Power Kite Forum

It's over.......

WELDNGOD - 18-4-2011 at 08:17 AM

Had a blast as usual,had to stay underpowered due to recovering from surgery,but I got to ride!
It was nice to finally meet ya Adam,hope to see ya at more events Bro!
HUGANTIC THANKS TO CHAD!!!!!!!!!You saved the day for sure,hope yer'HOOJ BALLS didn't turn to FROSTICLES! Man that water was cold!!!
Thanks team ECKS ,it was another great job, well done. Wish I could have got the KYTBYK out on the beach,but it was too hectic at the North beach Friday. Saturday would have been the day,but the rain and the flooding tide put an early end to the day. It was AWESOME to be w/ my kiter family again! And it was also great to meet some new faces.

Brother Todd, I hope and pray for ya to get well and such. Miss ya already!

Rich, dude you busted your a$$ this wknd, You ARE an "ironman"!

Rian, Thanks again for letting me represent ECKS, hope you had a good time as well.

Lee and Crisi Sorry the wind was just out of your comfort zone. At least you know when to say when. Love you guys!
Thanks for the tow and the pics that I'm sure I will see. Hope to see ya at solomons sometime soon.

Danny and Tib, you guys great! Thanks for letting me try some of your gear. That 2m jo jo is fast, even w/ 5 lbs of sand in it! LOL
And to all who attended, Thanks for coming out and having fun!
There were a few issues, but w/ that many peeps, it is hard not to have a few.
I would like to see the beach separated into zones. It seemed like all the buggies kind of pushed the landboarders out. They can't do what they do, with us zinging back and forth around them, it just isn't safe. So they pretty much stopped. I have been looking at some of my footage and I kind of feel like I also "crowded" you guys,and I am sorry.
Next time it WILL be even BETTER!
pics and vids later.....

Chad - 18-4-2011 at 08:39 AM

LOL--- You are welcome BROTHER I am just glad we had the surf board available, if not the recovery would not have been possible (thx Scott).

As for the 'HOOJ BALLS turning into FROSTICLES... I'm just gad I don't need them any more... because I think they froze up and fell off some where on the beach? Did anyone find them? :dunno:

acampbell - 18-4-2011 at 01:40 PM

Glad you guys had a "blast" on so many levels. I was talking to Chris today at HQ and he was telling me about riding the Apex 3m in nuking winds.

Crisi - 18-4-2011 at 03:59 PM

You are welcome.....always looking for an excuse to wheel in Lee's truck..........tee hee!!!!:evil:

Crisi - 18-4-2011 at 04:00 PM


shehatesmyhobbies - 18-4-2011 at 05:28 PM

Angus, I did not get a chance to fly the Apex 3m myself, but I am going to order one for crazy days! We were starting to convert a hydra over to depower when they announced the 3m apex so we put it back together!

They were rocking that thing on Friday and Saturday! and the new schemes on the beamers are SWEET!

snowspider - 19-4-2011 at 12:20 PM

I watched the 3m Apex for 2days before knowing what it was, I kept saying to Morgan "That kite flys really nice". My 5m's were a bit much at times and a 3m depower would have fit the bill just right. After the summer season I'll take a used demo , no need to post for sale , just send me an email.