Power Kite Forum

PreBash get together 3/4-3/6 wildwood

flyguy0101 - 18-2-2011 at 05:47 AM

Well i have checked the tides and am planning on heading to wildwood on March 4th for the weekend with my son to spend some time flying and letting him experience some clean breezes. Anybody want to join us? We are planning on getting in Friday afternoon and heading out Sunday afternoon. We will probably stay at the days inn across from the convention center. Would love to see a few kites in the sky.

ragden - 18-2-2011 at 06:15 AM

would if i could... i'll be on my way back from Mt. Tremblant.. maybe next time...
Let me know next time you head that way... maybe I'll be able to make it...
Have fun!

Jaymz - 18-2-2011 at 06:26 AM

Definate maybe here. Depending on the weather, I'll come down with the kids.

shehatesmyhobbies - 18-2-2011 at 11:40 AM

Baseball tryouts here! Dangit!

flyguy0101 - 18-2-2011 at 01:32 PM

Rich- if the wind is good come down on sunday... low tides is like 2 in the afternoon so we are planning on leaving around 3 if there is wind

flyguy0101 - 25-2-2011 at 06:59 AM

Weather and wind is looking iffy- still 50/50 on going but will decide by mid week- if we make the trek would enjoy seeing some others. Jaymz- let me know which way you are leaning plz.

flyjump - 25-2-2011 at 07:03 AM

i'd go but i'll still be at NABX:thumbup:

cheezycheese - 25-2-2011 at 08:09 AM

Scotty will post later as to my work schedule for the wknd.

aronma - 27-2-2011 at 09:03 AM

I might make it down Saturday if the wind is clean, and the family if forgiving...... Same spot as the Bash?

flyguy0101 - 27-2-2011 at 05:00 PM

well weather is looking a little better and andrew is bugging me about going so chances are really good we will head up on friday morning now we just need a little more wind- at least for my big arse- andrew weighs 80 pounds so he can still ride in 8s- the privilege of being small. hope you can make it jaymz and aronma- cheesey is hoping to make it down for saturday as well.

lad - 27-2-2011 at 06:36 PM

Might look into it for one day...might have a kite of two to sell, too! :cool2:

flyguy0101 - 28-2-2011 at 05:38 PM

I have committed- we will be staying at the days inn across from the convention center getting in around 4ish on friday and heading out sunday afternoon.
If the winds hold the SE that are called for will probably set up near the pier, hope to see some of you- last i heard from cheezy- he is planning on getting in late friday and flying with us on saturday.

Frathouse - 28-2-2011 at 05:43 PM

I think I might join you. Been itching for some kite time. Probably get up early Saturday and drive up. See you guys on the beach


Jaymz - 28-2-2011 at 08:29 PM

Can't do Sat. but if there is no rain and some wind, I'll head down with my son Sunday morning.

cheezycheese - 1-3-2011 at 05:16 AM

Same here Scotty. No one would trade with me at work, so sat.is out but if winds look good I will come after work and try for a sun morn session.

flyguy0101 - 3-3-2011 at 05:47 AM

Saturday is looking to be Perfect 50's with wind in the teens out of the SE. cant wait. Sundays weather is looking a little wet with rain showers. Looking forward to meeting a couple of you on saturday. @cheezy- keep trying to find a switch at work- it is looking like Saturday is gonna be a memorable day- if not will see you Sunday morning. Jaymz- maybe the wind will "sway" you for saturday as well since sunday could be iffy.

cheezycheese - 3-3-2011 at 05:52 AM

good and bad news.... i dont have to rush back on Sun. however rain has been bumped up to 70% chance of showers.... for both days

flyjump - 3-3-2011 at 05:54 AM

Dang Scott I wish I could join you guys out there

flyguy0101 - 3-3-2011 at 07:01 AM

@cheezy- I agree with the 70% chance on Sunday but most recent forecast i could find showed only 40% through noon up to 80% by 6pm on sunday- as for Saturday they all seem to be about the same with a 10% chance but cloudy. So I really think Saturday will be the day.

aronma - 5-3-2011 at 05:49 AM

Will you be near the same pier as the last bash?

aronma - 6-3-2011 at 06:50 AM

Flyguy/Frathouse, Thank you both for the hospitality (and Brad, all the extra help). I had a great time. Wish I could've stayed for Sunday. Great wind, Great beach, Great people.....doesn't get any better!!!

Frathouse - 6-3-2011 at 04:58 PM

Hey Aronma

Your welcome, it was an amazing day. Can't wait to see some of the footage that flyguy0101 took this morning just before the rain came in. Really looking forward to the bash just need to pick up some body armor so I don't wreck my shoulder land-boarding again.

flyguy0101 - 6-3-2011 at 07:30 PM

Had a great time- video up thisweek. Andrew and i had a blast. Andrew's first time out on a buggy and clocked over 10 miles on Saturday with a top speed of 21 mph. ( not bad for an 11 yr old) Then we clocked over 20 miles on the mtn boards. We flew for over 6 hrs. on shore 17s. DREAMY. Cant wait to get back for the bash- only 5 weeks away.
PS Watch for some video this week (a tease for spring bash- dont expect a whole lot of editing though just condensing)

aronma - 7-3-2011 at 05:41 AM

I just found out that I can't make the Bash. Talk about being bummed out....... :( Very depressed...

Frathouse - 7-3-2011 at 12:26 PM

That sucks Marc! Hope to see you some other weekend. Get practicing on your new depower skills.

aronma - 7-3-2011 at 12:30 PM

Trust me I will......and maybe buy some body armor too...

dillon - 8-3-2011 at 11:08 PM

Fantastic weekend in WW!
Good times with wonderful people. Don & Jesse, it doesn't get any better. It was great to see Martin and Petra again (and congrats!), mike, and some new friends: scott & andrew and marc - Looking forward to flying with you all again.

Over two days I clocked 94.1 miles and 35.9mph. Saturday was killin' with clean winds from the SE. Perfectly tuned in all day with one way runs over 4miles each.

AoxomoxoA for sure.

bobalooie57 - 10-3-2011 at 10:03 AM

Hey Scott, How about that video? We'd love to see you tearin' up the beach! :thumbup: I miss Wildwood... :sniff:

cheezycheese - 10-3-2011 at 12:26 PM

Bob will you be there this time...?

flyguy0101 - 10-3-2011 at 12:50 PM

Bob- hoping to have the video tonight- i got a lot of footage but most is not that good learned a lot about setting up the camera and such

aronma - 15-3-2011 at 04:34 AM

How's the video? Love to see what you have.

flyguy0101 - 15-3-2011 at 05:58 AM

Aronma- videos are up under the heading kiteboarding wildwood- i will hopefully have the last one which has you and frathouse in it this evening. sorry you gonna miss the bash