Power Kite Forum

PL Charger 8m

Taper123 - 23-4-2011 at 05:56 PM

Finally got a chance to break out the 8m Charger.

Winds were clocked at 21mph with higher gusts. Played iwth the kite both in the buggy and on the water.

Had the VPC3 setting in the middle, turning straps fairly loose and power strap halfway, front lines connected to the knot farthest from the kite, and steering adjusters pulled in about a quarter of the way. Even with the depower strap fully depowered it was a little jerky during gusts and not really smooth on power delivery. Landed the kite and let the power strap out in the center of the kite. After that, it prodeced a very smooth power delivery, with excellant gust handling. Made for a nice smooth ride in the buggy, and pulling in on the bar was like hitting the turbo button. Did not have a GPS with me, but speeds felt like they were in the upper 30's to low 40 mph range.

In the water, at 21 mph wind speed this was the bottom end of the kite (might have been great for a lighter rider instead of my 190 lbs). The kite turns on a dime, so being able to cycle it rapidly when needed allowed it to produce plenty of power.

Very quick and responsive kite. Bar pressure was lighter than a 10m Scorpion, and power delivery was consistent and predictable. Excellant buggy engine, and with just a hair more wind would have been perfect on the water.

Have to love a kite you can play with on the water, then strap on some sandals and go dry off in the buggy.

mdpminc - 23-4-2011 at 07:46 PM

How does your S16 compares to CH19 in relatively same conditions ??

Taper123 - 24-4-2011 at 06:47 AM

The 19 Charger is bigger, has less bar pressure than the Sc 16, and feels like it is a little smoother in power development and how it reacts to bar input.