clintopher - 5-3-2011 at 06:53 PM
I haven't been too active on the forum lately but I just bought a Wainman Boss and I'm amped. I had a lapse a while back and gutted my original
quiver thinking with a new baby and a broken leg that my kiting days were pretty much over. Turns out, the leg is healing up nicely and the ole' lady
is still giving me hall passes to kite so it's time to start building the quiver back up. Can't wait to get out on the water. It's starting to warm
up around here and the Spring winds are turning on. Plus, we've got a week vacation booked on Hatteras Island the week after Memorial Day. Things
are looking up.
Kamikuza - 5-3-2011 at 11:15 PM
Sweet! Pics and vids and reviews, eh?