First day out with my ozone manta m3 15m^2 kite : )
winds about 5-6 mph so hardly any wind at all and sometimes there was none, was surprised to find it actually pulled in the power zone : )
the 2nd day went even better, had constant 10-12 mph winds, thing was pulling great today even during some of the gust it was awesome, got some hang
time and even figured out quickly how to use the primary safety release : ), above all for my first kite I am very happy with my purchase, and since
winds are always about 7-16mph here in north Texas I think this kite will do me fine for 70% of the time,
now just to get my board in, should be a good time.
oh and this form has a lot of good info, would have been hard to get it up in the air if it wasn’t for you guys.
By f22warzone at 2011-02-12John Holgate - 13-2-2011 at 03:27 PM
above all for my first kite I am very happy with my purchase,
What?? Your FIRST kite is a 15m Manta ?? Holy smokes. I am not worthy :shocked2:
I've had some runs on a demo 8m M3 and enjoyed it very much. Not a park 'n ride type kite like my Apex 2 but one you have to actively fly. Although
by the time you get to the 15m size, it might be a bit different! Hope to put a few in the quiver myself over the next few years.
I must be a complete wimp - my first kite was a 2.5m Imp. Please note: rhyming was not intentional.
Sounds like you got the right machine for your winds.
Cheers.bobalooie57 - 13-2-2011 at 03:35 PM
And all I could think of was where's your pads/helmet, and get a proper harness, but then when your first kite is a 15M Manta, who am I to judge?macboy - 13-2-2011 at 04:15 PM
And then there are guys like me that NEED the big 'uns 'cuz more often than not all we get is 10-12 mph.......
The Manta is last on my lust list to try before I start to commit and pare down. Love Ozone quality and attention to details.
Still has a bridle though...... rocfighter - 13-2-2011 at 04:56 PM
Dude get your self some safety equiptment. You spent a lot on that foil, so I'm sure you want to use it a lot. Helmet, pads, harnes, and if jumping
ankle supports. I even use body armour when buggying or just playing hard.f22warzone - 13-2-2011 at 06:05 PM
Ya my first kite, but I have flown some guys stunt kite a while back, it's what got me into it and then this forum and its reviews.
the manta flys great, kind of slow at turning but to be expected, great de power : ) and sits pretty well at the top of the wind window when there is
enough wind, occasionally tho I have had it fly past me and then was running to try and catch it : ) but you do have to work it a little
pads helmet and harness are coming along with the board, they were out of stock on the board and kite, the kite came in first and they shipped that,
and now their shipping the board with the pads and harness….. oh well but should get it all Wednesday : ) am not completely stupid + today will
probably be my last flight till then as exams are coming up, I just wanted to get out and try it out
the kite flys great, you just have to know your limits and respect it and hopefully I won't get hurt : ) it pulls pretty good in the 10-13 mph range,
the kite is very durable so far, had one bad front in crash but its still good : )
looks like a sweet kite, haven't had a good go on an ozone, but I heard they are great.
anyway, ya, you got it, respect the kite. 15 is a lot of canopy, plus it is a high performance kite which means giving more respect for what it can
After my lesson, I got a 12m foil in order to maximize my flying conditions in my area. In retrospect, it was do-able, but not the ideal. You can
learn on it though.
Obviously, keep to the lightest conditions your kite can fly in to hammer out the skills. You don't want to be in gusty or powered up conditions
making mistakes on a high performance kite. It will punish you in an equally high performance manner. Work your way up as your mistakes dissappear.
Good to hear your getting pads and a helmet!
Anyway, kiting is a blast, fly safe and have fun with your new unit.John Holgate - 14-2-2011 at 04:27 AM
Being a higher aspect ratio (long and thin) it will overfly the edges of the window on occasions. When in motion that will mean it pull you more
forwards rather than sideways. If it's sitting at the top of the window (or the edge), pull the bar in a little to stop it from overflying. Too much
pressure will start to stall the kite.
I'm not that experienced with the higher aspect ratio stuff, but there are plenty here who are.