Power Kite Forum

5m Flow strange when out of wind range

rtz - 19-2-2011 at 06:26 PM

It was gusty today:

Apparently; according to this; the 5m Flow is good for ~24mph and not more?


I had the 5m out because anything less was going to leave me stranded out in the field during the lulls.

Considering the gusts; I should have had the 7m out?


The power the 5 had; I was leery to get the 7 out. Maybe I should have. I might tomorrow.

That 5 has the strangest behavior when it's out of it's wind range. On a strong gust upwards of 30mph; it likes to lock in at a certain spot near 12 o`clock. So when I'm booking across the field and it's locked in; it's hard to scrub off speed or get it to be someplace where it's not making max power. That things a beast when the wind is up there.

So the 7m Frenzy would have been safer and more controllable then the 5m flow in those wind conditions?

John Holgate - 19-2-2011 at 06:43 PM

I would think so. My 7.5m Apex II is much more friendly in gusty conditions than my 4m Beamer. I have flown - or attempted to - in conditions that were so gusty it was just unflyable. Kite shoots forward in a gust with me going sideways, hits the lull and folds up and collapses then falls back into the power zone and you can guess the rest...... some wind conditions just aren't worth the trouble/potential injury.

Personally, in 24mph, I'd be putting up the 3m Flow, not the 5m - but I'm not known for my hooooj balls!!! Your Frenzy should certainly be able to smooth out the gusts a lot more than a 5m fixed bridle and the overall power should be similar - but that's based on flying similar, but not the same kites.....

rtz - 20-2-2011 at 05:01 PM

Had the 7m Frenzy out all day today. That thing is a beast. I had the trimmer pulled all the way back to make the kite tolerable/manageable for me. I was "light in the seat" many times. Yesterday I went the fastest I've ever been before on the buggy with the 5m Flow. Today I wound up going even faster with the 7m. Several times I thought I might have to park it and get my old stand by high wind kite out. My 2m Flow.

But I stayed with it and I'm glad I did. At first, I was using my heels on the front tire at the end of the run when I was running out of room to scrub speed and I could smell the tire each time. Later I was able to actually come to a complete stop just using the kite.

Upwind/downwind I would say feel the same. It just trucks going upwind. Downwind it had a strange habit of wanting to be directly above me. Could have just been the direction I was trying to go though.

John Holgate - 20-2-2011 at 05:46 PM

using your feet as brakes on the tyres ??? Yeegads. Slide it, man, slide it!! Break the back end out - that'll scrub off some speed. One of the 'old hands' in the club often comes screaming in at 50-60km/hr and chucks it sideways coming to a complete stop. (he's been doing it for 20years). Save your shoes!!

Sounds like you're getting good value out of the Frenzy. :thumbup: