thrillseeker227 - 14-3-2011 at 04:03 AM
Hi i baught a 4.5m 14.5 feet power kite for a fraction of the real price. the only problem is its missing a rig!. Windsong kites tells me i threw away
my money and its useless without a rig.. BUT the kite is in perfect condition! It cant be useless unless its impossible to get it in the air!
How will i go about designing and testing a rig? How does a rig even look? Theoretically what does the rig do on a kite? does it keep the kite in form
so it can suck up wind or is it more technical?
I only have experience flying a small two line power kite. but the design looks similar so i thought just fasten two lines even out the shape and it
would fly.
My only other option is to sell and maybe make a buck off it but i would love to fly it maybe build a land board for it .
I don't know if its a two line or a four line kite ill upload pictures as soon as i can take some.
indigo_wolf - 14-3-2011 at 04:16 AM
It sounds like you are talking about the bridle.
The design of the bridle is fairly specific to the particular kite. Even minor changes to the dimensions of the bridle will effect how or even if the
kite will fly.
It is not uncommon for a damaged bridle to get replace in part or completely.
It would help a lot in determing how to go about replacing the bridle if you could provide more specifics about the brand, model and year of the kite.
Most manufacturers sell replacement bridles.
Is this the Windsong kites in South Africa?
acampbell - 14-3-2011 at 05:12 AM
yes, what is a "rig"?
Bladerunner - 14-3-2011 at 06:39 AM
While nothing is impossible you have taken on a lot. More than you realize, I think.
You must 1st learn about bridles . If you know who made the kite your best bet is to go to them for a new bridle set.
Even if you get a bridle set I am concerned about how you would test it ? You would need to learn how to fly a kite of that size that works 1st ?
The guy at the kite shop seems closer to correct than you do?
By the time you buy a bridle, lines, handles etc. to get this going it will have cost you a lot more than you think.
Pulsar - 14-3-2011 at 11:10 AM
I've designed some foil kites for my own building projects, and you wouldn't believe how important a correct bridle is. "just hooking up some lines"
is not going to work, at all. The thing probably won't even get airborne. If your A line bridles are a few millimeters too long, your kite won't rise
to the zenith and some times randomly fly backwards for a meter or two. If it's too short, your kite won't pull at all, and fly past the edge of the
wind window, collapse and crash all the time.
The only way you're going to get this kite working, is if you find the exact same kite with an attached bridle, measure everything and copy it
Bladerunner - 14-3-2011 at 05:07 PM
Please don't lose the bug for flying just because you got off on the wrong step. Don't be disapointed if nobody wants to buy the kite. If it is by a
maker who sells bridles then you are O.K. The only 4.5 I can think of is the Flexifoil Bullet ? The only other hope is to post those pictures and
hope somebody has the same kite. It's a great sport and we are here to help you along the way.
Pulsar - 15-3-2011 at 05:56 AM
Could also be a Peter Lynn Pepper (I) 4.5. I hope the pics come soon :-)
WELDNGOD - 15-3-2011 at 06:19 AM
unless it was FREE ,you got screwed.