kitemaker4 - 11-4-2011 at 08:24 AM
Here are a few things I learned at the event this year.
1. "Pack it in pack it out" and "Leave no trace" means whatever you bring to the event you also bring out. This means for the dog owners whatever
comes out the south end of your dog also needs to be packed out.
2. When you need to drain your ice chest please bring it over to the shore line and water the desert plants and not drain it where we park or walk.
3. Even though there is a leash pollicy for dogs there were many that were loose.
4. You are better off going with a group of people to do the out and back. There were 5 of us looking for the first check point. Our gps numbers
were off by 1/2 mile.
Please feel free to add more.
Susan (npw goddess)
PHREERIDER - 11-4-2011 at 09:18 AM
got some video of your group at the first stop!
I needed a GPS! that's what i learned. not impossible without it the for the first part but the 2nd part definitely.
made for a nice meeting spot Susan. thanks for the water Nic and the "bite and suck" lesson.
beautiful freeride out and back!
greasehopper - 11-4-2011 at 07:44 PM
5. There is still humanity in this rat race and it's contingent seems to congregate near the shore lines of dry lakes. Thanks so much for your warm
welcome and kind words.
6. The concept of traveling up wind does not necessarily require "burnin' shoe leather".
7. Never use a meat axe and tongs where a scalpel and tweezers are called for.
First codicil: It's still fun to play with the meat axe and tongs anyway.
8. Even with knobby tires and maximum side bite geometry, it IS possible to "unhook" 550 pounds of buggy and pilot in the river. Wha HOOooo !!!
Bladerunner - 11-4-2011 at 07:56 PM
9. Not everybody bags there kite and rolls up there lines when not using them. It's easier on your kite + reduces tripping hazards for kooks on
Coyotes! :Ange09:
10. Blades are harder on my feet than a buggy is on my butt! :wink2:
BeamerBob - 11-4-2011 at 08:20 PM
11. Playa dust is NOT a death sentence for a nice kite! They can be the same again.
nocando - 11-4-2011 at 08:26 PM
12 Laugh long and often
702dirtsurfer - 12-4-2011 at 12:01 AM
13 Coffee+Patron=Awesomeness
deanaoxo - 12-4-2011 at 09:14 AM
14(should be 13, but ah well) Family is everything.
and for me, NABX is family.
geokite - 12-4-2011 at 09:35 AM
15. Welds can break on a buggy, even at 40mph.
16. A Miniature Pincher can run all the way to the freeway (alongside the owner on a bike).
van - 12-4-2011 at 11:00 AM
17) always have a buggy bag full of water when you head out. The wind will always die when you are out alone, miles from camp.
popeyethewelder - 12-4-2011 at 12:10 PM
18) getting in the 100kmh Club is bloody hard without enough wind
popeyethewelder - 12-4-2011 at 12:11 PM
19) The catering team at NABX are everything, without their food and water......I would have died
flash - 12-4-2011 at 02:00 PM
20) Only with the tribe do i feel safe and at home out in the middle of nowhere.... If id didn't know you before the event it's alright, you are my
best friend there!
21) It was easier to remember PKF names then regular names...all the more power to the PKF
and yes.... bite and suck, everyone needs to learn that when lost in the out n back
fredagie - 12-4-2011 at 03:12 PM
22) playa isn't the same without buggy town and its kiters.
23) most don't know or don't care what LNT means, (by the amount of rubbish I picked up after everyone left) :dunno: