Power Kite Forum

PKD Buster Soulfly VS Pansh Blaze?

vacumatic - 19-4-2011 at 07:19 AM

I've been narrowing my search for a new 4-line kite.
I will not be:
a. Buggying
b. Boarding
c. Jumping
d. Scudding (on purpose, that is)

I do want a kite that will provide a generous pull but will also be fun moving across the sky.

The Buster Soulfly and the Pansh Blaze seem to fit pretty well in my limited budget. Anyone out there who's had experience with both of these kites? Or maybe even there's another choice in this price range that'll be worth my consideration?

Thanks in advance.


WELDNGOD - 19-4-2011 at 07:35 AM

Get the PKD ! Far BETTER kite by a longshot. What size are you getting?

sunset-Jim - 19-4-2011 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Get the PKD ! Far BETTER kite by a longshot.

My recommendation as well (PKD over the pansh anyway) A much better quality built kite.

bigkid - 19-4-2011 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Get the PKD ! Far BETTER kite by a longshot. What size are you getting?

Not that I am bias or have an opinion, had the blaze and have the buster.
Besides, with the buster you get INSTRUCTIONS, kite killers, back pack kite bag, sand bags, 2 kite stakes, and some PKD stickers. And also great customer service.
With the other, you get a bag and nothing else. did i tell you, you get nothing else?

mougl - 20-4-2011 at 04:28 PM

+1 PKD

ripsessionkites - 20-4-2011 at 04:52 PM


vacumatic - 21-4-2011 at 07:11 AM

Ripsession, could you elaborate on your response? So far I'm hearing that you get lots of extras with PKD. Which is not a bad thing. BTW, I'm considering the Blaze 3m and the PKD Buster Soulfly 3.3. Thanks.

WELDNGOD - 21-4-2011 at 08:01 AM

If you were to get a Pansh Flux I would say go for it. But the blaze is not as well built as the flux or the pkd. Pansh really had a turnaround in quality from what I can tell by the flux 4m and the pansh FIRST 6.1 . We flew them at wildwood buggy bash last Oct. everyone that flew the flux liked it.It actually flew well by brakes ( pansh have had control issues in the past in regards to brake input.) The 4m is an easy to fly very responsive flyer for the beginner buggier. Van flew it in a buggy, and said it was great. The PKD is about the same as far as flyability and trustability,plus you get some perks.

bigkid - 21-4-2011 at 08:38 AM

I have flown the flux and have to say the buster is better at upwind ability along with other less important details. still the buster and the flux is comparing apples to oranges.
pansh has come along way but has along way to go yet.

Bladerunner - 21-4-2011 at 04:25 PM

PKD make Paragliders as well as kites.

Pansh makes ? Dresses??

If you are on your own PKD comes as a ready to fly packages with saftety gear and instructions. Pansh... No instructions no safety and you better check your lines . If you don't know how to rig or fly a kite they say it's your fault but are still happy to sell you a BIG one . + throw in a little one for free!:ticking:

Rip' was joking when he said Pansh.

ripsessionkites - 21-4-2011 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by vacumatic
Ripsession, could you elaborate on your response? So far I'm hearing that you get lots of extras with PKD. Which is not a bad thing. BTW, I'm considering the Blaze 3m and the PKD Buster Soulfly 3.3. Thanks.

just messing around, i would go with other brands instead. unless you have someone in the area who deals with Pansh and can tune them for you. skip it

BigMikesKites - 21-4-2011 at 10:01 PM

I know the PKD is a quality kite. The Buster is a good price too. BUT it does not pull much at all.

I cannot recommend a Pansh as I haven't ever come across one.

ripsessionkites - 21-4-2011 at 10:57 PM

another advice is to base it on trying everything you can first

there must be a shop in your area?

vacumatic - 22-4-2011 at 06:43 AM

None that I am aware of. At least a kite shop that carries more than one model of power kite.

bigkid - 22-4-2011 at 06:52 AM

where are you located?

WELDNGOD - 22-4-2011 at 06:56 AM

Originally posted by vacumatic

I will not be:
a. Buggying
b. Boarding
c. Jumping
d. Scudding (on purpose, that is)

Tell it to someone who doesn't know better! LOL Static flying will get boring pretty quick,then you will start jonesin' for more. Next thing you know you got 2 buggies an ATB or dirtsurfer and 5-6 kites at least. You'll see!:wee:

indigo_wolf - 22-4-2011 at 07:58 AM

I will add one caveat about PKD kites.

Under no circumstances should you use the kite stakes that come with the PKD kites.

They are pretty, but that's about it. The shaft is thin and aluminum.... not much retention power and the connection between the shaft and crossbar is sketchy at best... they tend to fall off rather easily.


vacumatic - 22-4-2011 at 11:46 AM

I'm in Orlando Florida, by the way.

bobalooie57 - 22-4-2011 at 11:58 AM

Check out the JIBE forum. If you could make it up there for one or two days(or the whole event!) you would likely be able to try many different kites, and meet up with some of the nicest people on the planet! Welcome to tons of fun! :bigok:

mougl - 22-4-2011 at 04:37 PM

Orlando huh? Grew up in Winter Park. I still head up there as often as possible. I don't know of any kite shops in Orlando that would sell traction kites but there are a few that sell stunters. DEFINATELY come to JIBE if you can, there will be more kites there than you would believe and most will be available to try out. Everyone there is super nice and weather you are static, boarding, buggying, or just taking in the sights it is gauranteed to be well worth the trip.

Another thing you may want to try if the budget is limited is to check out the For Sale section here on PKF. You can snatch up a great deal from a trusted seller and get more kite for your money. Soulfly is good, so are
PL Hornet
HQ Beamer
PL Viper
Prism Tensor
There is a Flexifoil Sting 2.4 that would be a good starter kite here http://www.powerkiteforum.com/viewthread.php?tid=6587

Good luck in your search :)

vacumatic - 23-4-2011 at 02:38 PM

Okay. I've been talked into it. I just made reservations for a couple nights in Jekyll Island (of course, for the price I'm paying for a room, I could've gotten a pretty nice kite!).
Since I don't actually intend to buggy, because, well, I don't have one, do I have to register to be a participant - participating as in watching buggyists and trying out some kites?

Bladerunner - 24-4-2011 at 07:57 AM

Don't rule out taking a buggy out !

You are about to meet the most genereous bunch of folks you can imagine. Somebody will be willing to get you running!

I think your money is well spent. The education you will get at jibe will end up priceless. Not to mention the great friendships you will form.