Kamikuza - 7-3-2011 at 06:55 PM
Anyone know where to get them? Is what Flysurfer use ... I need to fix my Psycho3 FDS ...
ripsessionkites - 7-3-2011 at 07:51 PM
Liros is just another brand for Dyneema / Tecnora / Firewire
you mostly find Liros in paragliders because they offer the most different shock loads avaliable.
are you looking for the covered or uncovered ones?
Kamikuza - 7-3-2011 at 09:37 PM
Um what Liros call DC000-0160 ... for the FDS. I think uncovered?
The thing is with the Liros stuff is that for 160kg breaking load, it's only 1.1mm ... the only other things that come close is 3mm and that's too
thick. I COULD order it from Flysurfer I guess ... I have to measure it anyway :-/
krumly - 8-3-2011 at 10:38 AM
Kami -
I'm telling ya, buy the Jerry Brown Hollow Core Spectra fishing line I recommended and you'll be golden. Can get it in many spool lengths, it's an
easy to work single braid, and 500 lb test is only about 1.5 mm. And you'll probably have 20 times more left over than the cost of 1 line from FS.
The stuff works.
Kamikuza - 8-3-2011 at 06:10 PM
Not in Japan seriously, y'all are like "Yo just get this or that at the local
store" and it doesn't work that way here!!! We got Japanese brands or a very
limited selection. They have no idea what Spectra is in the fishing stores here. The sailing shop doesn't have it. Paraglider shops stock something
else ... even the Liros distributer here doesn't have it
I've pretty much given up :D I think I'll just measure out what I need and order it from Flysurfer ...!
krumly - 9-3-2011 at 07:56 PM
Kami - it's all online orders for me too, even in the states. I sure couldn't come up with 500# and 800# test spectra in Minnesota. For that matter,
ya can't come up with much of any kite making material ariound here. Methinks you are a concerned that it be original FS spec on your FS kite. If
that's the reason, it's cool...
Kamikuza - 9-3-2011 at 11:52 PM
Yes, you're right - I like things to match :D I'm a bit anal like that ...