I recently picked up a couple Naish SLE's, and the only option was to purchase them as complete. So as a result I have some brand new control gear
sitting around that I probably won't use (I'm keeping one set, and I don't fly enough to wear it out any time soon). I'm selling the extra to recoup
some of the cost of the new kites.
This is a brand new 2010 Naish universal control system. Includes the bar, lines, and a leash all are brand new with tags, never even unwound.
Great system, very clean and easy to use. First image is the actual bar that's for sale, the second is a stock photo showing it laid out and finally
a video showing the QR.
Looking to get $200 + shipping -- SOLD--
I'm also selling line extensions in another thread, if you want both we can certainly cut a deal.
Kamikuza - 11-3-2011 at 08:35 AM
Ooh that's tempting ... I was thinking bout getting one of them! How long are the lines? How wide is the bar? 5th line, isn't it?bigben91682 - 11-3-2011 at 08:44 AM
It's a 4 line system with a 5th safety line going to where the front lines lines Y, about half way to the kite. Flags it from the leading edge, but
doesn't actually go all the way to the kite.
The bar has adjustable length by rotating out a tab on the bar ends, pretty neat system, so its 19" or 21" (48cm or 54cm)
Lines are 20m, but I have 7m extensions up for sale as well for an extra 30 bucks...g00fba11 - 11-3-2011 at 10:00 AM
How come all the cool stuff is for sale between paydays?????bigben91682 - 13-3-2011 at 09:17 AM
Originally posted by g00fba11
How come all the cool stuff is for sale between paydays?????
I offer layaway. g00fba11 - 13-3-2011 at 11:58 AM
Oooh that's so dangerous....... for my wallet....... BeamerBob - 14-3-2011 at 10:21 PM
How do you adjust the trim on this bar? Can you? Or is it all in the bar? I'm wondering if this is arcable?tridude - 14-3-2011 at 11:28 PM
The trim adjuatment is on th clam cleat below the bar (tab where the leash is connected/2nd pic)........................arcable for sure and the
depowe r thru the bar will most likely negate using the trimmer......................sweet barbigben91682 - 15-3-2011 at 04:34 AM
Tridude is correct, you can trim via a cam cleat that's contained within the safety release below the bar. Very clean system, and easy to use. This
video gives you a little better look at the trim/chickenloop:
The first connection shown is to the safety line, the second connection is to the depower trim, so if you release the safety it just does max depower
via trim instead of full depower via the safety line connection.
I don't have any arc experience, but I imagine this bar could be easily tweaked to work with just about any depower kite. All you would need to do
for an arc would be a simple mod to the safety line to make it single line flag system instead of the dual line (leading edge) flag it's set up at for
SLE's.bigben91682 - 16-3-2011 at 04:15 AM