Power Kite Forum

V2 16 Bottom End

arkay - 13-2-2011 at 03:20 PM

I'm headed out to FL in a few days and it looks like the wind may only be 10-15. Trying to figure out what to bring!\\

Was planning to bring my 12/9 LEI but with the light forecast I'm probably ok ditching the 9 and picking up something else.

I don't have the v19 on me, and it's huge to pack anyway, but I've got the v2-16 with me. However, since I have the v19 I've never tested the bottom end of the v2-16. Anyone have some practicle experience with it? I have a feeling that with my #200 it's probably about 14mph.

Same with the P10, never testing the real flying bottom end. I've flow it in 6mph static and it's almost run backwards time, but it seems to be quite alive at 17 so I figure it's probably pretty close to the v2-16 in range.

Anyone in central FL with a SA 2.5 19m they want to sell :)

lunchbox - 13-2-2011 at 05:56 PM

I'm about 220lbs with a wetsuit and all my gear. Low end for me on the V2 19m is about 12mph with a big floaty fish surfboard and that is not staying upwind.

...so about 20lbs lighter and on the V2 16...yeah, I would say 14mph on the bottom end sounds about right!

PHREERIDER - 13-2-2011 at 07:27 PM

agree, V2 16 should do 14

arkay - 13-2-2011 at 11:43 PM

I can't believe how small I got the v16 packed... I should have grabbed the 19 too :)

arkay - 16-2-2011 at 09:50 PM

Omg. 6.5-10? I'm #210... now I wasn't trucking, but I was moving fursure.

AD72 - 1-3-2011 at 12:26 AM

What board were you on?
How does the 16 Venoms compare to the Pulse on the water?

Kamikuza - 1-3-2011 at 06:41 AM

Man i have to go out with the SA2 and walk back upwind to get flat water like that! :o

arkay - 1-3-2011 at 12:02 PM

I was on my Make 150x40.

Water is _completely_ flat. Butter. In land brakish esturary, that they call a river (banana river) but it's not actually, weird setup. No tides or current! I was here (http://bit.ly/frtXnN).

As for the delta to the pulse, I have the p10 so it doesn't really turn on til 15. I've never flown it on butter like this, so it might go lower, dunno. The butter and the 150x40 and the zeo current all came together to let me "ride", if you can call it that :) But I'd say the v2 16 has a much lower end that the p10; much being somewhere in the 2-5mph.

Thought I will say the power curve on the arc is much mor gentle. I could ride the 16 up through the mid 20's before it becomes a hella beast. The p10, I think, besomes a beast around 18. A MUCH steeper wind/power curve.

AD72 - 1-3-2011 at 01:10 PM

I have had the Pulse 10 out in 30 gusts. Through the 20s it is perfect and really comes to life. Agree that it does not come on till >15. I am 195 and using a 141x43 spleen session.

arkay - 2-3-2011 at 09:40 AM

not sure I'd want to take the p10 out in g30, even being 200#. I took the v2 13 out in 30-35 and was getting jacked left and right. That's really just not fun, well after the first few it's not fun.