Power Kite Forum

which kites are good for land and water?

Scoopy - 2-12-2005 at 06:18 AM

Here is the kicker..... you CAN fly any kite over water, but if you drop it your swimming. Not recommended for beginners. Just like you CAN fly an inflateable over land, but if you drop it, you may be buying a new air bladder. This leaves you very limited. All of Peter Lynn's ARC's are very good kites, but a bear to set up and take down. However, there are no bridles. Flysurfers are a great all arounder. They will do anything, they setup and take down like any other de-power foil, and are water re-launchable. The only downside to the FlySurfer series is price. They are probably the highest on the market.

Hope this helps you.

rudeboysaude - 17-12-2005 at 12:50 PM


I fly Peter Lynn kites and you are correct in that they require more time to setup, but once they're in the air they never come down!
Also, Viokite makes closed cell foils that are much more affordable then Flysurfer and they still get the job done. most of their kites don't have the lift Flysurfers do except for the Protean2. Good alternative for the cost concious though. I've had a bunch of their kites for quite a while and they are pretty tough.


Scoopy - 19-12-2005 at 05:13 AM

I dont know what happened to the first post.. Hmmmm..


tironspider - 22-2-2006 at 10:54 PM

Hi Scoopy, I've been flying the 2.5 & 5.5 bullets for three years now. I have even got them to give me a little lift, but nothing to be proud of. I weigh 220 lbs,I fly these two in 5-20 mph winds. I feel its time to step it up===.I don't want to get my butt whipped all over the place by to small of a kite. I've read that you just about use your 6.6 Blade lll most than your other kites. I work with rebar in swimming pool constrution 6 days a week most of the year. I know that there may be a difference between the Bullet and the lift of the Blade. I don't want to spend alot of money on to small of a kite that I will be displeased with in one weekend.I've been considering the 4.9m & 6.6 Blade lll. What do you think. Thanks Tironspider

Scoopy - 23-2-2006 at 06:02 AM

If your looking for lift, and you already fly bullets, you cant go wrong stepping right into Blades. If your already flying a 5.5m, I would go for the 6.6. I cant say that I fly it more than the others, I actually fly my 8.5 the most, followed by the 10.5 and then the 6.6, only because of my normal winds. BUT saying all that, the 6.6 is my favorite kite when the wind is right for it.

As for difference between lift between bullets and blades.... hmmm.. how do I put this.. There is no comparison. Bullets generate very little lift and blades produce tons of it.

Give me a call and maybe we can work something out.
304-437-4580 - shop phone.
If its long distance, email your # and Ill call you.

Thanks man

rrc62 - 23-2-2006 at 04:26 PM

My 8.5 Blade also seems to get the most use of all the foils. You might consider the 6m Mac Bego. As luck would have it, they are now available in the US. :)

!(*)! - 24-2-2006 at 11:51 AM

Mac Bego LOL!

I don't know what you mean by available now? Scoopy sold those quirky kites for years and gave tons of info about them all over the web. As well as several other guys across the United States who are still sitting on inventory. They are horrible in gusts and turbulence. They are four line bias so most anyone who flies bullets and blades usually don't like them at all. The only folks who do get on with them tend to be folks that have been flying race foils. The 6m has less grunt than any other 6m foil on the market today. Its claim to fame is that is turns really well and flies very light. The reason this kite gained the reputation it has was that the 6m was about the price of well known 4m kites in Europe. The 4m overflies and luffs like crazy, makes a JoJo RM seem tame, you got to have input on the brakes constantly. And performance of the 4m meter per meter is pretty good but no bargain. The 2m which in 35mph plus is really the best of the bunch but is one of the most expensive 2m kites on the market. They all have too much and too heavy bridling. You can hear these things a half mile away in a good blow. Begos were a flash in the pan in Europe and most folks have moved on to better performing and nicer flying 6m's, Hence Scoopy's recommendation of the Blade 6.6 over the Bego 6m. And he has years of experience with the Bego and has moved on. And I have owned and flown these kites as well.

///saftey in numbers\\\

Scoopy - 24-2-2006 at 12:53 PM

You still own all 3 of them do you not Mr !(*)! ??


!(*)! - 27-2-2006 at 09:09 AM


rrc62 - 27-2-2006 at 05:01 PM

The Bego is a more technical kite and less tolerant to sloppy control input, which is exactly why race kite pilots get on better with them than the average weekend flyer.

"They are four line bias so most anyone who flies bullets and blades usually don't like them at all."

OK...and those same people would not like other 4-line bias race kite either for the same reasons, which we can assume inludes you.

"The 6m has less grunt than any other 6m foil on the market today. "

Well...We had a 6m Bego and 6.6m Blade set up this weekend. Back to back, the Bego clocked better speeds, but the guys flying them were experienced with race kites and prefer a more technical, precise kite.

"They are horrible in gusts and turbulence."

Duh...Look at the aspect ration. No high aspect kite will be good in gusts and turbulence. The Blades aren't good in gusts and turbulence either. The new Flexifoil rage is probably the best I've flown so far in turbulence.

Just because you can't fly it doesn't mean it's a bad kite.

Scoopy - 27-2-2006 at 08:06 PM

Funny that Ross, !(*)! is one of the best all around kite pilots in America. How do I know?? I sponsor him. :) Actually I sponsor 2 of them now. One is a national buggy champion, this is the other guy, which although having never raced formally, whips the pros butt quite often. I wouldnt say more than half, but he is getting better.

He is absolutly correct about he kites. On a good fast surface, the begos will definitly outrun a 6.6. Add a little resistance, and the 6.6 will be the king, let alone the 6.4. Theres a grunty kite for ya.

Btw, how was kite storm?? and how do you like the RAges??


rrc62 - 28-2-2006 at 05:58 AM

Well, I have some very skilled guys that fly Blades almost exclusively and they have no problem with the Bego. We were on a fast surface this past weekend. We'll put them in some powder and see how they do. One of them was actually commenting on it's stability while flying at Kitestorm. To each his own. That's why they make different kites.

I'm just commenting on our experiences with the kite. I know not everyone will agree, but maybe If !(*)! would lose the attitude and stop posting anonymously then maybe I'd take him seriously.

Kitestorm was good. The Rage is definitely more stable than the Bullet. Power is much more consistent. I have a 4.6 rigged on the new Extreme Blade bar. Wind should be about right for that today. We're trying to get some photos of the Rage in action on the snow for Flexi, but it's rare to have the right wind, light and people all lined up at the same time.

rrc62 - 28-2-2006 at 06:12 AM

Oh...and just so you don't think I'm blindly "pro" Bego, the Mac lines and handles are a joke...and I agree that the bridles could be a little lighter :)))

Scoopy - 1-3-2006 at 05:55 AM

The lines aren't bad if you stretch them as a set between 2 trucks.


!(*)! - 1-3-2006 at 07:32 PM


My attitude is just fine thank you. And I can back up any talk with decades of powerkite experience. You on the other hand were proven to be a "know it all POSER" on the Flexifoil forum.

Yea I saw that you were talking all sorts of heresay then someone called you on it. It was only two months before that you were asking questions that only someone very new to kiting would ask!

Now your on this forum preaching heresay with little to no experience to back it up.

Yea I have attitude, an especially negative attitude, toward folks that want to sell kites and deal with the public when it is themselves that should be listening up and trying to learn how to be safer and better performing kiters.

Here in the States we need good information and competent retailers. The dangers of this sport are too real to be messing around with advice from folks who are making it up and learning while they are trying to seperate folks(kiters) from their hard earned cash.

///safety in numbers\\\

Tdog - 1-3-2006 at 10:26 PM

Just got a Frenzy at TheWindyPlanet.com they seemed to have the best staff to talk about all kites and which is best for what I wanted to do (all of it!)

Scoopy - 2-3-2006 at 04:47 AM

Tdog, this is a pretty good place to get advice too. :)


rob87 - 2-3-2006 at 08:57 AM


For use on water, if you're just beginning, you're best to get an inflatable, even though they are more expensive, it will make it more fun in the long run, and save you a lot of hassle.

if you look at http://www.extremelyclad.co.uk/kiteuses.htm you can see what each kite is normally used for.