InvertedForce - 17-3-2011 at 05:59 PM
So, after much debate, I've decided to put my 15m Psycho4 up for sale. After some good sessions last season, I've barely had time (and wind) to make
good use out of it and tough times call for scraping together whatever monies I can. If I can't use it, I'd rather somebody else get a chance to fly
15 meter Black/Blue/White Psycho4 with FDS, originally bought from John @ PowerZone for $1100 (it was used then, but still in great shape). John gave
me a fair price and an excellent kite so I want to do the same for somebody else.
Lines have some wear in them and may need to be changed out eventually, but I'd say they have at least another 60+ hrs until they're in need of
change. The bar is still in pretty decent shape. I can take some pictures later if I get a chance.
Kite is still nice and crispy, strong colors. There is some sand/grass stains on the white but its pretty subtle. Might still be some Wildwood, NJ
sand floating around the bottom of the kite, too. Blowout valves all are functional and clean. As far as I know, no rips or repairs.
The zipper on the kite still works great, as do all on the bag with the exception of one.
I'm hoping to get $800 + shipping. If this is unreasonable, shoot me an offer, as I'm in need of the cash and I would like this kite
to move. Paypal is accepted.
flyguy0101 - 17-3-2011 at 06:17 PM
@Invert- you moved back home yet? and are you going to make the bash? bummed to hear about selling the kite good luck
shehatesmyhobbies - 17-3-2011 at 06:18 PM
Dude, I can't believe you are selling that kite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If he is selling it, buy it, it is a great kite. Great guy as well!
flyjump - 17-3-2011 at 06:29 PM
Bump for a great guy and good kite. Seen the kite myself great condition
InvertedForce - 17-3-2011 at 06:53 PM
Thanks guys.
@ Scott: No, I'll be heading back the first week of June. This kite is going to help get me there. I need a car ASAP and this will fill in the pieces.
I also just want an excuse to look for another flysurfer further on down the road... perhaps a Speed3 DLX?
g00fba11 - 17-3-2011 at 07:20 PM
For those of us who have never flown one of these, can you give us some flight characteristics?
Cruiser, high performance, advanced, expert, intermediate???
Can and old fart handle this thing?
Any good for a buggy. Seems 85% of what I find on youtube has this in the water the rest in the snow.
I was thinking on pulling the trigger on a Radsails Evo 2 12m. I am sure there is no comparison, but humor me.
Thanks much.
InvertedForce - 17-3-2011 at 07:44 PM
I'd say this is intermediate to advanced as it has quite a bit of power. Turns decently in moderate winds. Definitely not a low wind machine like the
SA, but it can still pull in lighter winds. When powered, this kite can turn fast and generates lots of lift/float. Tons of pop, easy bar pressure.
Never tried it with a buggy, but since it has a bit more pop and lift, I'd say its more for kiteboarding/snowkiting as well.
It pulls pretty consistently through the window, I've found. Even towards the edges it stays pretty well powered, but if you get too far theres a
pretty quick drop-off in power. Could be considered a good thing in scary conditions.
Its a beautiful kite, flies like a dream.
I say intermediate to advanced because in the right wind speed where this thing performs at its best, its at that level. A beginner could still have
one heck of a good time in sub-nuking winds.
mauwi - 17-3-2011 at 08:20 PM
I wish I had the money right now! DARN this is a good deal!
InvertedForce - 17-3-2011 at 08:58 PM
Got some photos for you guys...
Apparently the lines are in better shape than I remember. The only line bit that shows moderate use is the depower line (where the FDS crosses through
the bar across the depower line). Its frayed a little bit, but a few months back when I asked advice on whether to change it out, everyone said this
wear is normal and not too troublesome.
joeblinky - 17-3-2011 at 09:14 PM
I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i am probably more broke then anyone on this website right now lol
hope it finds a good home, that is a damn good kite!!!!
i know it is in good condition 1st hand if anyone looking at it is interested in a second opinion.
chudalicious - 17-3-2011 at 11:05 PM
Another bump for a great guy!
Paul- when you get back to RI hit me up. Just got a FS S3 Dlx that you are more than welcome to try out.
yooper33 - 17-3-2011 at 11:13 PM
U2U sent
Kamikuza - 17-3-2011 at 11:49 PM
I sent a U2u too :D
yooper33 - 18-3-2011 at 02:05 AM
Everyone knows Kami already has too many kites. I cannot stand by and watch him fall deeper into addiction. I'm here for you Kami.
Kamikuza - 18-3-2011 at 03:51 AM
Har! Ooh you're a funny guy :D
ragden - 18-3-2011 at 05:18 AM
Just want to emphasize that this is not really a low wind kite. It is going to perform best when its got a bit of wind under it. Probably in the
15-20mph range for water/snow. In the buggy, it probably sees its best around 10-15mph.
Having said that, this kite has an incredible amount of depower. Dont be afraid to fly this bad boy powered up. The Psycho4s are amazing kites with
great safety. Yes, you can use this in the buggy. I fly my S3 in the buggy all the time, and its a more aggressive kite than this one...
macboy - 18-3-2011 at 12:49 PM
Wow. That's the deal of the day if you ask me. I paid $800 for a P3 a couple years ago and that was a good deal at the time. This is a STEAL!
InvertedForce - 19-3-2011 at 11:12 AM
Thanks for the interest, guys.
Still for sale
Hoping for a good home... :sniff:
Kamikuza - 19-3-2011 at 10:27 PM
Consider it sold then! I think it's middle of the night for you but we'll talk turkey in the morning
InvertedForce - 20-3-2011 at 07:56 PM
On a side note: Kami is truly a Kiteoholic. Somebody needs to help him out....
Kamikuza - 21-3-2011 at 12:05 AM
Hey I sold a whole bunch too! :frog: