some short flight sequences of my self bult rev kite. took me half an hour to built, made it from ordinary household stuff and a carbon rod from an
old delta kite..
* leading edge = 180 cm long, 6 mm diameter hollow carbon rod
* sail = yellow trash bag
* chord-wise spars: some very lightweight plastic tubes
* area = 1.07 sqm
sadly, the kite broke after the first gust (plastic tubes of course not strong enough) so i have just these short crappy sequences.
revolution kites are the most simple to build depower kites ! thats what fascinates me about them.
now dreaming of a large scale, high aspect ratio rev kite ( 10 sqm ?) with foldable leading edge -- for light wind adventures..indigo_wolf - 13-2-2011 at 08:30 AM
Reminds me a bit more of a Fijet than a Rev (wrt to aspect ratio)
csa_deadon - 13-2-2011 at 09:21 AM
Nice job. Love the winder/handles.Kamikuza - 13-2-2011 at 06:41 PM
Nice! Good DIY job herc - 14-2-2011 at 02:30 AM
thanks alot just wanted to show how easy it is to build a kite (that even has
hope this inspires some others to try to build a rev kite. its really easy.
btw. , i also tried to build an arc kite out of litter foil - but i made some mistakes, so it flies *#@%$#!ty*.
tried to build the arc kite out of trash can foil. in the leading edge i did put one of those long skinny balloons used for modelling funny
the rest of the leading edge was left empty - i was hoping it would inflate trough small air inlets but that was a fail. if i only would have put
those balloons along the whole leading edge, it would have flown much better. (in fact it would then have bee sort of an ordinary C-Kite with arc
alike spars at the tips..)
It flies great. He shattered a lot of pultruded graphite spars until finding a set of tapered XC ski poles at the thrift shop. Cut to length and
ferruled the center joint and he has an awesome wrapped leading edge for about $5.00 USD.