Power Kite Forum

the fun begins

bugymangp - 4-11-2005 at 10:33 AM

ok people.
as we get closer to the event. i start thinking about what to take with me. i`m looking at a big pile of kites and lines etc.
should i take this:?:????? should i take that:?:???? will i need an extra that:?:??? it enought to make me sick. :( LOL.
it won`t be long now.

action jackson - 4-11-2005 at 11:28 AM

you going to remember your jacket? or you can use one of those npws for that. it great not having to pack when the events in your front yard..........aj

7m npw handles dbbb.jpg - 96kB

bugymangp - 4-11-2005 at 01:27 PM

hey aj
i didn`t even think about clothes yet.
i just checked the weather there. right now it 79.
do you think i`ll need a jacket? one jacket in the luggage=2kites. if so i might just buy one at the super k mart.
BTW. i made up a 5 ft line set for those npw`s.
lets see how that works.

action jackson - 8-11-2005 at 06:49 AM

ya the weather has been great! put 70+ miles in this weekend at east beach, just remember this is TEXAS and things tend to change quickly...aj

claxton and caddo.jpg - 80kB