Power Kite Forum

bars and handles?

code - 26-12-2005 at 07:52 PM

Can you use the same lines for both your bar and handles? Am curious as I have a bar coming to me and was wondering if I should've ordered lines as well. The shop told me I should be able to just switch the the handles out or the bar out at will with the lines. Hoping this is true...If not I guess I need to get some lines now.

Tigger - 27-12-2005 at 09:57 AM

You can use the same strings, however you need to deal with the brake lines differently. There is a couple of things you can do.

:puzzled::puzzled::puzzled: you join them in the middle as some sort of depower system :puzzled::puzzled::puzzled:

You join them togeather at the bridle to form a duo control kite.

If I am wrong you guys, tell me. Unlike the Lama I am often wrong and always in doublt.

code - 27-12-2005 at 01:18 PM

As far as I know you're not wrong. I think different kites and different bars call for different things to be done. I probably should've clarified the bar type and kite as well. The bar I got is for ozone 4 line kites and since I have an ozone little devil it seemed to work out.

I went ahead and daringly decided to figure it out on my own since no one had responded yet and to much surprise the bar showed up! I have a lil relearning to do now, and there were a few minor adjustments, but I figured it all out to some extent.

They have a pully system setup in the middle of the bar that your brake lines attach to, and your control lines go out to either side. There is also a safety leash attached to the webbing that holds the pully system and brake lines. Pretty cool idea.

One thing I noticed was that when I was bringing the kite in to finish flying I couldn't seem to get it to set down upright. The second I took my hand off and tugged on the loops for the brakes it wanted to collapse off to the right. I few more adjustments and I think I'll have that fixed as well. Any ideas or suggestions on how to fix that would be cool too though.

Thanks for your input :)

Tigger - 28-12-2005 at 12:59 AM

It sounds as if one of your brake lines is reacting faster than the other, that would make it turn one direction or the other as you touch down.

Sorry, no more ideas, I'm too new at this. Never tried a bar. Maybe it's me but I feel that one has more control using handles. But then I ride a buggy not a board.

rrc62 - 28-12-2005 at 06:21 AM

To land, just pull on the center brake line (before the pulley) and steer with the bar as you normally would. You may not have to pull on the brakes much. Too much and the kite will fold up and fall out of the sky. Don't try to steer it using each brake line. Use the brakes to simply dump some lift, like flaps on an airplane, and use the bar to steer as the kite slowly flys backward toward the ground.

code - 28-12-2005 at 12:43 PM

Tigger..it's not just you. You do have more control with handles, however, you can't use just one hand with two handles..you can with a bar to some degree. Also, you kinda loose your brakes to some degree on some bars not allowing the kite to turn quite as quickly pending on weather, etc. Which would lead to your slight loss of control.

Like RRC said, I can reach up above the pully and pull both lines inward braking which in theory should work now that he mentions that. However, the pully is just in reaching distance. So I may still have to do a few slight adjustments so that I can actually reach the brake lines.

I think the bar or handles thing is pretty much a personal preference more then anything though. On both you give up something to get something else it seems.

rrc62 - 29-12-2005 at 08:01 AM

No...That's not what I said. Don't try to steer the kite down with the brake lines. Just pull on the single line that the pulley attaches to...or pull on the leash. This will apply even brake pressure to both sides. As the kite starts to lose lift and fly backwards toward the ground, steer it with bar to keep it level.

To reverse launch on the bar, pull the leash to make the kite fly up backwards. When it is high enough to turn and clear the wingtip, turn hard in the direction to untwist the lines and ease off the brakes at the same time. The kite will turn and fly away.

If you can't get enough altitude in reverse to make the turn (low winds), pull the brakes and turn at the same time and the kite will roll over leading edge up. Now you can do a normal launch.

Tigger - 29-12-2005 at 12:25 PM

In order to keep the kite under complete control one still needs the use of both hands. I'll stay with my handles! I'm cheap and the bar seems like a waste of money.

code - 29-12-2005 at 12:56 PM

RRc..sorry for misinterpretting what you were trying to say. What you explained the second time makes a little more sense and more easily feasible too. However, I'm going to also figure out how to shorten up my leash. The leash ozone sends with the bar is a good 3-4' long. A bit much.