are the other two pending or a serect:evil:
anyway. put me down for 4 tickets.
i hope i don`t win that 4m jojo.
that would be funny.:D

mecdave - 1-11-2005 at 11:43 AM

There is one Ozone line set and two sets of handles. Yeah, I thought about buying some tickets too since the odds are so good, but decided to wait and pick up any leftovers, if any.

You might want to email Claxton to reserve your tickets. I've been spamming this post all over the place and they *could* sell out before the event.

action jackson - 1-11-2005 at 02:01 PM

Sounds like you are going to win it just like a set of rims.......aj