Power Kite Forum

need advice on new frenzy size...9m or 11m?

cosmoyogi - 25-2-2011 at 03:42 PM

Hi all,

I have a new 2010 frenzy 7m for mid to high wind buggying on beach (I only buggy on the beach). Now I need a low wind one, but not sure whether to get a 9m or 11m. I have been buggying on the beach for 3 years now mostly with a 2006 7m frenzy, which had a lot more grunt in low wind than my new 7m. What do you think? Would a 9m overlap my new 7m too much. Keep in mind buggying on hardpacked beach doesn't need as big a kite as snow right.

Thanks for any input.

dgkid78 - 25-2-2011 at 06:14 PM

I think it would overlap too much. 11m is the way to go....my 7m and 9.5m overlap so much I have not used the 7m in 2y years:mad:

Houston AirHead - 25-2-2011 at 06:23 PM


B-Roc - 25-2-2011 at 08:04 PM

I don't buggy but I landboard at the beach and I fly a 10 and a 6m and that works great with just the right amount of overlap for me so I'd think the 11 would better suit your 7 then the 9.

John Holgate - 25-2-2011 at 08:23 PM

Yep, I also think a 9 would be too close to your 7. I was tossing up between a 9/11 Frenzy or 12 Manta for a light wind kite. However, on a very light wind trip when I was struggling with a 9m Montana and everyone else was doing ok with 10/11 depowers - our esteemed President was happily keeping up with everyone on a 4m PL Core which made me start thinking about light wind kites. In the end I took a punt on a 6.5m Method - much smaller, lighter, cheaper, less side pull than a big depower and it's good in 7 knots. Takes a bit of work in 7 knots to get up to speed, but it's still do-able. I'm not sure a big depower will do much better - except you do have the ability to pull the trim in when the wind starts to hit 15-20knots.

Food for thought.....

cosmoyogi - 25-2-2011 at 08:24 PM

Ok, thanks. Does anyone with frenzies have an opinion?

chudalicious - 25-2-2011 at 09:55 PM

Got a 2010 7m and picked up a 2011 9m for my man at XMAS. The 2011 does seem very fast and compares in speed with the fxy 7m. We are just beginning though and that is why we only have the smaller kites.

At tug hill our snowkite lesson was with an 2009 frenzy 11m and my 135 pounds was just able to get up off my a$$ and ride a bit with it in the crap 4-8mph we had at the time.

I would say go with the 11 as we are thinking about one now too for lighter wind days and as our skills increase. Either that or a flysurfer speed 3 12m. :)

f22warzone - 25-2-2011 at 10:17 PM

go with the 15m manta if your in really light winds ( 4-8 mph) can still get off the ground with it( not very high but still off the ground 200lbs rider.), and very good de power in some of the faster winds ...... am very pleased with mine..... other day was flying and an guy came over was surprised I was even flying in the winds ( he was an LEI) let alone being pulled around.

cosmoyogi - 25-2-2011 at 11:06 PM

Oh ya and I only weigh about 165 pounds, so......factor that in, aye?

John, I like the idea of a method kite, but my beach is peppered with small to giant jagged lava outcrops which make for a super fun rock garden play ground, but can eat me and my kite alive if I make the slightest mistake in a decent wind. I like depowers for the extra bit of slack they give me around the rock monsters. I am afraid a fixed bridle might kill me because I like to push the edge a bit.

Thanks chud, I have been thinking of a flysurfer speed 3 12m, but oh my god are they expensive!

John Holgate - 25-2-2011 at 11:29 PM


John, I like the idea of a method kite, but my beach is peppered with small to giant jagged lava outcrops which make for a super fun rock garden play ground, but can eat me and my kite alive if I make the slightest mistake in a decent wind. I like depowers for the extra bit of slack they give me around the rock monsters. I am afraid a fixed bridle might kill me because I like to push the edge a bit.

I know what you mean. We had a 20-24 knot squall hit a group of us on the beach once - I had the 7.5m Apex II up and was able to ride it out (with my bum about an inch out of the seat for what seemed like a long time) whereas the bigger fixed bridles had to be put down - after a long sideways drag. The latest batch of Ozone kites have a pretty decent depower range and it's nice to know you have that in reserve if you expect things to change.

burritobandit - 26-2-2011 at 12:00 AM

Voting 11. There's a frenzy fx 11 on eBay right now, btw..