Peek - 21-1-2011 at 12:09 PM
Ok, this past Christmas I got an inflatable raft from Santa, why? I have no idea. Then I thought, hmmmm, maybe I can sit in it and ride on the snow
powered by my Beamer 4. Has anyone tried this? Is it crazy? I think it would be a blast but I just want to know if any one has tried this yet! I saw
one vid on YouTube and it looked like fun.
pokitetrash - 21-1-2011 at 12:19 PM
It'd be pretty much impossible to hold a line so you'd go down-wind the whole time but if you don't mind walking back it'd be a blast!!!
Houston AirHead - 21-1-2011 at 01:28 PM
figure out how to strap on some over-sized fins on the front and rear and you might have somthing:wee:
furbowski - 21-1-2011 at 01:40 PM
If it's big enough for some company, try persuading a buddy or two to come along with a canoe paddle for steering.... You won't be going upwind, but
you'll be able to swerve around a bit...
Don't know how big your beamer is, you might need some serious wind to get that moving on loose snow.
indigo_wolf - 21-1-2011 at 02:38 PM
Recreational or white water raft?
Some of our fields have sharp ice under the snow that would do a number on a raft that isn't meant to be kissing up to rocks and logs.
kiteetik - 21-1-2011 at 04:20 PM
i did it 2 years ago--it WAS a blast, but you could only go downwind and it didnt take long before the bottom of the raft came apart--try a round sled
or scud on your feet......a snowboard is probably best--or skis........
Peek - 22-1-2011 at 09:26 AM
Thanks for the replies!